Hows my Nocturne build? LoL

Skirmisher's (Devourer), Trinity Force, Boots, Randuin's Omen, Banshee's Veil, and probably BoTRK.

December 17, 2014

9 Comments • Newest first


@ Uonatrik that's what I've been going before. Also after the devourer nerf people kinda stepped away from it. I get that CDR and armor pen's nice on warrior, but Noc is pretty AA based.

Reply December 20, 2014

Triforce generally isn't that great on Nocturne since he doesn't really have low enough cooldowns to benefit from sheen procs.

If you're looking for burst I recommend Ghostblade over Triforce.

Reply December 18, 2014

Yeah... don't get trinity second item unless you're insanely fed.
I haven't played Nocturne in a while, but here's my build:

Jungle Item ~> Boots ~> BoTRK ~> Randuins ~> Banshee's Veil ~> Youmuu's/Shiv/Last Whisper
Jungle Item ~> Boots ~> BoTRK ~> Youmuu's ~> Randuins/Banshee's Veil ~> Shiv/Last Whisper

Depending on if you want damage or tankiness.

Reply December 17, 2014 - edited

well I know one thing for sure, you aren't going to get far with boots. I suggest you get some lv 2 kicks for your sake.

Reply December 17, 2014 - edited

trinity is too expensive to build so you should skip that unless you're extremely fed. You generally only need jungler item+blade and tankiness to do damage and not die.

Reply December 17, 2014 - edited

(gets banshee's veil when you have nocturnes shield) dumbasssssssss

Reply December 17, 2014 - edited

I like Statikk Shiv and Frozen Mallet on Nocturne

Reply December 17, 2014 - edited

I like Ravenous on him...

Reply December 17, 2014 - edited

i forget the names of the jungle items, but i feel botrk as your second item then tanky is the best option. Having 3 damage items on a secondary engage and front line champion falls off hard late game.

Reply December 17, 2014 - edited