
Most unpopular least played class

What do you personally feel is the least played and most unpopular class? (not under appreciated there's a difference)

April 16, 2015

22 Comments • Newest first


@CherryTigers Jetts link skill is pretty decent i have 35 w.atk and 11 all stats on mine :-)

Reply April 17, 2015


I would bet my life that the least popular class is among one of those. I am 100 percent confident in those 5 being the least popular in the game, too. I am not including the Beast Tamer because the restricted availability skews the statistics.

Anyone agree or disagree?[/quote]

Evan has a pretty solid, yet small-ish fanbase of proud players.

Ice/Lightning is likely more popular than Fire/Poison as I've seen. Ice/Lightnings and Paladins are nice friends to bring along to bosses in order to bind, and I see them due to this. Paladin's niche tanky-ness and invincibility is a big reason people end up choosing it, so they tend to be proud of that and stick around.

I've seen that the Mihile and Jett really aren't that bad, and although they don't have as much potential, they aren't as horrible classes as people make them out to be. I do agree that they are the least popular and most underplayed of all the jobs though.

In my own view, as well as seeing at least some activity on the BasilMarket Mihile boards, that Jetts are probably played the least.

In my own experience though, the very few Jetts I do stumble across tend to be quite impressive.


I just looked over a list of the classes, and I completely forgot that Arans existed. They might be even less played than Mihiles are. I've seen more Mihiles than I have Arans in the past while.

Reply April 17, 2015

[quote=Aznskyline97]but you get the pally bind at 150... why do that when you can get shade bind once you hit 4th job?[/quote]

For survivability, magic crash and threaten.

Reply April 17, 2015

[quote=Aznskyline97]but you get the pally bind at 150... why do that when you can get shade bind once you hit 4th job?[/quote]

You get it at 170. And did they change the cooldown? It seems so much faster (120 seconds I think).

Reply April 16, 2015

[quote=hongfung]I've heard of people making Pallies as bind mules.[/quote]

but you get the pally bind at 150... why do that when you can get shade bind once you hit 4th job?

Reply April 16, 2015

[quote=hongfung]I've heard of people making Pallies as bind mules.[/quote]

but you get the pally bind at 150... why do that when you can get shade bind once you hit 4th job?

Reply April 16, 2015

Jett, Mihile, hayato, and beast tamer. (despite beast tamer having a great link skill)

Reply April 16, 2015

I've heard of people making Pallies as bind mules.

Reply April 16, 2015

[quote=Undexme]@PinaCollada Pallies used to be pretty popular as the original tank class and BTs are popular as support classes.

I'd say Jetts are one of the least popular, I've played one to 120 for the link skill and I can see why no one likes them [/quote]

I promise you Pallies have never been pretty popular.

Reply April 16, 2015

Jett, Mihile, Beast Tamer

Reply April 16, 2015

BEGINNER now that the game is all about damage

Reply April 16, 2015

Beast Tamer (cause unavailable), Mihile (cause they suck) and Jett (because they also suck)

Reply April 16, 2015

Have you ever seen a mihile? I created one to see what it does and I quit. Tried to be cool by being the only one didnt work out

Reply April 16, 2015

Jett because their link skill is unpopular and they have no notable support skills.

Reply April 16, 2015 - edited

NL or DB.
I NEVER see them!

Reply April 16, 2015 - edited

I haven't seen any thunderbreakers in long time.

Reply April 16, 2015 - edited

I can finally say mihile in a serious manner.

Reply April 16, 2015 - edited

@PinaCollada Pallies used to be pretty popular as the original tank class and BTs are popular as support classes.

I'd say Jetts are one of the least popular, I've played one to 120 for the link skill and I can see why no one likes them

Reply April 16, 2015 - edited

Jett, pally , beast tamer

Reply April 16, 2015 - edited

jett or mihile

Reply April 16, 2015 - edited