


Imperial Gear vs. Heliseum gear Can anyone tell me off the top of their head what would be better: Getting the five (or six, can't remember) Imperial armor set from Azwan, or getting the Heliseum cape and shoes at the shadow market. I'm working on making my WA more powerful, so which set would provide more attack? The entire Imperial armor set offers about +15-some all stats, and about +15-some attack, not to mention, the armor itself has about +8 dex and str or more for each piece. But the Heliseum cape and shoes (the ones bought with 250 Shadow coins, I'm not funded, so I can't buy Tyrants ;-; ) would give my WA about 2000+ att if I'm patient enough to do the dailies consistently. What do you guys suggest? The Imperial gear, or the Helise


Character Personalities I think it would be neat if Nexon added something a little more in depth to characters we create, like letting us give them a certain personality trait. This personality trait could play into their facial structure and what character traits are most prevalent to the personality. For example, if you made a character that had a shy personality, maybe they could have those fearful eyes for a facial structure and a character trait of 20 to insight, or something like that. This is just something I thought of for fun. I know Nexon will probably never get that in depth with the game, but what do you guys think? ^-^


Twisted Aqua Road I just got my Aran to lvl 200, and I got the quest to go to Twisted Aqua Road. I was really excited to see what it had in store, since it was a new area in the game and I hadn't been there. I was kinda let down, though, when I went there. Not only is the music and background almost the exact same as the original Aqua Road, but a lot of the monsters there are taken directly from MP3 or other areas in the game, and the only difference is a color palette swap. On top of that, they aren't really that tough for being lvl 200+ (save for Horrendous Skelegons. The touch damage on those things is high, and their attack, even higher o-o;). I was kind of expecting something along the lines of Future Hene and Twilight Perion: all new

General Updates

Blinking Characters Is anyone else seeing this? o-o It's not really a problem that I've seen yet, but for whatever reason, when I log on and get to my character select, some of my characters are blinking. I was able to log in fine, but when I saw characters in game, their faces were blinking. Like their eyes, face accessory, and eyebrows would disappear and reappear. Like I said, it's not really causing trouble, I'm just wondering if anyone else is having this same glitch.


Disconnecting at Pap Has anyone else in Kradia been disconnecting while fighting Pap? It's been happening to me lately, and seeing as it's my main training spot, only allowed in twice a day, and only get the Crack of Dimension to summon the thing once a day, I've been getting really annoyed. I'm not that good at Pvp because of the lag still, whether it is lag, or just Arans, or whatever, but I'd really like to keep training at Pap rather than Pvp, and I was wondering if anyone else is dcing at Pap too, or if my internet's just being weird. Am I being Nexon'd? o.o

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