
Unsure which explorer warrior path to go down

Hi there,

I've never made an explorer warrior class before, never really looked up the play styles or skills, but for whatever reason I'm really wanting to make one now but I'm a bit clueless about pros and cons about the three. I've been asking random warrior classes in my adventures but they all seem to grumble about one part or another, not one has gone 'yeah this is a fun class because...'

From what I've seen DK look to be flashy but the one most grumble about, Paladins look to be shiny brick walls (but players tend to grump about their damage) while Heroes... well I haven't really bumped into a high level hero but the lower level ones say they're a bit boring.

So are there any Paladins, DKs or Heroes out there that love their class? if so what made it enjoyable for you? I'm genuinely interested in your thoughts on your class.

May 3, 2015

17 Comments • Newest first


Playing my DK, and it kinda is boring, but I'm still trying to stick with it.

Reply May 3, 2015

@FreeIcecream: though i mean if he wanted easiest to reach um a higher range would have to say dark knight and i meant comparing the spear and polearm multiplier against the other warrior weapons 1handed axe,sword,bw. Cause last time I had a spear the same attack as my sword in old maple which i borrowed from a friend I did more damage with his spear.

Reply May 3, 2015

[quote=Kuraisenshi]other things to take into consideration is prices of their weapons as well. cause weapon multipliers are different for spear and polearm[/quote]

Weapon multipliers are the same for both.
Spears just generally have a higher base attack but lower attack speed. (endgame weapon wise at least)

Reply May 3, 2015 - edited

[quote=paynther]wow thank you so much guys. I'm even more excited to start. Honestly I'm torn between Paladins and DKs but I'll take your advice and try those first and switch to hero maybe later. [/quote]

other things to take into consideration is prices of their weapons as well. cause weapon multipliers are different for spear and polearm

Reply May 3, 2015 - edited

wow thank you so much guys. I'm even more excited to start. Honestly I'm torn between Paladins and DKs but I'll take your advice and try those first and switch to hero maybe later.

Reply May 3, 2015 - edited

@athmyst: The hyper skills that make them good are at a high level.

Reply May 3, 2015 - edited

[quote=SANsaurr]Heroes are weak until 180.
DrKs are fun always.
Paladins are same as Drks in the fun aspect.[/quote]

why do you say 180 for heroes? is there a special skill thats a helluva game changer at 180?

Reply May 3, 2015 - edited

If you wanna be FangBlade #1, then we all know what master race must be chosen.

Reply May 3, 2015 - edited

[quote=WhoaMomma1]Bet you didn't even reach 170. For the Nightshade Explosion, to 8 mobs 10 times 300% dmg.

@Traitor Gungnir's Descent is not a mobbing skill, that's the bossing move. Nightshade Explosion is what you're talking about I guess o.o[/quote]

My bad, fixed it Mixed up skills as I don't play my DrK anymore

Reply May 3, 2015 - edited

[quote=Xenoner]I've then switched into dark knight, however, I did not like it at all due to slow mobbing.[/quote]

Bet you didn't even reach 170. For the Nightshade Explosion, to 8 mobs 10 times 300% dmg.

@Traitor Gungnir's Descent is not a mobbing skill, that's the bossing move. Nightshade Explosion is what you're talking about I guess o.o

Reply May 3, 2015 - edited

Paladin love here.

- We can basically AFK wherever we want.
- We have a healing skill, which is pretty darn useful.
- If you decide to use a hammer, it's pretty cheap. ^^
- Our skills are elemental. <3 Thunder, ice, fire, and holy. What more can you ask for?
- Our skills have different animations for swords and blunt weapons. *omgfanboyface*
- We are literally tanks.

- Our Blast buff lasts only 45 seconds (I think?), so you have to recast it through cycling through elements every 45 seconds. It's quite tiresome. -_-
- Our damage isn't amazing, but if you're willing to put in the time and effort, pallies aren't that weak. They're just weak compared to other warrior classes, but not in the general scheme. (imo)

Yeah, I might not have covered all the cons, since I've mained pallies for a while and have gotten used to its "worse" parts. I did think about leaving the class a few times, but I always come back to it because it's an amazing class with its aesthetics, defense, and everything! <3

But you should probably try all the warrior classes out first, just to see which one you like.

Reply May 3, 2015 - edited

Had my DrK since 08. Dragon Knight days were the best
Heroes are fun too, but their survivability is </3 and their animations is not that great. Besides the Orbs, their 170 Hyper is such a delay..
Paladins are eh.. They were fun, until that nerf.. They're the best for surviving. They have a bind, can revive 1 person and has a 30 second god mode o.o

Reply May 3, 2015 - edited

Hero bruh.

Reply May 3, 2015 - edited

In my opinion, paladins were worth trying until the nerf hit them hard...
I've then switched into dark knight, however, I did not like it at all due to slow mobbing.
I recently deleted my UA Warrior explorer... So.. I don't really recommend them..
By the way, I'm not a warrior type so..

Reply May 3, 2015 - edited

Start with either Paladin or DrK branch and switch to Hero later if you want to make a Hero, it's much easier that way. Other than that, you always have the option of changing branches.

Paladin has elements which you can do for elemental weaknesses doing combos with 2 elements at a time. Usually Lightning+another.
DrKs I don't think you can really judge until after 170, when you get Night Shade Explosion which greatly helps with mobbing. You also have Cross Surge which buffs up your range by almost double.
Heroes may seem lower in range but with their damage % and orbs you will be seeing the same if not higher numbers with lower ranges.

All in all, the classes have their own ups and downs but you won't be limited to selecting one because you can always switch branches later for a cost.

Reply May 3, 2015 - edited

Heroes are weak until 180.
DrKs are fun always.
Paladins are same as Drks in the fun aspect.

Reply May 3, 2015 - edited