

General Icelightningarchmage

Luminous makes me feel useless Alright, so I've been aware of the fact that luminous has been making i/l's depressed for quite awhile now. When I saw people playing Luminous at LHC, I was pretty okay with it. But during this event, and today, I got myself a luminous to level 120 - and I've gotta say.. It's actually really depressing knowing what luminous can do and what you can't do on your i/l. Makes me wonder for real, what did Nexon think when they made the skills so similar? When one of them is so much better? I know that reflection is worse for bossing, but still.. Last but not least, do you see a possible buff solely for i/l's in the future?

General Mage

Worth making a fire-poison mage? Hello there! I've been playing Maplestory on and off for quite some time, around 8 years. The icelightning mage has always been my main, and I have (like so many others) taken part of the i/l vs f/p war. However, my knowledge about the f/p is only from 6 years ago, long before Big bang hit. How is the f/p currently? How does it compare with the i/l at all job advancements? I'm currently a level 175 i/l, and I made another mage for some reason during this event - now I'm just thinking about what to do with it, it's level 30 currently. What do you guys think?


The strangest thing that has ever happened me Hello there Basil! As Maplestory is down, I am taking this spare time which I have today to write about the strangest thing that ever happened to me last 2x event. I was playing my newly created Demon Slayer, grinding nicely at Aliens 5 with 4x. However, out of nowhere a level 136 shadower appeared and started killing monsters everywhere, leaving almost nothing left for me to kill. Of course I got pretty upset as I was trying to use my time efficiently, and consequently I tried to ks him as well. This went on and on, to the point were you actually start cursing and flaming one another, which led to a decrease in both mine and his fame. But then, [b]the strangest thing happened.[/b] The shadower


Played for 6 years, now got hacked Hi there, I'm kinda sad yesterday I played just before the update would start and everything was fine. Now, when I login and finally updated the game I found that I've lost everything, all my mesos and my equips from 6 years of travel. It hurts me, I don't play maple much these days but THAT was a lot of effort.. I don't know how I got hacked, no freakin idea. But what is the MTS thingy all about, cuz I think I had a scroll for sale there? /David, a sad mapler.


First zakum kill ever for us and it was succesfull D 15 minutes ago me and my buddies Sam and Gal went for our first Zakum quest ever, with 23 minutes left on the timer we finally killed it. Sam and Gal got their first Zhelms ever (please don't blame, they are really poor) and we got some other epic stuff, Triple throw 10 Phantom bl0w 10 Final blow 10 Final Cut 10 Advanced Charge 10 We were: Me, level 156 I/L Sam, level 120 DrK Gal, level 120 DrK So yeah, never knew bossing was this fun - we are not stopping for sure! :D


What anoyys you in maplestory? - What's happenin' guys? =3 I've two big things that I'm really irritated on, 1. I'm getting a bit iritated, when writing "Buying 10 att WG's" in freemarket, I expect to see 10 att work gloves - not some green mittens or whatsoever. Even though, 1/3 persons always trade me for these mittens. The deal why it's important that they're work gloves is due to the fact that the green mittens are apparently not wanted in the MTS system. So yeah, free market dudes that cannot read properly annoys me. 2. People that are trying to convince me what class is the best one, etc.. Let people choose for themselves.. :/ So tell me guys, what anoyys you?

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