

what should I do? screwed up gpa big time

Ok, so I screwed BIG TIME my sophomore year, I got a C in chemistry and now my GPA is ruined.
I have 1 more year to make it up, what other things can I do to make up for it?
An internship maybe? I'm really hoping to get into UVa and with a C on my GPA, im not sure if I can cut it.

August 5, 2014

25 Comments • Newest first


I had severe depression and was very insecure. I really want to forget about that summer, but it's haunting me again. I'm hoping if I explained this in my essay it would be something they could overlook. I do have medical records of depression dating back to that summer.
I quit playing video games; it was the coke addiction to my studies, and my grades/personal life soared, and I started feeling less worthless.

My sophomore year, the year following that summer, I was able to attain a 5 in AP chem, as well as 5s in 3 other AP courses after giving up video games.
I was able to recover from the bottom to the pit to one of the top kids in my class after giving it up.
Rule of thumb: quit video games = have a good life
This also happened to my friend, smart guy, but addicted to video games. He graduated college in 5 years because he had to take a 1 year health break because of his video games.

So yep. Thanks guys, lol I still think I might have a chance if I get a higher SAT score.

Reply August 6, 2014

@Ciderundying sad thing is, after all that volunteering and crap like that, you will probably just be an average business man (or even a lower-tier job) unless you are super creative and willing to take a risk or something, in which case you could make your own business. Or do something else to make yourself rich.

Unless of course you're becoming a doctor, then you'll be rich af but never have free time to spend your money.

All in all, you shouldn't worry about it. Plenty of people have been in worse situations than yours in high school and came out fine. Maybe average pay and all that, but hey that's life, deal with it.

Reply August 5, 2014 - edited

@Irony: Then tell me rich boy, what is the curriculum for a regular chemistry course?

Reply August 5, 2014 - edited

I have a 2.9 and I'm about to be a senior. So suck it up.

Reply August 5, 2014 - edited

[quote=crazypoorer]How did you manage to obtain several 5's on AP exams but only obtained a C in a regular chemistry class? Even if you didn't study much, regular chemistry is simply a plug and chug class.[/quote]

chem a plug and chug class? u prob went to a run down school with a run down chem course

Reply August 5, 2014 - edited

[quote=SpearCrusher]No offense, but your teacher must suck. All we did was labs and he never gave homework or handouts to do. It was all about participation, quizzes, tests and projects. I rarely ever study for anything and passed every test with flying colors (highest grade in my class I believe). All you have to do is take decent notes to do well since most of the concepts have a very simple base and follow similar patterns. Think of it this way: algebra is simply addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, factors, etc., except in a different form[/quote]

It's not the teacher's fault here, it's the student's. If you simply pay attention and try to understand what's going on in any regular class whether it's Algebra II or Chemistry, you should be able to at least get a B whether you studied or not. Personally, I don't believe how someone can get multiple 5's on AP exams yet can't pull at least a B in a regular class in the summer.

Reply August 5, 2014 - edited

haha america

Reply August 5, 2014 - edited

You'll be fine.

Reply August 5, 2014 - edited

3.77? Crap. Im going into 9th grade and my average was 3.3. Looks like I gotta step it up.

Reply August 5, 2014 - edited

You're the type of person I hated in high school.

Reply August 5, 2014 - edited

[quote=Ciderundying]Like I said, I was addicted to Neopets and didn't do any work for one whole quarter LOL
It was a summer course and I was super distracted.
I already hate myself don't make it worse bro[/quote]

No offense, but your teacher must suck. All we did was labs and he never gave homework or handouts to do. It was all about participation, quizzes, tests and projects. I rarely ever study for anything and passed every test with flying colors (highest grade in my class I believe). All you have to do is take decent notes to do well since most of the concepts have a very simple base and follow similar patterns. Think of it this way: algebra is simply addition, subtraction, division, multiplication, factors, etc., except in a different form

Reply August 5, 2014 - edited

[quote=Ciderundying]lol I told my dad and now I'm locked in the closet, no joke.
They're yelling outside (wei se muu? -insert asian curse- -insert you stupid *beeep*- -insert you ruined your life-) and I'm here with my phone, snuck it under my shirt ;w;
/Asian parents be scurry

Anyway, is there anyone else going to Uva or a similar caliber school? If so it would really help if you posted your stats v_v

Edit: Yeah I'm Asian, I do have chances to retake it though. I'm hoping my insane amount of hours of service will help me cut it[/quote]

I went to Michigan for a year. VA and Michigan are practically the same school.

3.9 unweighted
2170 SAT
Full honors/AP
Four years of band
Two internships -- dentist's office and computer repair shop

Oh and I applied as an econ major.

Reply August 5, 2014 - edited

lol if that were the case, maybe I can pass the grade off as self-control issues or something, I honestly forgot about it because I was so stupid back then, and putting together my college resume now, I see it. I'm hoping to retake the class over the school year or something to override it, don't know if its necessary now that I've taken AP chem.

