

Tattoos and jobs

Do you think having tattoos can jeopardize my chances of getting a job in the near future? I'm really considering of getting some. What do you think basil?

March 2, 2011

18 Comments • Newest first


i know a guy who hase a tattoo

Reply March 2, 2011

The less they can see it the better, ex. getting a huge bud leaf on your inside fore-arm basically extinguishes that possibility.

Reply March 2, 2011

@Blakeybutt: I just said, it makes you look grimey and unqualified.

The Job world is shallow. You have to dress and look to succeed. It's like why a businessman wears a suit when he can just wear shorts and a t-shirt.

Reply March 2, 2011

You look unprofessional with a sleeve or something. It makes you look grimey and unqualified.

I would recommend getting a tattoo somewhere people wont notice.

Reply March 2, 2011

[quote=xstinky312x]i have 5 tattoos now and i can honestly say yes they can put you at risk of not getting a job. take it from me. all of my tattoos are visible with short sleeves minus the meatwad on my leg . i have actually been told by employers at interviews that i would have to wear long sleeves. depends on the company and sometimes state laws though. hope i helped[/quote]
There are no U.S. state or federal laws protecting the rights of people with tattoos or piercings. It is not uncommon for employers to have policies that state "No visible tattoos" or "No piercings, other than one in each year". And for those who think the piercing policy is ridiculous, understand that you cannot have a policy that bans piercings altogether and still allow women to wear earrings. That would be gender discrimination, which is against federal law in the U.S. You can, however, have a policy that restricts men and women to one earring in each ear.

Reply March 2, 2011

I was going to get mine on the center of my back [/quote]

That wouldve been sexy ;-)

Reply March 2, 2011

I used to work as a waiter and we were not allowed to have tattoos showing. This one girl had a little tinny tat on her arm and she had to cover it with a band-aid every day. lol.

Reply March 2, 2011

[quote=momotaro]imagin, a guy comes walking in. he is wearing a tank top with tatoo all over his arms. then another man walks in. he is also wearing tank top but without tatoo. i wonder which one looks better[/quote]

The guy with the tatoo would look better.

Just make sure it is coverable, you want a good first impression and want to look as professianal as you can, expect if your gonna be a tatto artist, rock star, Yakuza, etc.

Reply March 2, 2011

Depends on the job, where you live, and how big the tattoos are and if they are often visible.

Reply March 2, 2011

The answer is sadly. People shouldn't be discriminated over them, but the truth is, it happens. Employers don't care what your tattoo means to you, it's not their problem. Usually it matters more if you are dealing with clients or the public directly because as much as it sucks, a lot of people, usually older generation, still hold onto the belief that tattoos are for thugs so a lot of employers won't risk losing business. Same goes for piercings and wacky hair. A lot of places won't even allow long hair on guys (a friend of mine on Basil actually had this issue and had to cut his hair, and his job isn't considered "professional" (sorry friend if you read this lol)).

I was going to get mine on the center of my back and hips because working in a school district in San Antonio Texas, I can't have visible tattoos.

Reply March 2, 2011 - edited

[quote=xliezelz]just don't get any visible tattoos.
pretend you're parents would KILL you if you got a tattoo. now, get the tattoo in a place they wouldn't look.
if your parents won't look there, your boss most likely won't[/quote]

Except if he had a really REALLY good relationship with his boss. hehe.

Reply March 2, 2011 - edited

as long as it's not visible when you're clothed, you should be fine.

Reply March 2, 2011 - edited

Some jobs won't allow it, some won't even care.
Get tattoo's if you think they're for you, and then see where it goes job-wise from there on.

Reply March 2, 2011 - edited

depends on the tattoo and where it is and where you're applying

Reply March 2, 2011 - edited

Most jobs forbid tattoos from showing during working hours unless you work at Hot Topic or something.

Reply March 2, 2011 - edited

tattoos are becoming more accepted anyway

Reply March 2, 2011 - edited

it depends on so many different things it would be retarded to generalize them

Reply March 2, 2011 - edited

[quote=ime1729]wear a suit=no tattoos (minus neck and face) exposed.[/quote]

Good idea, I'll just get a suit wearing job, thanks buddy.

Reply March 2, 2011 - edited