

Mercedes - Mobbing frustrations

**Warning:** Primarily a rant thread. If such threads make you feel uncomfortable, I suggest you hit the 'Back' button.

Now, straight into the topic... If I said that I have no issues with Nexon re-applying the CD on Spikes Royale that would be a blatant lie. It was great to be lazy and all but the removal of CD itself didn't affect me much, because all the chain linking made lightning edge a viable training skill.

Then what's my grief? The absolute lack of map control. This could be because Spikes now has CD. Maybe, but there are other things that come to mind.

**1. The recent scarcity of the highly efficient training grounds due to an inflation of grinders and lack of channels (from recent DDoS attacks)**
What this means is that there are more people losing patience and who would not think once to consider an attempt to hijack the map. It's frustrating as it is to deal with KS-ers in general but to be even considered as a target when I'm 1-hitting these monsters in a fairly tight room and get told that "Oh you looked like you were struggling" is just.. disgraceful.

Nexon plis, Mini-dungeons.

**2. Rune of Swiftness (aka Rune of Disruption)**
Oh...My... God. Anything that increase our weapon speed beyond cap (or even at cap) completely disrupts the fluidity of skill-chaining. I just want the bonus experience but in turn my lightning edge goes broken. -sobs-

3. Staggering Strikes

Max Monsters Hit: 8

I have never EVER seen my staggering strikes hit even more than 4 monsters at once. I'm not sure if these skill designers know that staggering strikes does not pierce through monsters and only just 'explodes'(like arrow bomb) on the closest target. Like, seriously? I would rather them increase the damage% (not that I even need this but helps the unfunded) and reduce the amount of monsters hit.

**4. Wrath of Enreal CD reduction (and other nice things)**
WHY OH WHY DID YOU NOT merge the skill changes from Black heaven 1 into the recent skill changing patch. I feel broken.

Okay, frustrations aside the delay reduction from skill-chaining is great and has opened up our training patterns. I've seen a fair few different variations from the super lazy "RoI like no tomorrow" to the "I'm a little fairy, leap tornado spam + occasional spikes".

I sincerely look forward to the next skill changing patch to fix up 2/4 of my frustrations and I do not intend to deter any new-born Mercedes. I love Mercedes and will continue to love it but sometimes there are things that get to my nerves (mostly Nexon's logic behind things).

What do you think?
[edit: 8 January 2015]
Other than the KMS patch, a new KMST patch has been released supposedly to cater for our inefficiency in training: kmst 1.2.3

**1st Job:**
Potential Power - Now increases 20% damage
**2nd Job:**
Spirit Surge - +15% -> +30% damage
**3rd Job:**
Leap Tornado - Increased attack range
Ignis Roar - More attack when linking skills
**4th Job:**
Ancient Spirit - +30% -> +40% damage

Personal Opinion - Erm.. this probably doesn't improve efficiency in training that much but I'm not going to complain ... +45% more damage mmm (note: this doesn't directly mean you do 1.45x more damage). Just did a rough calc check, it's about a 20% DPS increase for bossing. [BTW the amount of TD/Boss% we get from our skills is getting a bit scary. It would be nice if they just increase our weapon multiplier.]

To be honest, if they really want to improve efficiency they should make the cd-reduction for linking on Spikes and WoE be 1.5s per skill and apply the same effect on Unicorn Spike. At least this way, people will still need to link but won't feel the minor jitter due to god forbidden server lags and provide a little bit more variation on what skill to use.

[quote=Elufu][b]So umm.. when to cap Boss%?[/b]
So I decided I should check up with how much Boss% we should be having to be efficient and all for GMS and KMS.

Note: Most dedicated players have link skills on their Mercedes which give you a bonus 20%TD on top of the other bonuses which [url=]this[/url] calculator looks after.

[Edit]Sorry I just realised I had 100% crit the whole time.

Let's start with GMS: 100% Boss, 0% att...
*100% Boss: 23969.91%/s
+30% Boss: 25960.91%/s
+9% Att: 26846.3%/s
huh... wait a minute.. 9% Att > 30% Boss already? Keep in mind a Fafnir and full cra set and a superior gollux set = 90%. Add a DS link skill and you're already at 105% boss. Great.. and I haven't even considered nebs.