I don't think this is what caused my self-loathing, seeing this just pushing me right over the edge. I've always had inferiority issues. I hate being Asian, so many assumptions and tacked on standards. I hate that everyone expects you to be perfect (Ohhh, you failed chem? You mean you got a B right? Do you play violin? Do you play piano? Did you play in the Kennedy center yet?) I hate being a disappointment. I remember trying to jump out of a second story window, not because I wanted to die, but because I wanted a broken leg because it felt good seeing myself hurt.

Anyway guys, suicide is definitely bad and I'm not encouraging it.
I'm going to find more volunteer opportunities because I love doing community service with a passion.
I'm going to try and make it up senior year, we'll see how it goes.

Reply August 5, 2014 - edited

Calm down.. It's not the end of the world, I mean everybody has that point in their life wherein they flunk something. And I'm pretty sure with all that extra curricular activities and so on that you have mentioned in your previous comment, you'd be fine. Just make sure it won't happen again (you know, learn from your mistakes. In short, no Neopets on summer classes)

Reply August 5, 2014 - edited

I just did something really drastic for the first time in my life, I have a feel I might have depression.
This is my first time doing something so horrible. o_o
The scary part is, I don't like pain, but it feels good to see myself hurt.

I'm going to ask for a retake and possible go see a thera. (basil-blocked -.-)
This is getting out of hand.

Reply August 5, 2014 - edited

I friggen hate myself I keep looking at it and oh god
what the hell was i doing? what was I doing oh my god
maybe i can retake the course or something

If I get into UNC I'll be happy

Reply August 5, 2014 - edited

GG game over, it's the end.

Reply August 5, 2014 - edited

One C isn't the end of the world.
It shows that you are human. As long as you have a ton of APs, tons of extra curricular stuff, and a good ACT/SAT score, you probably have a decent shot.

I DOUBT you need a 3.88+ for UVA. I go to UNC which is of the same tier as UVA and I definitely did not have a 3.9 GPA. I had a 3.7ish unweighted.
Also, MOST of the people who go to UVA are in state. You have to remember, the average person is pretty dumb and didn't try nearly as hard in high school.

Reply August 5, 2014 - edited

Like I said, I was addicted to Neopets and didn't do any work for one whole quarter LOL
It was a summer course and I was super distracted.
I already hate myself don't make it worse bro

Reply August 5, 2014 - edited

How did you manage to obtain several 5's on AP exams but only obtained a C in a regular chemistry class? Even if you didn't study much, regular chemistry is simply a plug and chug class.

Reply August 5, 2014 - edited

lol I told my dad and now I'm locked in the closet, no joke.
They're yelling outside (wei se muu? -insert asian curse- -insert you stupid *beeep*- -insert you ruined your life-) and I'm here with my phone, snuck it under my shirt ;w;
/Asian parents be scurry

Anyway, is there anyone else going to Uva or a similar caliber school? If so it would really help if you posted your stats v_v

Edit: Yeah I'm Asian, I do have chances to retake it though. I'm hoping my insane amount of hours of service will help me cut it

Reply August 5, 2014 - edited

Are you Asian? If so, that SAT score isn't going to cut it either.

Reply August 5, 2014 - edited

If it helps, we have a long family history of going to UVa (that's why I want to get in), so maybe legacy?
I'm the vice president of Gardening Club, (1 year, 3 years +1 in the club)
3 (+1 last year) of key club
15 APs? (a LOT of them, mostly 5s, one or two 4s)
All honors.
Captain of 4 years of Relay for Life (+$1k raise every year)
Super dedicated to the American Cancer Society, 200+ hours volunteer in office
4 years of volunteering at INOVA hospital
4 years varsity champion of track & field (went to regional and won, not state ;(
Many years in orchestra, switched to piano freshman year, 4 years in piano, won some awards
Been published in a newspaper for a piece of art
2080 SAT
Trying for NIH
Cody's Hats 3 years (volunteer thing)

I can;t remember all the volunteer work I did, it was a lot
The C was from a summer course. I was addicted to Neopets and I didn't do my work. Arrggg, I was so stupid.

So my unweighted gpa is like 3.7, =.=
I heard you need a 3,88+, and I'm asian so I don't know if I can get in or not. I took really difficult courses, but do they actually look at that?
/dies i never thought this would happen to me, i totally forgot about that one C and it ruined me

I really hope it didn't diminish my chances, I was immature and stupid.

Reply August 5, 2014 - edited

UVA is up there in terms of standards. The C doesn't really diminish your chances of getting in. If you maintain A's for the rest of high school, do extremely well on SAT, take several ACTs, all these coupled with a lot of extracurricular activities and you'll have a very good chances of getting in.

Although you'll probably end up going to the college that is best suited for your major/gives the most scholarships.

Reply August 5, 2014 - edited