

Front Squat Progress

So for the past few years I've been doing accessory movements for my legs only and avoiding the compound lifts, since after I had ACL surgery it prevented me from squatting heavy. I use to back squat and got up to a pretty good amount years back, this time around I thought I'd focus on front squatting. So far I'm happy with my progress, been going up 10 lbs a week for a 5x5.

Any advice on form would be great, you can't really see my ass cuz of the angle (had no where else to put my camera) but I'm breaking parallel and going ass to grass.

Feel free to share your own lifting progress and your goals!

September 10, 2016

8 Comments • Newest first


Nice thread i love squat movements. Would definitely vote to lose the belt and try going raw especially around that weight your core will be properly engaged through practice w/o it. Take good care of knee and be proud to slow down the weight progression it means keeping knee safe. Thats a challenge for me with lower body is how much patience and focus it takes to heal and train effiently

Reply September 15, 2016

Core is not just aesthetics, it helps keeping the spine healthy

Powerlifting without a proper core increases your chances of disc herniation

Reply September 15, 2016

No orgasming sounds no gain. fukq off

Reply September 15, 2016

@keyan22: Haha thanks man!

@dbenbaruk: Thanks bro, I appreciate the tips. Yeah I just realized that I've been dropping my elbows, I need to work on keeping them pointed up. The crossed-arm version is just more comfortable for me, I could use some more wrist mobility because it's difficult for me to do it that way.

@rixworkwix: Any recommendations on a better belt? I've had this crappy one forever but I plan on going heavy on my squats/deads again so I'm in the market for a new one. I've heard good things about inzer belts.

@xdarkshynobi: Thanks for the advice dude. My knees are collapsing in. I'll try the tucked chin method next time and I'll see how it goes. I rarely ever work my core directly since I consider myself more of a powerlifter than a bodybuilder and I care less about aesthetics than strength. My core gets worked through the compound lifts that I do, but I suppose designating some time to work it in isolation wouldn't hurt. Just gotta find a spot to fit it in.

Reply September 15, 2016 - edited

You should do more core. I do core everyday it helps with stability. Are your knees collapsing in or out? It seems like your traps a flex so that's a plus. My only real thing I can say is that you could possibly be angled bad. I was taught to keep my chin tucked a little to enable proper thoracic alinement. You know squeeze the cheeks calf & abs as well.

Reply September 11, 2016 - edited

phuc the belt, the valeo belt youre using just makes front squats harder for no reason, a belt is supposed to build abdominal pressure to keep you up right, since that belt is thick at one part and thin in the front part and forces your core to leak over which defeats the purpose of the belt. a different angle would have been better, like a side angle. cant say much without a side angle.

Reply September 11, 2016 - edited

Good job OP,

From the video since it cuts out half of your body, it's hard to tell how your form is looking at the bottom. I can't tell if you're going to at least parallel(though it looks like you are), and I can't tell if as you're coming down your body is going forward instead of straight down a.k.a "butt winking". But good job overall, good stance, nice posture but towards the last 1-2 reps I noticed you were letting your shoulders give out and were lowering them a bit and starting to lift with your back instead. Those are the only deficiencies I noticed. I prefer to do front squats with my wrists instead of the cross armed verson.

Source: Lifting weights since 15, Army for 4 years, bulking right now and fml. goodbye to nice body

Reply September 10, 2016 - edited

Congrats, I don't understand if it's even hard or not as my exercise is opening a bag of chips 5 feet away, but yea grats.

Reply September 10, 2016 - edited