


Well. Just accidentally NPCd some stuff Well. I was going to switch over to my Dual Blader from my Wind Archer and I wasn't paying enough attention, and the positions of the NPCs in Herb Town confuse me, and I went to transfer over my 13 attack Work Glove, my Level 17 Evolving ring, and Dep star through storage.. But I didn't realize that I had clicked on the stupid potion merchant.. When I realized what I had done, I immediately alt+F4'd and said "okay, good reason to quit now." No raging. Just acceptance. But now I'm thinking.. It's not a huge loss by any means. And it'll give me something to work for now because I was getting immensely bored with this game. So Basil, what should I do/collect and sell to make some money to get s

General Bowman

Ranger Papulatus Solo With Big Bang on the way, I want to have a huge (at least for me) accomplishment to be able to look back to in the Old(ish) Maple. That, and I'm just looking for something to do until BB happens. So... I'm going to try to solo Pap on my 108 Ranger. Why, you ask? Because I've ALWAYS wanted to solo Pap but I never got a character to a high enough level. And solo'ing on a level 108 character would be cool in my opinion. I'm definitly not godly by any means. Range is normally 1738 ~ 3076 with my 6% all stat earrings. I'm trying to get some 6%+ dex Rex earrings so I can have that extra 10% HP boost (Which would bring my HP up to ~3.9k) without losing much power. Without any defensive buffs/potions, I have 487 Weapon Def and


Big P/c In Khaini Okay, so my cousin recently quit and gave me alot of stuff that he had on his accounts. There was a lot of stuff on them but these items stood out most and I'd like a price check on them. 12 Attack 1 Luk Purple Work Glove, 0 Slots Hammered twice. No Potential 11 Attack Work Glove, 0 slots Unhammered, no Potential (Tagged TheFINGER) 6 Luk Agent C's Titanium Receiver, 0 Slots UnHammered, No Potential 5/5/5/5 Deputy Star, Clean UnHammered, No Potential 3 Attack 4 Luk Pink Adventurer Cape, 0 Slots hammered once, No Potential 15/15/15/15 18 Accuraccy 21 Avoid ZHelm, Clean UnHammered, 2 Lined Potential: 2% Luk +25 HP 15/14/15/17 18 Accuraccy 19 Avoid Targa Hat (LUK), clean UnHammered, No Potential 16/15/15/14 17 Accuraccy 21 Avo