
100b funds

How much range can 100b do to an archer class like bm or mm?
Just wondering D:

July 20, 2015

13 Comments • Newest first


I believe he's talking about the funding with 100b. You can't get "endgame" equips all across with 100b. Maybe just an endgame weapon and secondary for 25b total (15b/10b). Then you're looking at 15% superior gollux with no neb, no/bad bpot. Badly scrolled/clean legendary cra or well scrolled unique cra again with bad bpot and bad/no neb. Then 7-8 star tyrant belt, shoes, cape and you're at 100b. So yes, at this point of the game it is cheaper for % dex equips (at least from what I've seen compared to thief and warrior I mean).

Basically you're looking at 20 equips for 75b (or 18 if you just buy one of those psok badges and pocket item). Tyrants will take up 10b each, which leaves less than 3b for the rest on average. You have to realize that you have to spend a good chunk on the emblem. Even items worth 10b are hardly really endgame. You are correct about 10+ star tyrants and endgame (21%/5%/4% icog/prime) due to how few they are but that's not even close to being in this guy's budget.

Reply July 21, 2015 - edited

Why would you spent 100bil on those classes?

Reply July 21, 2015 - edited

@GlobalKorean: It can definitely be a factor when you're funding completely for clean.
- 4 rings, at least 2 15% dex perfect scrolled gollux along with 2 other decent rings will be ~15b
- A perfect primary + secondary = ~20b
- Top + bottom + hat = 12-15b if good funding
- pendant = 4-5bil
- heart possibly = 5b
- good face + eye accessory = 6-8b
- shoulder = 3b

That leaves about 30-35b for tyrants if OP decided to allocate funding that way. Another question, is OP trying to get tyrant gloves, bowman gloves are ~3-4b clean, which warrior/thief gloves sell for close to max mesos. If it outclasses dojo gloves, chances are a good 12-15b will be dropped onto gloves. It's really hard to beat those rank 10's!

Next, is OP going for an extra pendant slot? If so, an extra 4-5b into a gollux pendant to get a tyrant belt for gollux set. Then, a good pot + starred belt can go for ~8bil for a bowman belt.

Now the remaining needs to go into a boot / belt, and boots are 2b clean as it is, Warrior/Thief boots sell for about 4-5b clean.

If OP doesn't go that route, there's much more funds allocated for perfect tyrant gear.

I'm not denying you at all. You're absolutely right. End-game gear can definitely be sold at the seller's discretion. But, we don't have enough information as to OP's goals. I hope you can see where I'm coming from that even the price of clean tyrants CAN be a factor depending on how OP allocates funds.

Reply July 21, 2015 - edited

[quote=Althazir]@GlobalKorean: You have to realize tyrant bowman gear is significantly less expensive than other classes too. He's going to be saving a lot of money just by being a bowman.[/quote]

I'll take it that you've never achieved end game gear solely based on what you've just said.

Tyrant gear. Regardless on the job is going to be expensive around the 8-10star (enhancement) mark. Prices will vary (Repeating myself) by $10-$20s depending on the seller.

Again (repeating myself) the item that you speak of "Tyrant bowman gear is significantly less expensive than other classes" you're most likely talking about clean Tyrant gear. In that case, OP you're going so save maybe 100m-500m. But with 100b, why are you looking at clean tyrants?

All gears are expensive end game. Prices may vary at lower tier but when you hit 10stars or when you start cubing your items IT WONT MATTER as the gap in prices are so small. Just cause you're aiming for %dex doesnt mean the prices on items are going to be cheaper, or that the price of cubes are going to be cheaper or the chance of getting %dex is higher.

Again, Repeating myself.

Reply July 21, 2015 - edited

like 4m range

Reply July 20, 2015 - edited

@Althazir Not at 10+ stars lol, sellers can sell em for however much they want to because of how scarce it is.

Reply July 20, 2015 - edited

@GlobalKorean: You have to realize tyrant bowman gear is significantly less expensive than other classes too. He's going to be saving a lot of money just by being a bowman.

Reply July 20, 2015 - edited

[quote=Althazir]Since dex is cheaper maybe around 2m range? Not to sure about natural BM/MM ranges in the first place.[/quote]

the conception of "%Dex is cheaper" is incredibly ignorant. No matter what, regardless of the %stat, when it hits 20%+ all gears are equally and relatively expensive. Prices may vary by 10s or 20s of dollars but other than that its going to be the same.

when people say "dex is cheaper" it usually means the gear itself and maybe the lower end of %stats, but when you start cubing, just cause you're getting %dex doesnt mean its easier to get.

Reply July 20, 2015 - edited

Since dex is cheaper maybe around 2m range? Not to sure about natural BM/MM ranges in the first place.

Reply July 20, 2015 - edited

100b if you already have perfect sip gollux and weep and 2nddary

Reply July 20, 2015 - edited

not much

Reply July 20, 2015 - edited

[quote=twopointonefour]6~8m or so?[/quote]

Don't think so :o

Reply July 20, 2015 - edited