

Infinitys Edge and Youmuus Ghostblade?

I'm looking at other builds for Wukong and someone mentioned a Youmuu's Ghostblade, and I wonder if it is needed in like a PVP game because I think the Last Whisperer is enough but the critical is nice. But I've never seen someone build an Infinity's Edge on a Wukong. I'm wondering if I should use those.

EDIT: My build is Mercury Threads > Last Whisperer > Frozen Mallet > Blood Thirster > Trinity Force > Guardian Angel

December 4, 2012

7 Comments • Newest first


BF Swords.
Lots and lots of BF swords.

Reply December 4, 2012

No reason to go Last Whisper first unless you're laning against a malphite or chogath.

Reply December 4, 2012

start with boots x3hp pots
build hexdrinker and brutalizer for mid game
bloodthirster LW and a survivability item such as a GA or finish hexdrinker depending on enemy team comp for lategame
after that just upgrade your items and pot up
- xTc4

Reply December 4, 2012

In all seriousness you dont really get either. But if you had to get the yomuus because Last Whisper as you mentioned before is better in every aspect.
Wu kongs main role is to stay in a fight and tank while using his ult, so build tanky unless you're super fed then get infinity edge and bloodthirster and last whipser etc.

Reply December 4, 2012

6 Doran's Blades. All dem damages.

Reply December 4, 2012

Thornmail and Phantom Dancers, Blood Razers, Trinity Force
I did good with dat build too bad it took very long to finish

Reply December 4, 2012

Get Tanky on Wukong like Randuin's , Warmongs, and get a p hage and turn it into a frozen mallet. You want the slow and the tankness to go in front and ulti. Wukong's job is to use ulti into the whole enemy team. Use ur clones to juke ur enemy. Like press Hold and enemy will think ur a clone. This will sometimes work and if you die its not my fault .

Reply December 4, 2012