
Best Tanks For Bossing?

Hey, Basil. I used to be a regular around here, but I pretty much quit Maple altogether a few years ago. Y'all know how this story goes so I won't waste any more time typing; I'm back now and I wanted to run this by the community for some opinions.

Which tanks are also the most viable at bossing? Take things like stance, status resistance, binds, damage multipliers, and health regeneration into consideration. Call me lazy if you'd like, but I enjoy playing simple and defensive characters. Ensuring that I survive a boss fight, regardless of how long it takes, is the most important aspect to me. These are the only classes that come to my mind:

Demon Avenger
Dark Knight

All good bossers with great defense, but things may have changed since I last played. I'd really appreciate it if someone could expand on this list a bit or just share their thoughts. If I get back into this game, I'll be coming to Windia or Bera to fund some of these guys.

Happy Mapling, folks!

February 26, 2016

29 Comments • Newest first


back at it again with the paladin promotion

paladins are truly one of the best bossers when it comes to "slow and steady wins the race." i'm not the first to admit that we don't have great dps and that we're a clunky class, but in terms of survivability, paladins are the way to go. stance is 100%. i don't have the numbers on me, but from my play style, i rarely get binds and status resistance is swell. there is a health regeneration skill, but i rarely use it because i rarely use hp potions in general.

however, if you don't have fund$, i suggest DrK or DA because those seem to be the easiest to fund to get a higher damage range. i haven't really played either because they're pretty boring to me.

i've played a shade to levels 12x and i find them fun. you don't really have any buffs (or active moves for that matter). stance is 100% i believe too while defense/guard is pretty high. i don't remember using all too many hp pots before bossing.

in conclusion, even though i'm pretty biased with paladins, play what you have fun with because it's pretty fruitless to put all your energy in a character for damage and to not even enjoy it by the end.

Reply February 27, 2016

Thanks again to everyone that shared some tips and shoutout to all of the Bera members! I think I've made up my mind now on Pally and DA. DA for obvious newb reasons until I can start racking in the funds to fully prioritize a Pally. If I don't like it, I can't go wrong with a DK switch. I like to main 4 characters only so the other two will most likely be a Mechanic or Shade. I'm all set now. (:

Reply February 27, 2016

Out of the four, Paladins for sure. They have a lot of skills that allow them to defend attacks and even reduce damage from 1/1 attacks. They aren't as offensive as the other warriors, but make up for it for their defence.

Shades and Dark Knights have the ability to come back after death, but you can't rely on them all the time.

As for Demon Avenger, while they do have the highest base HP and a skill that fully restores health, they also use their HP to attack and cast buffs. While Exceed is active, their attack will drain HP at a higher rate as well... so it sounds like they're tanky on paper... but then you realize that they are draining their HP faster than the enemy is.

The funny thing is that some classes can survive not from tanking hits, but simply avoiding them. One class worth considering, believe it or not, is Phantom. Not only do they have skills and buffs that make them rather hard to take hits, they also have a skill like Shade that allows them to save from death (albeit with a large cooldown). Couple that with being able to steal skills and change your battle style and Phantom can actually be very good to survive fights.

Reply February 26, 2016

From what I know of the classes, paladin is the tankiest. I main a paladin and I'm always doing cra/ h mag and I noticed that I can pretty much fight in ideal conditions most of the time because I don't have to worry about %hp attacks, if I get hit by something, my pet auto heal brings my hp back to 100% with a power elixir. I can even tank Von bon's 1hko stomp, chaos vellum's tail stab, chaos vellum's laser, chaos queen's vacuum, and h mag's ultimate attack.

Of course there are limits to this including falling meteors at h mag, but all in all we can just literally stand there and keep attacking without fear of dying.

To add on, sacrifice sanctity gives you 30 seconds of pure dps since you're untouchable by literally everything (including magnus' green smoke). Resurrect someone and you get 10 seconds of invincibility as well.

