

State some dreams you will never forget

State some dreams that you will never forget so I can read them?

A dream I will never forget started out in a pitch white room. I was sitting on a hospital bed.
There was hands that crawled on me tickling my toes that look like Mickey Mouses gloves; it was horrible!
The thing is the hands wouldn't stop and I wasn't laughing but scared out of my mind(I don't even know why). Ended up running from the hands
then I woke up.

May 2, 2012

25 Comments • Newest first


i had a dream my bf was wearing pants
woke up screaming

Reply May 7, 2012

I was being chased by some guy with an axe... He threw his axe and it hit my arm which jolted me awake. I couldn't feel my entire arm when I woke up.

Reply May 6, 2012

In one of my dreams Brad Pitt gave me a massage... damn, I'll never forget that

Reply May 3, 2012

I dreamt the girl I liked fell in love with me, but was being controlled by a third party that apparently did not like me. She was conscious, but had no control over her body. She told me she loved me, but then started to charge at me with a knife. Long story short, my hear was connected to hers, I accidentally killed her while she was attacking me, we both died, and the unknown third party then ruled the fantasy island we lived on.
Oh!~ And another one...All of my friends and I were in the Hunger Games, except with a little variation...Everyone in the competition had obtained a unique ability. I had the power to turn a stuffed animal into animate objects. Some of the powers my friends had were the power to change a certain period of time into a long period of time, the ability to convert a fictional character into a real one, and the power to change their opponent into a shopping freak. (I know I'm awkward...) You might think the dream would be fun, but it was freakin' scary. I had to kill some of my friends to advance, and it was sad...I cried in my dream. When I got to the semi-final round, I woke up. Thankfully.

Reply May 3, 2012 - edited

I once dreamed about getting lost in the subway. I've been to many unknown places just by riding the subways. Every station looks different in some ways. It was getting dark and I was trying to get home before sunset. But it was too late and it was pitch dark outside so I kept riding the subways on and on and on until I woke up.

Reply May 3, 2012 - edited

[quote=fraddBS]I control myself in my dreams.
While I am dreaming, I'm aware that I'm in a dream. This affects what I choose to do in the dream because I'm like, "Hey, it's a dream, I can do whatever I want."
I have been in a dream, then woken up and got a glass of water, then go back to sleep and resume the dream. I know this for sure because my dad said he saw me getting the water.[/quote]
thats impossible. If you realize that your in a dream, you won't be asleep and you would still be conscious. I mean, if it works for you, o.o then your defying everything I learned in psychology.

Reply May 3, 2012 - edited

I have weird dreams of being inside a mall with a roller coaster o.o . Also, I have weirder dreams of being outside of that mall and seeing stuff like aquariums, food stores, train railways like the ones you see in Queens, highways, and parks.

Reply May 3, 2012 - edited

I had a dream where I was making out with C.C. from Code Geass.

Reply May 3, 2012 - edited

I was grocery shopping with my friends and right before we get to the register, we realize that nobody brought money. Then all of a sudden, my APUSH teacher comes up to us and asks us if we've done the reading assignment. o.o After saying no, he tells us that if we knock on the door three times, the alarm won't go off and we can take the groceries without having to pay.. I woke up after my friends and I left the store with the groceries.

Reply May 3, 2012 - edited

I love my flying dreams. 8DD
I dream that people are chasing me and I have super powers that get me super jumps and fly mode. <,33
In reality I'm scared of heights but in my dream it feels like BLESS.

Reply May 2, 2012 - edited

I had a dream that my friend snuck into ma place and was sleeping on the couch downstairs, and I was like "wth howd you get in here" and he was like "idk i forgot". Then outside there were a crapload of zombies and the house was empty except for us, so we ran downstairs and for some reason there were guns, so we ran up and watched the front door with our guns, and the zombies broke in from the back window so we opened the front door and ran for our lives, and all the zombies saw us so we started running screaming, shooting the zombies in front of us and just running straight ahead, till we reached a deadend, and all the zombies started swarming at us, but before we were eaten, they stopped.

