


Nxs ppl ruin maplestory with their decisions I have an Evan lvl 164. I play over 3 years with some priends. Nx's ppl make Maple more and more boring and monotonic game with their bad decisions cuz: I hate Pqing. Alot of high lvls players hate Pq and NX make just new pq that no1 plays. After a week all the Pq's spots are deserted, and they continue puting more and more Pqs. Beside Pq there is nothing to do anymore cuz: 1. They cancel Bosses chasing. No scrolls anymore. 2.They cancel good drops chasing - killing all sort of monsters, by decreasing to 0 rate drop from monsters below lvl 150. 3.They cancel leeching. so all rmain for me to kill is the gigants pigs and mushrooms at leafre. so bye bye Nx. The stupidity of this company make us 14 p

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I DC each time I enter to cash shop It's more than 2 weeks that each time I enter to Cash shop i dc. I post it to Nexon but they didn't do anything. My pet is died,can't buy things I need and nexon doesn"t do anything. plz if some1 can help me. I downloaded maple again and it didn't work. I try to free my inventory and CS crashes. So i really think of quitting maple - can't understand y they don't wanna fix it, nx losta lot of money. It's happened to alot of my Bds too.