Well then let's try the other way around. No external Boss% (which is impossible) and no att%.
*0% Att: 17333.25%/s
+20% Boss: 18660.58%/s
+9% Att: 18893.24%/s
+30% Boss: 19324.25%/s
+12% Att: 19413.24%/s

Basically, for every 10% Boss you need around 3% att to counter weight..

i.e. The new KMSt patch says we need a minimum of 13.5%att to be on par with 0% Boss.

Considering links skills and nebs(155% boss), you'll need 46.5%Att (KMSt: 60%).
200% Boss: 60%att (KMSt: 73.5%)
250% Boss: 75%att (KMSt: 88.5%)

So, when to cap boss%? Probably 200% ish.. unless you're going for absolutely perfect lines.[/quote]

January 1, 2015

30 Comments • Newest first


[quote=Shimy]Are gms mercedes missing anything in terms of character flow compared to that of kms mercedes?[/quote]

Nope. All mechanical changes have been applied.

Reply May 7, 2015

@Versailles I don't think the increased range will make up for the delay caused by having to jump/use spikes. And if you're using spikes you've pretty much cleared the mobs already. Smoother skill chaining or midair spikes is what I want. The 45% total damage buff should help somewhat with overall damage against mobs, but the main issue with mercs mobbing is reliable waveclear unless you're spamming your spells (which nexon wants us to do). LF> The golden age/ no cd spikes that could be used midair.

Reply May 6, 2015

[quote=Shimy]Besides the damage increase buffs are there any changes towards gameplay such as better linking of skills / less delay etc?[/quote]

Leap Tornado will get a increased range buff.

Reply May 5, 2015

[quote=hongfung]I believe we are waiting for the Ice and Burn update that will provide a few buffs to Merc.[/quote]

Besides the damage increase buffs are there any changes towards gameplay such as better linking of skills / less delay etc?

Reply May 5, 2015

[quote=Shimy]Are gms mercedes missing anything in terms of character flow compared to that of kms mercedes?[/quote]

I believe we are waiting for the Ice and Burn update that will provide a few buffs to Merc.

Reply May 4, 2015

Are gms mercedes missing anything in terms of character flow compared to that of kms mercedes?

Reply May 4, 2015

i haven't played in years, but assuming the damage formula hasn't changed its at 14% damage increase at best on bosses ( 0% boss potentials )

spirit +15%
warding +30%
kanna+da+ds link 35%
gollux+ra set 90%
2 boss nebs 50%
+220% boss damage to +265% boss damage is 365/320 = 1.14

not sure about these other things
% boss att? if it stacks with % boss damage additively then its even worse since break defense and hyper gives % boss att. cannot test atm. (mercedes get like 35% more boss att and 9% from character decks)
kanna and da character cards
+20% damage on roi hyper, once again i have no idea if it stacks additively with total damage or a straight increase in damage
unicorn +30% damage increase buff

currently 1% att is worth 3.5% boss damage and will be worth 3.95% boss damage after buffs. (assuming you have 0% att and 0% boss damage on potentials)
if you are somewhat funded and can get perfectly balanced lines (if you are ok with 2/3 lines then it would be 70% boss on regular pot and 21% att on bonus pot on both primary and secondary), its even less than a buff

505/460 = 1.1 means 10% damage increase.

im highly suspect that % boss att and % boss damage stacks additively and kanna and da cards, i don't think roi hyper % boss att stacks additively

so if you're funded i suspect that this buff is around a 526/481=1.09 9% increase in boss damage

Reply May 4, 2015 - edited

I'm a little worried that there's no mention of the other class buffs/nerfs in the black heaven highlights. Hopefully it's just being excluded because it is contentious.

and oh just realised I was being asked a question here. @Jess123: SDH or KD4, using a variety of skills. Recently being duoing with a luminous at KD4 but due to RL commitments not training so much anymore.

Reply March 5, 2015 - edited

I guess no CD WoE is a little OP, but comeon, no CD spikes isn't even as bad as like 90% of other jobs' mob skills...

