

General Chat

Kissing Advice? Alright so I've been seeing this girl for a month and a half now. I went in for a kiss on the second date and kissed her cheek because I was afraid of getting rejected going for the lips. When I went in for the cheek she turned her head like she wanted to lips and I wasn't fast enough to switch it up. After that I was getting ready to go and I said sorry, I didn't know you wanted the lips and kissed her on the lips. Since then we've went out a few more times but I never tried to kiss her again. I was talking to her friend yesterday and she told me that my crush was wondering why I haven't been kissing her and was wondering if she was a bad kisser or something. I've just been too nervous to do it again because I'm not sure ho


Best Equipment? Finally have been getting funded (poor people when people tell you that funding will come naturally, listen to them because it will) and I got a full empress set for my BaM. Now I've got enough to buy RA equipment (can't find the bottoms/not enough for a staff). Will a SweetH2O staff suffice until I can get a fafnir staff? Also what's the best type of other equipment (gloves, boots, cape, and shoulder) to go with RA? Tyrant? If so I don't have enough to buy all of them atm so will just empress be good for now or is there another set that's better to go for than empress?

General Battlemage

New BaM here. Funding question Hello all. I've always loved mages, but I hate how squishy my F/P is. After doing a little bit of youtube watching and whatnot, I've decided I wanted to main BaM. I like simple classes (I hated having to always set up my poisons) and tanky classes. BaMs pretty much use one skill throughout and they are tanky, and a mage. After watching a video of a BaM at HoH, I feel in love <3. Sweeping Staff (or BKB, whichever most of you all call it?) looks amazing and although the BaM I seen was funded, it made HoH look like a piece of cake. I'm switching from my F/P to BaM. I've never had over 200mil at a time and today I just made my first 1bil. (1.4bil). My F/P was pretty unfunded only having a 6%int earring , 6%int

General Anime

New to the whole anime thing Hey guys. Last year when I started college I got stuck with a roommate who watched anime and read manga all the time. When I first met him I was like "oh boy one of these guys" (no offense to anyone but that was my mindset then) but he turned out to be pretty cool. He ended up getting me to try reading a Manga and I did. He told me to read Kimi No Iru Machi and I did and I love it and my whole perspective about the people who watch anime and read mange changed. I find it to be enjoyable and I now see why people like it. Anyway, my roommate had to leave and I know knowone else who's into manga and anime. The only anime I've watched was back in middle school which were Naruto and FMA (which I loved). I'm


Make new or job change? I have a Pally and DK, both of which I like the survivability on, and my char slots are full. I want to make a Hero because Orbs are sexy af, and I like the 4th job skill animations. Is it possible that we get job change coins for hottimes a lot? But so far we've only gotten one job change coin, so Im not sure if I should just delete one of them and make a Hero, or wait for a job change coin. And which one should I change/delete in your opinion? I like only getting hit with 1's on my Pally, but the Eye of the Beholder just heals me back up. Pally is 120 and DK is 105, so I'm not to far into the jobs to tell which to keep so convince me which to keep and which to replace with a Hero.


Another Class recommendation thread Not sure what I want to main. So far there few classes I have that I enjoy are Zero, Hayato, Wind Archer(ish), Mihile (don't hate), F/P, and DK. I like Zero because the mobility is awesome and I love the mobbing capability, but considering that they are "OP" and not much of a challenge to get to 180, it's a turn down for me. I like Hayato and it's mobbing capability's and the mobility while training, but I have the mobility while walking across a town and whatnot, and it seems like my damage is getting worse as I level since I hit 110. I liked Wind Archer but it's to squishy for my liking, and I don't like only using two skills. I've only gotten to 75 on Mihile and I've enjoyed it so far because

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