Thriller started playing in the background, starting from right before the chorus, and the zombies all backed up, and started doing the dance, then a UFO came out of nowhere and one by one the zombies started moonwalking into the UFO and once they were all in, they took off. Then I woke up.

Best dream ever. Nightmare turned into awesomeness. I've had the dream 3 times. But only when I was a kid, I barely dream about anything interesting now.

Reply May 2, 2012 - edited

[quote=MagicFrappe]Whenever I have dreams of falling off something, right before I hit the ground there is like this tremendous whoosh of air that makes me land right on my feet.
Now whenever I'm falling in a dream I'm always okay with it because I know I'll be perfectly fine.[/quote]
Lucid dreaming at its best.

Reply May 2, 2012 - edited

[quote=YeezyTaughtMe]For some reason when I have dreams of falling down a building, I always end up waking up and never get to hit the bottom [/quote]

Whenever I have dreams of falling off something, right before I hit the ground there is like this tremendous whoosh of air that makes me land right on my feet.
Now whenever I'm falling in a dream I'm always okay with it because I know I'll be perfectly fine.

Reply May 2, 2012 - edited

For some reason when I have dreams of falling down a building, I always end up waking up and never get to hit the bottom

Reply May 2, 2012 - edited

My reoccurring nightmare normally consists of killer whales chasing me in the middle of the Arctic Ocean as I frantically try to escape the deathly grasp of their jaws.
Normally, as I am heading towards land, a gigantic oil tanker manned by smaller, yet still frightening, killer whales with little captain hats will come in the middle of my path and sink, taking me down with it. Then, somehow, I end up underwater in the middle of a bathroom deep inside the sunken Titanic with Killer Whales gathered in a circle around me, calling me names and making fun of my hair. As I try to defend myself, they will all mesh together into one enormous deadly whale swallowing me whole.

Yes.... I am terrified of whales.

Reply May 2, 2012 - edited

That the world was going to end because a giant fireball was going to crash into Earth
But I saved the day

Reply May 2, 2012 - edited

i got allot of dreams i remember but the worst 1 is: i was standing in this white world (everything arround is just whitness) next to my aunt and my cousin, then some how a frog was (the front half of its body) in my mouth and it threw up and i couldnt breath and had to swalow everything up, the most discusting feeling in my life

Reply May 2, 2012 - edited

I was dreaming but my eyes were blind or closed so I tripped in my dream n died and was mad cuz I couldnt c anything cuz I couldnt open my eyes and this happens alot

Reply May 2, 2012 - edited

When I was young, 9-11, some smoking hot girl gave me her phone number and, it was on a sticky note or something, and I set it on my window seal. When I woke up I was freaking out searching for it till I realized it was a dream.

Reply May 2, 2012 - edited

I've died a couple times in my dreams.

It's always someone else murdering me.

Reply May 2, 2012 - edited

Uh... it's weird but I dream about myself as a dragon or as a rayquaza. e-e
I'm weird.

Reply May 2, 2012 - edited

I dreamt that I was in a hotel at a city in my country (I know this city already, Ive been there a few times) and I heard my mom saying we are going to stay there for 3 days. I was looking out of the window towards the sea, feeling its endless, such a weird feeling, then seeing everything getting red and I think I died.
some hours after I woke up my mom told me we are going there for 3 days in a month, so I said I dont wanna go.
P.S: Ive never been in that city just for 3 days, every time Ive gone was for 5 and 4 days.

Reply May 2, 2012 - edited

When I was 3 or 4 I had a dream I was at a picnic near a waterfall with my family. I then somehow fell off the waterfall, and woke up on the floor.

Reply May 2, 2012 - edited

[quote=MisterDew]When I was four, I dreamt of a horde of goblins capturing me.
They then beheaded me, quartered me, and feasted on my innards.

I rarely have nightmares now.[/quote]

Lol same

Reply May 2, 2012 - edited