We also have bind and magic crash which are both amazing for bossing if you learn how to use them correctly with your party. Threaten is an amazing skill when you use it on chaos vellum.

The obvious trade off which is what drove many Paladins to quit is the damage factor. Our %damage for blast has been constantly getting nerfed and the speed of it is horrendous (unless you have dsi, green pot, atk speed ia). Paladins also take a huge amount of funding in order to even begin capping on your primary bossing skill (I'm still not consistently capping on end game bosses). The other downside is that Paladins are pretty dull, if you use a sword, literally all your attacks look the same, but with a different color. It's kinda disappointing that they couldn't make our class just slightly more aesthetically pleasing.

If you decide to go paladin, go for a hammer cause the animation at least looks pretty freaking decent.

Oh and side note if you join bera, you could come along on my boss runs and see what I mean by we're able to deal pure dps while bossing.

Reply February 26, 2016

Don't get why you are hating on @wall for being right... Try out a few classes do research and play what you like. Most bosses use % hp attacks now anyways so "defense" does not really matter. Binds look up what classes have a bind. Status resist every class can hit 100%... People like to have conversations and debates yes, but when it is the same one over and over again it kind of gets old.

Reply February 26, 2016 - edited

@copenhagen: open advancement as in changing your job between the 3 explorer warrior classes? if so, then yes. You need a coin that they occasionally hand out or can be earned through events. Yes it is a conker reference! My pally's ign is also BadFurDay lol. Favorite game.

Reply February 26, 2016 - edited

@copenhagen: Yes that notorious guy is gone. As for the hacker/scammer stuff, that stuff occurs in every server, so you can't really consider that.
As for guilds I recommend, I suggest any of the guilds in the UNITY alliance. We consist of Celebrity, [M]aplestory, Prize, TrueLegend, and ChibiClan. Request to join any of those guilds and I'm sure that you'll be invited. Feel free to buddy me in game too.

Reply February 26, 2016 - edited

Drks are good also. They have an invincibility upon death that last quite a few seconds. Have enough buff duration% and you're looking at possible infinite gungir spam. Easy to cap among other warriors, cross surge anyone?

Reply February 26, 2016 - edited


Reply February 26, 2016 - edited

@pinyin, don't think so. He was a duper that jacked up the whole economy for a while, if I remember correctly.

Reply February 26, 2016 - edited

Old one? Zdeadlysinz? Perhaps proxied?

Reply February 26, 2016 - edited

@Helpingly, I suppose I couldn't blame anyone for thinking my name meant Denmark's capital... Hah. My connection shouldn't be that bad, true, but I do remember having some issues with Equinox on my DW a long time ago. Not a good sign if I went with Mihile. I'll likely end up making one for the link at one point, though. We'll see.

If I come to Bera (used to play there), are there any good guilds you'd recommend? And please tell me Bera has finally shed its hacker/scammer reputation. Is that one notorious guy gone yet? I don't remember his name, but anyone from Bera should know who I'm talking about.

Reply February 26, 2016 - edited

@copenhagen: Yes the servers are in Cali. However, living in Kentucky is nowhere near as bad as the poor people who have to play in Australia or New Zealand.

Reply February 26, 2016 - edited

@Mybadfurday, I played a DK for years so I think I'll just start as a Pally and switch back if I don't like it. Open advancements are still a thing, right? And you're the man if that name is a Conker reference! Thanks again to those that gave me some tips.

Reply February 26, 2016 - edited

Iv'e played them all except Dark Knight but I would still say Pally is in a class of its own, when it comes to what you described. Personally the revamp for them did justice. Pally4LifeYo.

Reply February 26, 2016 - edited

@copenhagen: Yeah, exactly like Blaze Wizard. Don't remember where GMS servers are (I think they're in Cali), but if you have lag issues with Blaze Wizard and Dawn Warrior, expect to have problems with Mihile as well.