Reply February 10, 2015 - edited

Im hoping we get another update very soon, getting tired of being the weakest one at SH, even funded to the max, because we cant mob or hit cap like other classes can. Mercs seem to be the class Nexon likes to destroy the most., and then call it fair, even though we are one of the squishiest classes there is at bossing.

Reply February 8, 2015 - edited

Hey Elufu, two quick questions. Where do you train and what combos do you use?

Reply January 30, 2015 - edited

[quote=bluebomber24]Was it you who questioned me when I made the statement "Nexon doesn't know wth its doing with Mercedes"?

Like seriously, they keep changing what they want from her.[/quote]

Did I? I may have (sound like something I would do) but I don't remember. Either way I would've been sarcastic, since Mercedes is the Queen of minor patches.

[url=]This[/url] was probably the last time I expressed my opinion on Nexon's decisions for Mercedes before this post.

Reply January 9, 2015 - edited

Was it you who questioned me when I made the statement "Nexon doesn't know wth its doing with Mercedes"?

Like seriously, they keep changing what they want from her.

Reply January 9, 2015 - edited

Jeez Mercedes! 90% total damage! The inflated range archer is back.

Reply January 8, 2015 - edited

sweet jesus look at all dat passive +% damage

Reply January 8, 2015 - edited

Whenever I play merc, I feel like I have to rebuff very often or I lose half my dmg
Also It bothers me when I use spikes in SH and I jump up a platform or two.

Reply January 8, 2015 - edited

kind of funny how I scrolled down the patch notes without knowing what was inside at all fully expecting more merc buffs

Reply January 8, 2015 - edited

kmst 1.2.3 notes added.

Reply January 8, 2015 - edited

Every time I try to train at sdh.
"You are not high enough to use this skill"
My reaction: [url=]face desk[/url]

I wish we could spam leaf tornado twice before falling again. It's so clunky now.

Reply January 3, 2015 - edited

I do not understand why they added, the comboing, i think it is just an insult to the Mercedes class. we were fine doing the hold down one button thing.
But adding combo = Waste of time and less damage.
I am fine with Spikes no CD like before, don't know why they would change it.
But WoE, IMO even if there is no CD, it would be less superior to other class mega spams, due to the fact WoE has a long initial cast animation and, the animation last quiet a while
They should make WoE animation faster so we can cast it faster

Reply January 3, 2015 - edited

I really would like for the hitboxes to be increased like in the next update
wtf is the point of going like 10 metres with highkick demolition when YOU CAN'T HIT ANYTHING AFTERWARDS

Reply January 2, 2015 - edited

I feel your frustration. I really enjoyed Mercedes.

Reply January 2, 2015 - edited

I'll protect your map for you fellow scanian-archer!

Reply January 2, 2015 - edited

[quote=Elufu]**Warning:** Primarily a rant thread. If such threads make you feel uncomfortable, I suggest you hit the 'Back' button.

Now, straight into the topic... If I said that I have no issues with Nexon re-applying the CD on Spikes Royale that would be a blatant lie. It was great to be lazy and all but the removal of CD itself didn't affect me much, because all the chain linking made lightning edge a viable training skill.

Then what's my grief? The absolute lack of map control. This could be because Spikes now has CD. Maybe, but there are other things that come to mind.

**1. The recent scarcity of the highly efficient training grounds due to an inflation of grinders and lack of channels (from recent DDoS attacks)**
What this means is that there are more people losing patience and who would not think once to consider an attempt to hijack the map. It's frustrating as it is to deal with KS-ers in general but to be even considered as a target when I'm 1-hitting these monsters in a fairly tight room and get told that "Oh you looked like you were struggling" is just.. disgraceful.

Nexon plis, Mini-dungeons.

**2. Rune of Swiftness (aka Rune of Disruption)**
Oh...My... God. Anything that increase our weapon speed beyond cap (or even at cap) completely disrupts the fluidity of skill-chaining. I just want the bonus experience but in turn my lightning edge goes broken. -sobs-

3. Staggering Strikes

Max Monsters Hit: 8

I have never EVER seen my staggering strikes hit even more than 4 monsters at once. I'm not sure if these skill designers know that staggering strikes does not pierce through monsters and only just 'explodes'(like arrow bomb) on the closest target. Like, seriously? I would rather them increase the damage% (not that I even need this but helps the unfunded) and reduce the amount of monsters hit.

