
Merching with One Bil?

Can someone tell me/direct me somewhere where I can find out what to merch?
Because I haven't the slightest clue.

March 28, 2013

9 Comments • Newest first


@Zeff: Oh. I dropped everything but NovaWarrior, Phantom, Hayato, Kanna, and of course mw20/30

I always seem to have 300m profit
But that's just my luck

Reply March 28, 2013

Ahah, it's okay! Thanks for the tip, I'll look into prices myself.

Reply March 28, 2013

[quote=jooooksk]Try buying cheap 6% or clean tempest rings for low pretty easy to make profit
If you have NX try using my method (check my forums)
If you want to do it slow try farming cheap high-demand mastery books (I did this will mille augilles during the release of Phantom)
You can pretty much merch off anything as long as you buy cheap.[/quote]

Mind giving me the price of 6% Tempest Rings? Average/Estimate. Just so I can get an idea? Thanks!

@MeMagicalPie: Curious, what do you do with the other Books? I'd assume you run out of space after opening even 50 books. Just drop the really useless ones?
@Above: I plan on getting a job, but for the time being I can't.
@kidpapafluff: Ah, thank you!

Reply March 28, 2013 - edited

ok ok ok ok, do this
buy low, wait for it, and sell...a little bit higher
but seriously, merching is pretty dam slow, just get a job, $10/hr = 1.5b

Reply March 28, 2013 - edited

@Zeff: Pretty good
I get mw20 within 200books most of the time
Which leaves me with extra money to buy other stuff

Reply March 28, 2013 - edited

@MeMagicalPie: How has that been working out? Haha.

Reply March 28, 2013 - edited

Just buy whatever is cheap and resell it for profit. Anything, scrolls, equips etc.. Basicly anything that is profitable.

Reply March 28, 2013 - edited

I can't merch.
I end up buying 200 books and hoping I get mw20/30 o.o

Reply March 28, 2013 - edited

[quote=ZeIdarock]buy albums on a saturday night[/quote]

then resell the next friday night

Reply March 28, 2013 - edited