

General Updates

Common Ban Amongst Inactives Hey everyone, me here who thought he was once quitting, here once again to try out everything new. AKA pretty much everything lols get it together nexon like 190487 diferent classes now. Anyway, as it seems, I have been banned for "illicit promotion and advertising." One of my old friends that played was also banned for this reason, after being inactive for a year or so. Now I'm asking if this is a common occurrence, as it seems to be happening among people who were inactive. I have already logged a ticket and if they don't respond, oh well. I wasn't really planning on playing long-term anyway. But you know, it'd be nice if I could get my account back. :)

General Bishop

4th Job Bishop Sp So as a Lvl 165 bishop, I have 26 skill points left over. I currently have everything maxed except for: 10 Bahamut 0 MW 1 Res 1 Gen 0 BB 0 Infinity I was going to max Res, but people kept telling me not to :3 And in my point of view, I wont be getting MW20 or MW30 anytime soon (suuuper poor :D) so MW is out of the option. Plus everyone else I party with usually has 20+ I might put 1 in BB for BB purposes, but I feel that AR will outdamage it anyway. So what's left is Infinity and Bahamut (and Res). How should I go about putting skill points in? I have an Infinity 20 and Bahamut 20 skill book. Thoughts?

General Updates

Messed up keyboard Occasionally when I'm playing MS, I press a key, but it does something completely different. For example: I press the T key and I cast magic guard or something (chat window is on my t key). Then, if I try typing something, it'll type only numbers, no matter what key I press. Arrow keys/shift/alt/ctrl/etc. all seem to be working, just not the letter keys. When I'm in a browser, everything seems to be working fine... Only on MS ._. Anyone else know about/have this problem or know how to fix it? It gets reaaaaaally annoying after a while... :3

General Tech

Problem with my monitor D: So i have a Compaq monitor (it says 7020 in the upper right hand corner if that helps) and whenever im doing something a weird menu thing pops up that says "Adjusting" and the rest of the screen goes black, so i cant see or do anything. I know its not my actual computer's problem, cuz i can still type while it "adjusts." In fact the weird window thing has shown up like 25 times while i was typing this. Does anyone know whats wrong or how to fix it? Sorry if that's too wall of text-ish for you.

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