

Ever been busy and forgot your plans to meet someone?

Had you ever been SO busy before (school work, work, clubs, events etc) that you forgot you made plans to meet someone (for dinner, lunch, coffee, just to hang out?)
Personally, I never forgot I made plans with people to meet up before. I am on the other hand guilty of using the "sorry I'm busy, I forgot! " excuse multiple times to my friends. A friend of mine said the same thing, and she said she really was just busy and didn't want to refuse someone or tell them that they can't make it. She said it was one of those situation that was somewhat acceptable since it might be true, but 70% if the time people don't believe you and they just see it as a sign of someone flaking out.
How about you guys? Do you guys tend to never forget plans you made with others?
If you did forgot, did the idea totally just phase out?
If you have not forgotten, but used the excuse "sorry I forgot!" Why did you think of that?
Do you guys like it when you made plans with someone and they don't reply and suddenly say "OOPS! I forgot!"

October 28, 2014

14 Comments • Newest first


No, because I rarely "meet with people" so it's kinda hard to forget.

Reply October 29, 2014

I only don't care if the person I made plans with told me they were gonna bail before I leave to go meet them up. Same thing applies if you're gonna be late. Most of my friends have phones so its not really a problem.

Reply October 29, 2014

I will not skip out on previously made plans, unless something earth shattering is happening. Like a family member has to be dying or something.

Reply October 29, 2014

No I don't forget those things. If I make plans with someone it means they're important enough to me so that they're a priority. If I absolutely can't make it I'll text them and make it up to them later.

I hate it when people waste my time. Just happened today and I'm pissed.

Reply October 29, 2014

I'm not a jerk, so no

Reply October 28, 2014

one time i forgot to meet a friend at the mall so they had to wait an hour lol.

Reply October 28, 2014

No friends..

Reply October 28, 2014

What plans?


Reply October 28, 2014

Nope, if I plan it with them I plan it.
But if workload gets too much then I always tell them a day before hand cus I manage to somehow always know a few days prior if I can get through my workload properly.

Reply October 28, 2014

Back in high school I was so tired from work and school that I took a nap and missed my friends' hangout. I woke up to six missed calls.

Reply October 28, 2014

To me, people that make that excuse just come off as people with bad time management and I'm less likely to make plans with them in the future. Unless it's an emergency that came up, you shouldn't have to cancel a plan that was made days in advance because of something you decided to do that day. It's like you [i]know[/i] you had other plans already so why start something that you may not be done with in time? You still remember the plan if you're canceling the plan on them.

Reply October 28, 2014

Haha I'm never busy

Reply October 28, 2014

I never forget, but if I'm too busy I'll definitely text them that I can't come.

Reply October 28, 2014

I always keep planned meetings as a priority so, no.

Reply October 28, 2014