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Demon slayer bug First off i am sorry if this is in the wrong section I figured that it was a serous enough issue to place here. So I logged in after the matenance to play my demon slayer, and low and behold when ever I use glide it's just non stop only way to stop is to hit the ground. Now this wouldn't be all that bad except for the little fact that after so many times of doing this my game would crash. So I guess heres the question. Is anyone else having this or similar problems?


Please join me in logic. It has come to my attention that there's a problem that has been troubling some players. The problem being that the experience formula has been reverted back to 6:4 vs 8:2. This concerns players because it has cut into there training speed, and has partially removed spots that have been good training spots to us. What i would like people to realize is that before Big bang, Chaos, and Ascension people leveled just fine with this very same ratio training on mobs that gave far less experience. I remember when it used to take weeks even months to attain 1-120 even 1-70 was a battle and a half. Granted back than we had experience coupons to lessen the sting, but even players that had no Nx to purchase these coupons level

General Aran

Do you have Aranitis? Symptoms: Sorness in finger joints, severe callousing of the thumb or index finger, more muscle distinction in one hand than the other, a slight headache from hearing on key go click click click click* over and over again, or a keyboard that is either broken or has broken keys on it? If you have one or more of these symptoms go to your local Walmart or superstore near you pick up a bottle of tylenol a fresh tube of icey hot or your favorite icing cream and a brand new Logitec controller to enhance your gaming experience. Caution side effects include arthritis, constipation, bloating, starvation, farther addiction to the game, the death of small children, sleep depravation, loss of friends, loss of touch with the real w


new dc hack lol weak connections beware Hey not exactly sure if this is the right spot for this but heres a Screenshot of a new dc hack. It appears the hack only affects you if you have a weak internet connection but nevertheless its there enjoy. Also if theres multiple hackers doing this one its considerably more effective (just stating the obvious) either way thank you for your time and have a great day/afternoon/night w/e, and good luck out there.;current=loldchackers.png still kinda makes me giggle though.