

I caught the feels

I met this girl about a month ago. Up until that point, I had only seen her around once or twice, but never actually talked to her myself. We somehow started talking and ended up exchanging contact info. At the time, I only saw her as a stranger, that I wouldn't mind getting to know and becoming friends with if we got along. We kept in touch, messaging each other every now and then, spending hours talking about nothing important, and just plain getting to know each other's tastes in music, shows, video games, sports, hobbies, etc... It was great! I don't think I've ever met someone that's so into the same things as I am.

Now, here's the problem. I went into this without the intention of making any sort of romantic move on this girl. She's incredibly attractive, she is the whole package - she's everything I could ever ask for in an "ideal" partner. Short, brown eyes, long dark hair, wears glasses, into nerdy/geeky things, etc... But even so, I did not want to anything but a platonic relationship with her. Despite that, lately I feel like I've developed feelings for her. I cannot get her out of my head, I cannot help but wish I could spend more time with her (we often watch shows together - I feel incredibly happy when we do this, because it's just us being goofy), I find myself wanting to message her, etc... You get the idea, right?

I've been feeling kinda bummed about these feelings lately. Obviously I haven't done or said anything that would make her suspect that I have feelings for her, so she naturally does not know how I feel. I'm trying my best to sort these feelings out, but I'm not making any progress. I do not want to stop being her friend, or stop socializing with her, but I'd like to get these feelings under control.

>.< How do I go about this? I've already tried to cut down on how often I message her and she hasn't noticed so that's good, right?

In case anyone is wondering why I do not wish to pursue my feelings for her, it's because I know her well enough to know what kind of guy she would be into - we just wouldn't be compatible, I guess? Here's an example; I'm like Dan Humphrey, but she's into guys like Chuck Bass (both from Gossip Girl...... a show she asked me to watch with her).

June 6, 2015

8 Comments • Newest first


Go for it mate, atleast tell her how you feel. If she somehow doesn't feel the same way about you, then you can talk about it. She wont just stop talking to you or something, right? And if she did like you, but you never told her that you liked her. That is something that you will regret... just like sammmmmich said, communication builds relationships

Reply June 6, 2015

Take it from a girl; She probably likes you.
We don't simply waste hours on end talking to you or try to get you to watch tv shows with us, unless we're romantically interested.
So! Don't limit your communication with her! As I like to say; Communication builds relationships.
I think you have a chance, as again, she seems interested. Go do more things together and see where it goes. I'm rooting for you op

Reply June 6, 2015

[quote=Capricious]@MountainJew: If she was into me, oh boy.... <3. But no, it's not like that. I probably am the "gay best friend". Feels bad, boys.[/quote]
Either man up and explain how you feel or learn to like fruit-flavored vodkas and talking about boys.

Reply June 6, 2015

Master debate until you're in control

Reply June 6, 2015

@MountainJew: If she was into me, oh boy.... <3. But no, it's not like that. I probably am the "gay best friend". Feels bad, boys.

Reply June 6, 2015

She's either into you and you're too blind to see it, or she views you as the gay best friend.

Reply June 6, 2015

Just go for it. You're both young; mistakes can still be made.

Reply June 6, 2015

Then just be friends and nothing more. If ur feelings get in the way that much then yeah drop her or try to get her to like u

Reply June 6, 2015