
What do u guys think about a Legendary set of armor a cash shop equip set thats different from the rest and is class restricted, something like the pulsefire ezreal skin from LoL, itll change shape depending on ur character. Also will change skill animations (new colors, new sprites, etc) (a cooler version of the mercedes and demon hunter sets) i was thinking something like paladin set - changes shape based on charge using hero set - changes shape as u get orbs Drk Knight set - changes shape based on HP percentage? archers set - change shape while birdies are out? magican set - changes shape when summons is out? etc etc

General Buccaneer

Just came back to Ms So i just came back to MS after a 5month long break and i see that i have dragon strike maxed and no sp reset scroll since i missed the event. so i was just wondering if there is any current event that is giving out SP reset scrolls so i can fix my build? also since i have max dragon strike, should i use that instead of that laser thing (1SP)? i am lvl 138 and i am wondering where should i train? perferably a place where i can improve my equips (hacked) is LHC still a viable place to train? what skills should i max first? (hacked, very little money for books, friend may help if books are cheap)

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