

I desperately need help

Hey guys, my thoughts have wandered into contemplating suicide at least once a day now. I feel like I need to tell someone of my burden. I don't trust and despise my parents (both of them) and I have trust issues. My friends don't know of my situation as they believe that I live a different life. A life where I'm free, party a lot and drink alcohol, and do illegal stuff. I wish I had that life so I gave them that lie and its too late right now to tell them the truth. What I'm asking you guys if you can list sites for troubled teenagers like me where we can discuss our life anonymously. This is not a troll or a lie. I really do need those sites. Each day, it feels like my sanity is being chipped away. Please help me.

July 5, 2012

15 Comments • Newest first


I was in a similar situation as you about 2 years ago iTzRAVENZ. I won't get into the details, but needless to say I was at the very depths of depression and about to commit suicide. But luckily for me, through a series of fortunate events I found the answer to the question I had... How can I be happy? The answer? Happiness is obedience to God. I didn't understand what that meant at the time... But I've been learning more and more about what it means every day. And guess what? I'M ACTUALLY HAPPY NOW :-) =D Oh, and Tuesday was great. My buddy invited me to go downtown, so we went and prayed for a bunch of people. There was this one guy who had major pain in his feet, so we prayed for him in Jesus name, and he was instantly healed! Aahhh it was so cool! God is so good

Reply July 5, 2012

Reply July 5, 2012

Just keep living your fake party life. You will find the happiness eventually.

If you are going to commit a suicide, please do it somewhere that can't affect other people, i.e. don't do it in public transports or common places. I hate when people do that especially in the mornings when you are hurrying to school.

Reply July 5, 2012

Personally, what sorta helped me was finding books and movies that had to do with suicide, because most of the time everything turns out well in the end. And then I thought, despite how much I can relate to a lot of them, it's still very sad. I was very uninspired to write so knowing that other people at least felt the same relieved me. But thinking about all the people I would hurt if I were gone really keeps me here. Even if you're not close with your parents, you still have friends. You can change (in a health way). Good luck to you. I hope things get better. :]

Reply July 5, 2012

No offense but it's no surprise you're suicidal when you think you gotta lie about yourself to be accepted...
WANTING to do illegal things? great...
and I agree with @taotapp, write your sorrows down - as file or on a paper. If you transfer all you have in your mind/heart onto a paper and therefore give it a body you can touch it will feel like it was drained out of you.
Trust me it's experience. I've even written letters to people I've argued before that backstabbed me or lied to me the whole time but ended up not sending them cause I felt relieved enough, could move on and therefore saved me the trouble of messing with those meaningless people any further.

@Thorontur: so mean, so Basilers always make fun of serious issues? Don't think so </3

Reply July 5, 2012

Its amazing.

Basilers are actually helping right now ;o

Reply July 5, 2012

Writing helps a lot. Even if all you do is get a notepad and write into it. Notebooks are great things. They're the best confidants. They don't tell anyone else. They can't.
Getting out everything that you need to say is cathartic. It's also difficult for everyone, since it requires searching deep within oneself. In many cases, one must dig deep, plunging down into the depths of their emotions to draw out whatever it is that's truly getting at them. Finding that thing, and articulating it in some way (in this case, through writing) is a major step in confronting the issue and moving past it.

But it's so, so difficult to move past an issue, even after it's been discovered...
Good luck. Really.

Reply July 5, 2012 - edited

I wouldn't necessarily say taking to your parents is best, but it's been proven through psychological studies that either talking to someone or putting your thoughts into writing helps depression. My parents told me everyone went through a sad phase during their teen years and haven't really been supportive ever. If you find that talking to friends isn't helping, please go to a school counselor at least, or call a hotline if you're having serious thoughts about carrying out a suicide.

Good luck, hope you get better soon~

Reply July 5, 2012 - edited

Talk to your parents. if you can't talk, write letters and slip it under their bedroom door or email them. Any form of communication is ok as long as you try to talk with them. Your feelings and depression and everything negative you feel derives from them. Once you confront them you'll be cured.

Reply July 5, 2012 - edited

just find something worth living for. a girl, videogames, anything.
or just call a suicide hotline

Reply July 5, 2012 - edited

Click on those links dude please do not do anything like this. Cmon, you're talkin about a LIFE.

I experienced this before when someone I knew committed suicide and it was awful. Please don't do it for those around you and yourself! There's alot to live for out there!

Reply July 5, 2012 - edited

[quote=ricefluff]Schools usually have a seminar on depression / suicide[/quote]

They DO that? :o

Reply July 5, 2012 - edited

[quote=FriendShip]How do you even know that link Zombie?[/quote]

It's just brimming with irony isn't it?

Reply July 5, 2012 - edited

You probably shouldn't ask ask/post this kind of stuff on basil, since people will think you're trolling/wont take you seriously.

OT: Talk to your parents.

Reply July 5, 2012 - edited

Reply July 5, 2012 - edited