


Whats the most costly mistake youve made in Ms? Last night, while multitasking (i.e. watching a food documentary), I accidentally NPC'd an almost-perfected 9% LUK, 6% All Stats Reinforced Gollux Pendant (6 Advanced Gollux Scrolls were successfully used), instead of transferring it to another character in order to use its Lucky Day Scroll. I only realized this AFTER I had logged back into the other character. :~( Therefore, I couldn't buy the item back. So... adios 5B mesos. Wait no, more like, "COME BACK ITEM." I didn't even get to say goodbye LOL! Anyways, what's the most costly mistake YOU'VE made in MS?


Questions on what to cube, if at all With the upcoming miracle time, what should I try to improve with 11 Meister cubes, (and a few craftsmen ones)? I'm thinking that because weapon-type potentials increase total damage output the most efficiently, I should cube either my planned weapon or my current secondary, rather than go for %DEX on other equips--something that I have decent amounts of already. My question is, which item should I improve first, if I'm aiming for more % boss damage and % ATT? Or is it better to just leave these two equips alone, and cube random (unique) items that need better stats anyways? Secondary: 3-line unique, 20% boss, 6% Dex, bad line Planned Weapon: 3-line unique, 30% boss, bad line (2x). Thanks!

General Bowman

Bowmaster Glitches and Dojo Mp Issue Fixed Hey everyone, I'm just letting you know that both Hurricane and Arrow Blaster now properly activate AFA! <3 The MP issue is also no longer an issue in Dojo for all players. Yay for cheap people not wanting to spend on Potion Pot. See: me. However, while in Dojo at least, I did not notice the Armor Break animation activating very much at all. I'm not sure if this error is limited to only the Dojo area... so can any BM confirm the status of Armor Break? Enjoy! Edit: While doing Gollux today (I didn't realize that AFA or Armor Break were allegedly fixed at this point), I did D/C while fighting the jaw. Do you guys think it's due to the increased hits/second that we now have due to proper AFA activa


P/c Perfect Empress Glove and End-Game Glove I have a 33 atk (5 +28), 7% DEX (3 + 3 +1), Epic Falcon Wing (Bowman) Empress Glove. Can I get a P/C on this? I haven't been able to sell it for a few days, and I'm wondering if my price is too high. Some of the merchants say it is, while one of my friends says my current price is fine. I realize that bowman equips are typically cheaper than others, but something like 2B would be too low...right? What do you guys think? Also, should I just: 1. Keep this glove as is? 2. Unique it and keep it? 3. Unique it and sell it? 4. Transpose it to a S/W glove (if possible)? 5. Get a decent "regular" glove, and get Dojo Gloves? Thanks!

General Bowman

How best to upgrade bowman gear? Trade route drop rates? I'm in a bit of dilemma here. So I had originally wanted to get the entire Fafnir set, so I could get add Tyrants into the mix. But I forgot that Tyrants can't be protected by normal Protection Scrolls... and I'm not planning to spend any real money in this game to get those CS Prots (God knows I've already spent enough since 2006ish). So upgrading Tyrants are out of the questions. Although I realize that should the Enhancement System in KMST come to GMS, I could get up to 8 stars on each Tyrant Equip (4, assuming that we get the glove), without risking a boom. Now, my current set-up is: 5/7 Empress set (no cape; all Rare or Epic with 3-6% DEX), since I transposed a new Empress bow in

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