

General Chat

Pro-Choice vs Pro-Life Yesterday I was hanging out with my friend, and somehow after smoking a few bowls, our conversation lead to abortion. We began discussing our views and opinions on it, and I dont know why but what we were talking about seemed so interesting. Got me thinking and s#it case you wanted to know I'm Pro-Choice, my friend is Pro-Life. Which one are you? What are your thoughts on the subject? Feel free to post as you wish, you will not be judged here.

General Chat

Are you able to remember your dreams? So basilers, do you remember your dreams when you wake up? Me myself, it depends if the dream had something to do with what occurred earlier in the day, or if it was of any significant importance to my life, even if they are weird. I'll give an example of one of mine that I remember quite vividly. It was pretty strange, I was dreaming that I was in a prison, but my surroundings resembled that of Minecraft, only that I wasn't made of legos. I was in the chow line, getting ready to be served my meal, when some dude passes by me and gives me a hard stare. Next thing I know, the guy stabs me in the lower right side of my back and I start gushing blood. I felt the sharp pain and at that point I woke up. It t

General Chat

Hip Hop Rest In Peace Woke up one morning and to my surprise, the station where Hip Hop lived is where it died, Tears in my eyes, Hot 97 went to heaven, Now I'm hearing gospel lectures by a reverend, Change the dial, feed me Hip Hop cause I'm hungry, '89 Tech Nyne had hillbillies freestyling Country So I, Throw the cassette into the deck, Bumpin' that Biggie Smalls joint be outta Respect, To all the true Hip Hoppers, Congress wanna stop us, Bump my music loud and my neighbors call the coppers, Now they're at my door telling me about the law, Hip Hop is illegal and you can't hear it no more, What? You gotta be buggin, all of a sudden, they started pushin' and shovin' cause of the music I was lovin' Confiscated all my demo tapes and CD's grav

General Chat

Thinkingabout death again It's been a while now since a good friend of mine was killed at a house party, but i just can't seem to get over it. He would have turned 18 this Saturday. He didn't deserve what happened to him, but then again that's how it is where I live, the good die young. It just sucks because I was supposed to be at that party too but I ended up chilling with a girl. I feel like if I was there I could've prevented it from happening. I got a text around 3:00 AM saying he died, but I didn't believe it, I just couldn't. At his wake, I almost broke down in tears. Seeing him in the coffin, just laying there with no sign of life, it killed me inside. When he died, a part of me died as well, I just haven't been the same since then.