

Anyone in Computer Science?

What year? how are you liking it?

I'm in my second year, however I'm only in my second CS class because I wasn't sure what I wanted to major in during my first semester. It's just an object oriented c++ class, currently learning about classes and encapsulated data. My prof used to program at a firm with 80 other people, so he's big on software engineering methodology. My comments for my functions are longer than the functions themselves. The assignments are cumulative so it's pretty cool to have 1000+ lines of code across 6 .h + .cpp files

October 12, 2013

17 Comments • Newest first


I'm switching to CS next semester. I've taken programming classes before. I like learning about algorithms and data structures. I don't like the hardware abstraction or anything math heavy. I have to take Cal II, Physics I and II, and 2 upperclassmen math courses like Linear Algebra, Cal III or Graph Theory. I'm not afraid of the programming classes as much as the math classes. I'm so bad at math, most geometry and trig function confuse me. I really want to go into game programming but I read those require that you be really strong in math. I'm interesting in mobile applications, web development, and other stuff. I want to get a job where I can dress however I want and not have to sell anything to anyone.

Reply October 12, 2013

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Reply October 12, 2013 - edited

I changed my major from computer science to electrical engineering... ever since I took that C++ class, I hated programming with a passion.

Reply October 12, 2013 - edited

@easyrolling Our courses are pretty similar, I have stats, algebra II, calc II and an elective this semester. I actually haven't picked my courses for next semester yet (I should get on that soon lol). I think my next semester is a work term though, not sure yet.

Reply October 12, 2013 - edited

[quote=Newspaper]I just graduated though. I'd like to do CompSci but idk if progamming is boring or if I can do the math requirements.[/quote]

I don't know if this is different elsewhere, but at my old university you could sit-in in classes you're interested in taking.

Reply October 12, 2013 - edited

Can't wait till functional languages, like OCAML. Yayy

Reply October 12, 2013 - edited

@abi232: what maths do you have to take? I feel like I have it pretty easy with calc I and II, linear algebra, proofs and logic, introductory stats and another 200 level math/stat course of my choice

Reply October 12, 2013 - edited

@easyrolling: Nope, 100 leveled, I only took the first CS course and then got a temporary job through co-op for my second term. That and I've been trying to get ahead on my math courses.

While you learn to code, debugging isn't actually that bad cause we just work on a small number of files/functions, for school work at least, so it's easy to pinpoint the problem. I imagine it's a nightmare in a more professional setting though, where other people's code depends on yours, and you need thousands of lines.

Reply October 12, 2013 - edited

I was always curious how much hard work had to be put into computer science coding.
I'm currently in Computer animation, and only learning bits and pieces of coding in Actionscript 3.0 and HTML/Javascript but always having trouble when something goes wrong and debugging becomes a nightmare!
I can only imagine how frustrating it must be for you guys.

Reply October 12, 2013 - edited

[quote=snowfire18]First year CS student here. We're doing Python this year. I really like the program but I stink at the required math courses -.-[/quote]
I feel you, I'm pretty horrible at Calc. I get full marks on any question that doesn't include trig identities, then I just end up getting really confused. Should have paid more attention in precalc.

@Mrmangof: it's literally the most demanded position next to nurses... all companies have computers. they need tons of people to manage and develop for them

Reply October 12, 2013 - edited

Um, I've taken a course or two as elective. I heard from my professor that the competition is really high, so it's really hard to find a job. ;3

Reply October 12, 2013 - edited

I'm -1 year. Hoping to be in one next year !

Reply October 12, 2013 - edited

First year CS student here. We're doing Python this year. I really like the program but I stink at the required math courses -.-

Reply October 12, 2013 - edited

[quote=abi232]I'm in second year as well, and we're currently doing C (imperative). It seems extremely slow... we're mostly working with pointers and mutation, arrays, loops, etc... Seems pretty slow compared to what I learned using Java in high school...[/quote]
Is that a 200-leveled course? My next course is Digital Systems (201). The material looks insane.

And yeah, I learned loops, arrays, etc in Java in highschool. I finished all the labs in my first CS class before the TA finished talking because I knew it all already.

Reply October 12, 2013 - edited

I'm in second year as well, and we're currently doing C (imperative). It seems extremely slow... we're mostly working with pointers and mutation, arrays, loops, etc... Seems pretty slow compared to what I learned using Java in high school...

Reply October 12, 2013 - edited

@lettucing: At my uni, SE is a more difficult program. They have to take three physics, another math and all the general engg classes. CS students have like 14 elective spots. Mine are being filled with an econ classes so I can also gain an econ certificate.

But unless if you're natural gifted and intend on being an insane game developer, there's really no benefit. You otherwise end up with the same IT jobs

@Newspaper: Take a class in high school if you have the opportunity to, otherwise try learning a language yourself (I'd suggest Visual Basic or C++). Either it will click with you or you'll hate it

Reply October 12, 2013 - edited

my ex that was a software engineering major always complained about how CS majors aren't as good. lol. i also wasn't good enough for him because i wasn't going to school. good. okay sorry, carry on...

Reply October 12, 2013 - edited