Reply February 26, 2016 - edited

Play what you... Oh wall already got here?
um, i personally like shade the most, mostly cause of his mobility, and to me, it seems like he has the most dps.
But then again, i havent played for like 3-4 months.

Reply February 26, 2016 - edited

@Repentant, similar to the Blaze Wizard problems? Damn. That might be an issue for me then because I live in Kentucky. GMS servers are in Cali, right?

Reply February 26, 2016 - edited

@copenhagen: Mihile's block skill is really hard to use if you have high ping, so you might want to keep that in mind if you live away from the servers.

Reply February 26, 2016 - edited

Yep, just searched up some of the update notes on Mihile and they look pretty fun now. So glad they finally got rid of lasers. Mechanics are a class I'm considering as well, but not so much Arans due to their CTRL spam. Just a personal gripe I have with the class, but I otherwise like their playstyle.

@Wall, I wasn't even referring to your "play what you like" posts that you think are clever. Anything and everything can be researched under your logic, but this is a forum for discussion. People like to have conversations, have civil debates, and actually help people out. Can you believe it?! Of course I'm going to do my own research, but it's not wrong for some people to want to be pointed in the right direction. The only thing Basil and the entirety of the MapleStory community needs "saved" from is the intolerance people like you spew all over the boards and especially in-game. If I was you, I'd be more helpful to new players no matter how redundant 'x' question sounds. This game is on the brink of death and you're not going to have anything to be an elitist about if the servers get gutted 'cause people don't play anymore. If you don't like it, don't reply. It's that simple.

All of that said, thank you for the Ayumi link and telling me that all classes can get to 100% status resistance. I didn't remember that and it helps me out. Now I'll probably just narrow it down by utility such as binds and just overall defense. Shade and DA are probably set in stone at this point for me, but I'm still pretty torn between DrKs, Pallys, and now Mihiles.

Reply February 26, 2016 - edited

shade is most tankiest. They have two revives

Reply February 26, 2016 - edited

@copenhagen: You just have to know the right people. As long as you know the right people, no world is really "dead"

Reply February 26, 2016 - edited

If you wanna be REALLY lazy you can make an Aran hehehehehe.

Even with the nerf to drain we pretty much live anything that doesn't do toooooo much damage. This is referring to easy bosses at least. If you're talking the big bad gods then yeah, no... Aran won't do.

Reply February 26, 2016 - edited

Mechanic is a tank. It has many skills that reduce incoming damage, and the titan hyper if used properly can allow you to survive even vellum's Lazer. This Video shows a mech using the method

Reply February 26, 2016 - edited

@copenhagen if i'm not wrong mihile has the dps of a paladin now or even higher

Reply February 26, 2016 - edited

@Helpingly, I'll definitely consider it! How's Bera nowadays, though? Aside from the recent Reboot craze (that I admittedly came back to see, too) it seems like even Scania is pretty dead.

@Bernie, I know Mihile can tank pretty well, but isn't he severely lacking in the damage department? I think I remember it being an issue with his lack of lines. And didn't his stance get removed in a recent update or was that just the link skill?

Reply February 26, 2016 - edited

Mihiloe can tank anything with the rigth timing also if you miss we can tank hp% attacks or just go full pally

Reply February 26, 2016 - edited

@copenhagen: If you're back and lack funds, I suggest either DA or the Dark Knight since they are the strongest even if you have little mesos. Btw, you should come to Bera.

Reply February 26, 2016 - edited

@Wall: I've lurked a bit for the past few days and it seems you're the new smart-ass around here. Well, bud, I'm asking this 'cause I'm trying to determine "what I like". I don't base which class I like on the name or how they look, I base it off of the playstyle. You know, a playstyle that a lot of other people would have more knowledge about considering I haven't played in years and I'm talking about concrete numbers that can be quantified; not somethin' subjective. Care to enlighten me some more now, wise guy? People like you are the problem with this game's community.

Reply February 26, 2016 - edited