**4. Wrath of Enreal CD reduction (and other nice things)**
WHY OH WHY DID YOU NOT merge the skill changes from Black heaven 1 into the recent skill changing patch. I feel broken.

Okay, frustrations aside the delay reduction from skill-chaining is great and has opened up our training patterns. I've seen a fair few different variations from the super lazy "RoI like no tomorrow" to the "I'm a little fairy, leap tornado spam + occasional spikes".

I sincerely look forward to the next skill changing patch to fix up 2/4 of my frustrations and I do not intend to deter any new-born Mercedes. I love Mercedes and will continue to love it but sometimes there are things that get to my nerves (mostly Nexon's logic behind things).

What do you think?[/quote]

To be honest, I don't know why Nexon did these changes to Mercedes. I mean yes they hit fast. They have unique attack patterns. I usually thought that Nexon would do something to balance out generally over powered classes, but Mercedes is pretty balanced (well, before it was). now it's pretty hard to use its skills.

Reply January 2, 2015 - edited

I want the forward momentum back from spikes

Reply January 2, 2015 - edited

after the last patch, I noticed how demotivated I was to play my Mercedes...
1. combos are still not smooth and I feel like we don't have enough skills to combo good... usually classes that are MADE to combo have many choices... and whether to combo or not was a choice for us before when we didn't have a CD on SR. now I feel violated. including how SR is weird in the air, too.
2. it's hard to get across maps without ruining our already very limited combo-ing skills... like LE should have a faster casting time. if 5th job does not improve this, either they should recreate maps that fits all classes or Nexon should get off their Thief/Warrior hype train and actually put effort into their Archer classes, ESPECIALLY Mercedes.
3. we should be able to move while casting Staggering Strikes, and be able to fully jump with it too.
4. why do we have an 8 second CD on WoE? and why doesn't it have a debuff? it's a hyper skill...

these are some of the things I started noticing...

Reply January 2, 2015 - edited

Oh wow they're removing the ability to use royal in mid air? Wdf? Tbh I have no issues in being able to defend my map w/ chaining skills (Played TB ftw), but due to royals cd its kinda tedious. Now that we won't be able to use royal in mid air what are we going to do? I'm trying to figure out why is Nexon nerfing a class that already has minimum damage? It's hard to get high damage on this class and royal really was our main help for mobs. Staggering Strike is garbage like you said, it doesn't even do as the description suggests. GG only hits the monsters in front of you. Nexon might as well put a cd on everything and say we need to chain all skills in order to use one. This is irritating and their logic is stupid. It seems like a trend that they only nerf the classes that already has bs damage and needs tons of funding, while the make Op classes stronger. Rip mercs

Reply January 2, 2015 - edited

I just want to vote for everything because I want fifth job, I want no CD, and I want better mobbing skills. I feel super useless at SDH now, too. =___= overall I just feel so nerfed. The only thing im looking forward to right now is the ability to cancel Rush in rushing rush. And the delay reductions of course.

Reply January 1, 2015 - edited

I COMPLETELY agree with you, although I do not share your first problem seeing as GAZED doesn't have the population that Scania does it is a pain when someone attempts to k's your map.
Rune of Swiftness is a HUGE pain in the ass I just spam Ishtar's Ring when I receive the buff.
Staggering Strikes is UGH
And finally Wrath of Enreal is a joke..., a REAL bad jokes >.>
I personally have been holding out for fifth job will provide an OP mobbing skill I'm REALLY hoping Nexon wont mess up. Although the chaining together of skills is fun spikes royal was necessary for Mercedes it was our BEST mobbing skill and now we're basically screwed..
All and all we need the cool down removed on spikes royal and an "op" mobbing skill...

Reply January 1, 2015 - edited

Kinda pissed that they are tampering with Mercs so much. We were fine before the cooldown on spikes was taken away and we were fine when it was there. Now they are taking away the ability to use it in the air? I liked mercs because we had the choice of doing combos or just spamming spikes. They are ruining this class.

Reply January 1, 2015 - edited