
People at LHCquestion mark ok so i dont hold grudges at people on this, and im not trying to get a personal army at all but im wondering why are there so many rude people at lhc? o.o Here;s one story of what happend: i go into a map; they invite me to the guild, i denie; they add me again, then one of them whispered me; "GOOD LEAVE YOU PROLLY SUCK ANYWAYS" getting EXTREMELY offended at me and keep whispering me and taking it way to personally [b]Note; im trying to tell her i wasn't trying to be rude with her.[/b] but then i realized the last invite she sent me was a party invite [b]FAIL.[/b] so i apologize to her and say it was my fault (cause it very much was) so this ended ok 2nd one. Dude kills me; telling me to shut the [ beep

General Chat

my brother is been more defensive lately toward me.. me and my sister have been noticing it ALOT more lately hes only defensive toward me tho only cause im the youngest.i mean usually hes only a tad protective now hes acting like a stricter version of my dad..even my dad is concerned, and hes going to talk to him about it. and werent sure why. sorry just wanted to vent lolol EDIT: my dad isnt strict. at all. lolll EDIT 2: he dosent yell and hes not getting upset, hes just bishing and whining about what i do. Hes not that old also

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