General Xbox

Xbox screwed me over So about a week ago their was a update for xbox, and after done updating they ask you to agree their new terms of use. I try to agree it but then the parent email pass word came up. The thing is I made my gamertag like 3-4 years ago and I put a parent email on their cause I had to so I made a email for that. BUT THE THING IS I DONT KNOW THE PASSWORD ANYMORE :~( :~( :~(. I already tried calling them but they can't remove it, so is their a way for me to transfer all my save data from games to a new gamertag. I don't mind buying another live card and I don't care about the achievements. I just want the saved data, cause I just hit level 80 on MW3 and I still play MW2 which i'm a 10th prestige..-.- Just want to keep my guns

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