

Does Pokemon X and Y live up to the Hype?

Owners of Pokemon X or Y, does the game live up to their legendary predecessors of gen 1, 2, and 3?

November 13, 2013

12 Comments • Newest first


Oooookay, I haven't played the game yet but I've done extensive research on X/Y (and by that I mean reading literally every last thing Serebii has put up about it, YT videos, and lurking in Pokemon boards), so I think I have enough of a grasp on the details to say it only kinda sorta lives up to its hype. Here's what I've gathered so far:

The pros
[*]Character customization (though lol @ guys for getting less haircuts and fashion options - maybe this can be a con too..)
[*]Stronger online capabilities
[*] Improved GTS search/filter
[*]Centralized berry farming
[*] New designs generally look nice - subjective, but really, it's been difficult finding a new design this Gen that I didn't like.
[*] Cel-shaded 3D models; the 3D models in past console games weren't very charming at all, so that was my main concern with the inevitable transition to 3D and I never would have imagined it to look so good
[*] It being easier to build a competitive team. Perfect IVs from friend safari and new breeding mechanics makes it less tedious.
[*] L=A. Multi-tasking is back!
[*] The carryover of awesome refinements from previous titles. Notable examples include renewing repels, directly moving items from one Pokemon to another, and the Pokeradar. The Oval Charm being there means Shining Charm should be back too.
[*] The supposedly higher rate of shinies. Odds were so bad before that people could have played since the Red/Blue/Green/Yellow days and still not find one.
[*] Pokemon Amie.

[*] Terribly weak writing. Gen 1-4 were terrible, and the beginning of Gen 5 (B/W) was a welcome improvement. I guess that was just a fluke? Because Team Flare is a yawn, and they're not even all that fashionable. (I think Team Aqua/Magma had cooler outfits.)
[*] Supposedly terribly easy, which in RPGs usually means not mentally stimulating at all as well.
[*] No New Game Plus. For a game with only one save file, this is a no-brainer.
[*] GF sticking comfortably to the 8 gyms + E4 + champion. My ideal Pokemon game is like the new Zelda game for the 3DS. You can beat the gyms in any order and gyms (and perhaps wild Pokemon too) scale to the average level of your party. Any change in the formula for the main game is overdue, because even if it isn't broken, it certainly is stale, and the pretty glitter can only fool you for so long.
[*] The frame rate drops in Horde battles, and sometimes even in single battles.
[*] No VS Seeker. Yes, this can be a con on its own. It's a shame that there's so many trainers in the game that you can only battle once through a playthrough. Definitely a step back that should have been corrected soon.
[*] Pitiful postgame content. Okay, this probably shouldn't be a con because it's what you'd expect from the first two titles of a Gen. Anyone defending the postgame content is just being silly though. Post-E4, you literally only unlock 1 city that contains the Friend Safari. Note: postgame content is different from replay value - there's somewhat high replay value, but we absolutely know they could have done better. B2/W2's postgame content included: the PWT, several towns/areas, Black City/White Forest, and several rematchable high level trainers (e.g. N, Cynthia). This is on top of stuff like Musicals, Pokemon Hollywood, Join Avenue, the typical training and battling, all the daily/weekly events, the sidequest where you sort of get a BF/GF, and catching them all.
[*] IVs are still around. This is subjective. I think they're better off getting rid of IVs and attaching Hidden Power to another mechanic and maybe make it more flexible.
[*] Lack of move tutors, making it currently impossible to get certain movesets.
[*] Megas. They're mostly overdesigned and ugly. T he only one I like is Mega Ampharos.
[*] Super Training is not a competitive EV training alternative. It could have been useful to everyone.

Reply November 15, 2013 - edited

The pot calling the kettle black.
honestly, you need to get off that tiny horse of yours.
the amount of neighing from you in this section is quite intolerable.
It's like hearing cries from castration.

At least attempt to add discussion to the topic instead of finding ways to nitpick at peoples comments in this section to start some massive argument to reassure yourself that you've read enough from pokemon sites.
If there was a pokemon term similar to weebo or brownie, it'd be your first and last name.

Reply November 15, 2013 - edited

X and Y aren't that great. It gets boring pretty quickly, although YOU CAN RUN DIAGONALLY OMG 2 GOOD.
Aside from that, it's just too easy. If you plan on getting it, definitely try to challenge yourself with a nuzlocke or something else of the sort.

Reply November 14, 2013 - edited

Black/white 2 had a lot more to do after the elite four, but I'd rather have what we have now: the ability to make a competitive team in a reasonable amount of time. The only thing is, I wish the random/rated battles were also 6v6 and allowed multiples of the same item.

Other than that, I don't ask for too much post-elite four. I just want to train and battle. A battle frontier like in hoenn would be cool, but I think I'd still take what we have now over that. I just hope there's a z version where there's even more to do.

I'm also upset that many pokemon's competitive movesets require gen 5 tutors.

Call me greedy, but I want to see a mix of a lot of these in the next game

Reply November 13, 2013 - edited

I got bored quick of X/Y.
The whole megastone exclusiveness got annoying since you can't even trade them using gts for self satisfaction.
Game just feeds players off a platter with perfect IV's from safari and EVs from supertraining/hordes.
Plus after you finish the main story, there's nothing afterwards to enjoy.
Characters lack sufficient story, not to mention mostly all the trainers in this game have a bad habit of being rude upon battling them.

I'd rather just sit in B2 and finish my medal case and farm legendaries from platinum hg b w2 to send for pokebank without throwing away my beauties in B2.
Previous Gens had more replay value and aftergame content, especially 4 with sinnoh to johto -the whole Sinjoh ruins or Embedded Tower for Hoenn.
Plus collecting 28 unown was a nice challenge, solving puzzles to unlock legends to legendary pokemon.
Abusing Radiotower 4 Rng lalala.

Lack of Pokemon too.
They'll probably abuse the patch/DLC event thing to add pokemon they were unable to put in due to deadline or something
Like adding in more pokemon data so that XY matches the Next pokemon Game Z pokedex?* lulz.

Reply November 13, 2013 - edited

It shows that Pokemon's going the right way with the new mechanics and graphic improvements. Incorporating an interesting story into a journey with a really linear goal, however, still proves to be a challenge for GF.

Reply November 13, 2013 - edited

[quote=Teleport]What about Heart Gold and Soul Silver? Those versions had all the coolest Pokemon.[/quote]
I didn't play those ,so I can't speak for it. I never liked gen 2.

Reply November 13, 2013 - edited

[quote=BreakerZ]4 was bad man.[/quote]
Nope, 4 was great. At least, platinum. Pearl and diamond where meh.

Reply November 13, 2013 - edited

Depends who you are I guess.

Generation 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 did good because I had friends that played it.
Generation 5 I had friends playing it but stop playing.

At the moment I still have 3 friends who activity play it and competitively too (there was 5).

Reply November 13, 2013 - edited

[quote=ThePhantomThief]You forgot to put 4.[/quote]

4 was bad man.

Reply November 13, 2013 - edited

Beats me. The last time I played a pokemon game was over 10 years ago o.o.

Reply November 13, 2013 - edited