

Why do guys/girls think

Why do guys think that if you say that you're friends that they're automatically friendzoned? People say stuff like "Ohh, you just got friendzoned!" like it's a terrible thing.
Personally, I wouldn't date (or give my phone number to) a random guy I didn't know no matter how attractive he was. I'd probably be kind of really creeped out and say something like, "Who the heck are you?" For me, I'd only consider the guys who are already my friends for several years, that I know are trustworthy and have solid character. If you're a random dude (total stranger that I have never talked to or seen before, or has never talked to me or seen me before), your application automatically goes into the reject pile for several reasons: you are judging me based on my appearance and believe that is enough to base a relationship on (which is pretty shallow IMO), my friends cannot vouch for you, I do not know what kind of past relationships you have had, and I have no idea who you are as a person (totally not a solid foundation for a relationship)

Anyway, enough of me talking, I want to hear things from your perspective. What would you guys/girls think if you were randomly asked for your number/asked out? What do you feel about "friendzoning"? Is my opinion really horrible (I know I exaggerated), and why? Weigh in below!
[b]*EDIT:[/b] You guys bring up the topic of dating. From my own personal view, you can use dates to get to know people better, but I think there's already some kind of romantic relational context if you're dating someone, and it's difficult to end things and part ways. What are your opinions?
I really appreciate all the comments coming in. Even if you share a different view, I think your ideas are great! It'd be boring if we all thought the same thing, right?

April 10, 2013

7 Comments • Newest first


Thank you all for your input!
I guess I'm a person who is more risk-adverse, so I tend to wait and think things through before I make any decisions regarding relationships or give any advice

Reply April 10, 2013

I like to be friends first before anything, and see if we're compatible (shared interests, ya'know).
Based off personal experience I've never been asked out outside my friends and I rarely see it happen.

Reply April 10, 2013


Reply April 10, 2013

I would find it weird as I probably have never talked to the person at all or at the very least, know them well.

Friend-zoning is a "nice" way to tell people you aren't interested or aren't ready to be in a relationship as of that time.

Reply April 10, 2013 - edited

Being "stuck" in the friendzone is just an excuse for guys that don't have what it takes to get the girl. I straight up told this guy that I just wanted to be friends with him, and now it's been a year and half since we first started dating.

Reply April 10, 2013 - edited

I do not mind being friendzoned, as long as we still talk and maintain a healthy relationship; even a just friends, then I am content.

Reply April 10, 2013 - edited

the outside gives the inside a chance

Reply April 10, 2013 - edited