

University/College Students 3 or 5 classs?

The other day at work, I mentioned I only work three times a week and it feels like too much some times. Two other servers who are both students said they both work 5 times a week and I was so confused as to how they balance their lives. It turns out they've both only been taking 3 classes a semester for their entire time in university, and the one guy even said it was "stupid" that I'm taking 5 classes. The thing is, I live pretty much expense free. I only have to buy books, parking passes and gas. My parents cover everything else.

What's your perspective on this? I can't imagine willingly extending my degree to 6+ years so I can work for minimum wage (plus tips, of course). Regardless, I would feel like I'm not taking my education seriously with only three classes.

April 3, 2013

11 Comments • Newest first


I've been taking 6 classes a semester for like 2 years.

Reply April 3, 2013

I can't take anything less than a full course load otherwise certain professional schools will not consider my application. It is really tough and sometimes extremely stressful on top of working and other extracurricular activities, but I've accepted that life really isn't going to get any easier so you just have to keep a positive attitude and work your hardest. I make a lot of sacrifices, but at the end of the day it's all going towards me being able to pursue and fulfill my goals and that's what makes everything worth it.

If there are no full course load requirements for you, I would suggest taking some courses in the summer that way you can graduate on time and have an easier course load during the Fall and Winter period. I'd just be really careful in looking at future prospects and what they expect from their students to make sure you don't put yourself in a compromising position. In the end though, I feel like school should be your number one priority and if you don't need to work as much, I would definitely forgo it.

Reply April 3, 2013

It definitely depends on how your studies are handled. For example, at my school, three classes is the normal course load(and with how the course are handled it's rather rigorous), with one being a lecture course and the other two being studios. I've actually cut myself down to two courses a quarter (both being studios) so I can support myself with freelancing outside of class (taking lecture classes over summer at the community college back home). Yet, I know plenty of people with full courses that also work nightly as waitresses and the like. I wouldn't want to sacrifice important class time for a minimum wage job, personally. So, I've only pushed off the unimportant classes to save costs and get by without too much reliance on my family. I think you're in the right.

Reply April 3, 2013

just take however many classes feels right to you.
i took 15 credit hours one semester and only 9 another. the time it takes to get out isn't really important, it's how well you can balance it all.
sometimes life can get in the way.

Reply April 3, 2013

I think yours is the better option but maybe they don't have the means to go through school otherwise. However, I don't think five classes and work (part time) would be that tough regardless. Almost everyday I finish class by 12:30PM so that gives ample time for working.

Reply April 3, 2013

I think you should take the amount of classes that you feel comfortable taking and still do well (as in getting A/B's) in them. I think you should take advantage of that fact that your parents are still able to support you through college. I don't think make minimum wage or little above is worth the time you've wasted if you were to finish college early and start earning 50k+ or in your case 90k+ starting salary, I remember you're a CS major or something. I think this is call opportunity cost of delaying your career and potential future earnings. I'm not sure how people can have a full time job and still in school full time getting excellent grades. Those people are amazing. If you can do that then do it, just seems like requires good time management, focus, and hardwork.

Reply April 3, 2013

uhh, I'm taking 4 classes lol

doesn't matter how many classes you take. the amount of classes you take per semester just determines how fast you get out of college. you can take just 1 or 2 classes but be in college for like, 10 years depending on what classes you need to take.

Reply April 3, 2013

Well sometimes people's parent's don't help them pay for school, so they have to work when they're going to school and pay for it all themselves because their parents can't/don't contribute. So they might have to work a lot to pay for the few classes they are able to take.

Reply April 3, 2013 - edited

It all depends on how well you time manage but remember, school is school. Work is secondary.

Reply April 3, 2013 - edited

I would think that your plan is better than theirs. I couldn't imagine working five days a week at any other job than the one I currently have (in-school tutor). It's already exhausting at times, working from 7:10am-12:10pm and on a few days, my latest class ends at 7:17pm. If I didn't enjoy my job, I would have gone insane with my schedule this semester.

Having a job during college is great, but your main focus during these years is primarily college. I don't know why they would take less classes just to work more hours. I mean, I try to organize my schedule so I can still work at least three days a week, but I wouldn't ever lower the number of classes I'm taking just so I could work more.

Reply April 3, 2013 - edited

You were born into money. Use it.

Reply April 3, 2013 - edited