

Fashion corner, Androids, etc

Has anyone noticed that the fashion corner thing hasn't been updated in like forever? I tried to look up what hairstyles I could get when I got one of those Logout event free VIP haircut coupons, but I'm not sure which ones you get. Do the mods update it, or can people add to it?

Aside from that, I have a quandary. I've been trying to sell some androids in for a while (I also have most of the heart recipes). One thing I noticed, though, was that most of the characters that had male androids and deluxe male androids were guys. A lot of people owned deluxe or regular female androids, and most of the girl characters owned deluxe female androids. Do people in general prefer androids of the same gender as them or are most of the girl characters that have female androids guys? o.o
Also, how come the choices for male android hairs are not nearly as good as those for female androids? What if there was an option where you could use royal/all stars coupons on your androids?

Also, how come Nexon removed EXP lens coupons and white lenses? If I could have one of my ideas implemented, I would create an option where you would pay half the price of a pair of lenses and you could choose to use it on one eye so you could have two different colored eyes (I know some heterochromic royal faces exist, but with this option, you would be able to choose your color combination ).

I've made a poll for you guys to vote on whether you think my ideas are good or not. I've also included a third option for those of you who took the time to read this and decided it was a complete waste of your life. Anyway, what are your thoughts or opinions?

September 21, 2012

8 Comments • Newest first


I really like your idea of customizable eye color combination, it's one of those pipe dreams that we can wish for that Nexon will never implement.

Also, I think of my android as a closet, or what my character would look like if it was the opposite gender.

Reply September 23, 2012

Lol, I have a male android and I pretend it's my bf when people try picking my character.
@Dorks Yeah, the male hair options are way more limited than the female ones.

Reply September 21, 2012

[quote=MeiGuiHua]Don't people consider their androids as boyfriends/girlfriends?[/quote]

It's kinda like, a really really bad forever alone moment when you have to consider a pixelated robot as your significant other.

Reply September 21, 2012

The list is definitely missing hairs, namely from Royal and All-Star but for the most part, it is updated.
I have a male android on one of my characters, but I wasn't a big fan of the hairs available. Especially not in orange. I'm more tolerant with female hair, even for Pei Pei.

Not sure why Nexon removed the EXP option. I've been against it and don't buy eye color coupons unless they're on sale. Which has only occurred on Black Friday for all I know.
As for your idea, eh. Not a big fan of two eye colors as it is.

Reply September 21, 2012

Don't people consider their androids as boyfriends/girlfriends?

Reply September 21, 2012

I usually have androids the same gender as me because I have some female-only clothing.

But on my Evan I have a male android so I can cross-dress it xD

Reply September 21, 2012

. . . . .^ ^
~~~(>o~o)> Kitteh hugs yew

Reply September 21, 2012 - edited