

General Gms

Enjoy the game but not the company? [b]Edit: Since many of you are not reading the thread and jumping to the conclusion that I want everyone to boycott and for Nexon to lose al of it's money I have to make this bold and at the top. I'm only talking about a hundred or so people to stop funding them. Nothin large but enough for them to notice that something is wrong and maybe they'd make a change. I'm not some naive kid. Just give me a chance and actually read and comprehend this thread. [/b] Well, lets make a pledge not to fund them. First off, how much would you say you spend on Nx on a good year? When you're really satisfied and generally enjoy the game. Second, how much would you say you spent on Nx in the last three months? Now, I have a

General Chat

Making Chicken Curry For A Reward For Running Well, I'm going to bed now but I'm going for a10 mile run (5 miles with a 1 minute break in between each mile. The last 5 are thirty second breaks) and I would like to know some things that I should grab while I'm out on my run. I'm just using Golden Curry but I can't decide on which type of rice to get either. I usually just eat Jasmine rice but I'd like to hear your guys opinions :) I'm also looking for veggie recommendations. Thanks in advance!

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