
Accidentally boomed my shoes using the wrong Aee

While using no boom AEEs on my tyrant shoes, I made a mistake and used the wrong AEE which blew up my shoes. I did double check before using it so I really don't know how I could have made such a mistake I know this is entirely my fault... but still...

Has this happen to anyone else before? Also, is there any chance of getting back my shoes through customer support?

Nexon really should make the AEEs different colors

February 6, 2015

8 Comments • Newest first


[quote=Axnslicer]MS is not a good game if you find yourself misclicking often. I do wish there was a "Your item may be destroyed if you use this scroll" window, but I don't really forsee Nexon bothering to implement this.

When scrolling or cubing expensive items your actions must be deliberate. Don't scroll/enhance while distracted, multitasking, or anything else. All your attention should be on making sure you're applying the correct scrolls/enhancements in the correct order.[/quote]

Nexon has done similar things before. For example, if you try to use two EXP use coupons that don't stack, a message will pop up warning you that it won't stack. I think it's a matter of getting enough support on the GMS and KMS sides. It's nothing as radical as say, allowing undesirable items to be automatically removed when opening event boxes.

Reply February 6, 2015

I always separate the item im working on to the very bottom and apart from everything else...same with the scrolls...that way i can only see the items i intend to use...

Reply February 6, 2015

[quote=Zroh]While using no boom AEEs on my tyrant shoes, I made a mistake and used the wrong AEE which blew up my shoes. I did double check before using it so I really don't know how I could have made such a mistake I know this is entirely my fault... but still...

Has this happen to anyone else before? Also, is there any chance of getting back my shoes through customer support?

Nexon really should make the AEEs different colors [/quote]

MS is not a good game if you find yourself misclicking often. I do wish there was a "Your item may be destroyed if you use this scroll" window, but I don't really forsee Nexon bothering to implement this.

When scrolling or cubing expensive items your actions must be deliberate. Don't scroll/enhance while distracted, multitasking, or anything else. All your attention should be on making sure you're applying the correct scrolls/enhancements in the correct order.

Reply February 6, 2015

[quote=bluebomber24]When I played, I always stored boom scrolls in storage and made sure there were zero items surrounding the scroll I used. So, no, it has never happened to me because I know I can do stupid things.

Anyway, good luck with your shoes!

edit: Also, Nexon can not recreate those exact shoes. Anyone who got thier tyrants delted in Jan/Feb of 2014 can tell you that.[/quote]

They've improved their system considerably since them-- they can restore the original item to some extent (eg: item restoration for items destroyed by that one reg ee typo after starforce update)

Reply February 6, 2015

i boomed a double legendary primed bow because of the old enhancing system lagging and i pressed use aee twice without a protect. rip that bow. asked nexon for anykind of compensation and they gave me 25k nx lol.

Reply February 6, 2015

@Zroh : I blew up a 140 dollar 2H Faf sword. no luck. we messed up so we gotta pay the price

Reply February 6, 2015

i quit maplestory

Reply February 6, 2015

When I played, I always stored boom scrolls in storage and made sure there were zero items surrounding the scroll I used. So, no, it has never happened to me because I know I can do stupid things.

Anyway, good luck with your shoes!

edit: Also, Nexon can not recreate those exact shoes. Anyone who got thier tyrants delted in Jan/Feb of 2014 can tell you that.

Reply February 6, 2015 - edited