
KMST 1.2.032

Patch notes are up on Insoya. Can't really read the whole thing (there a few skill updates but it's really minor), but notable quality of life/improvements:
1. Balrog, Guard Ani, Mu Gong, Urus, Arkarium, Pink Bean, Magnus, Lotus, and the new Damian soul are all being added to the Soul Collector book (my prediction is anything below or equal to Magnificent Magnus will be equal or worse than Magnificent Cygnus, Lotus will have 2100% damage, Damian maybe 2400%).
2. You can press "One more cube" for Bonus Potential cubes now instead of having to click and drag your item back into the cube box.
3. Miracle Circulators now function like Black Cubes - you can choose if you want to keep the old IA or get the new one.
4. You can sell items by right clicking it.
5. Mu Lung Dojo now doesn't have 2 floors on each stage (so you won't get stuck on the top floor if you use certain vertical movement skills on classes like Mercedes).
6. You can adjust the transparency of skill effects (and remote effects on other characters).
7. You can see the current cooldown (in minutes) of skills in the quick slots.
8. The Quest window will lag much less when you open it.
9. You can skip the Star Force mini-game if you don't want the bonus success rate.
10. You can pay a meso fee to prevent normal item destruction from stars 12-16 (probably 12-14 in GMS if we get it).
11. Elite boss changes - it's based on level difference between you and the boss, and everyone who hit it will be factored into the reward calculation even if they died. If you do enough damage you get 3 boxes instead of 2 now I think. Looks like there's no more camping for Elites at Drakes.
12. Boss arena was permanently removed.
13. 13th anniversary stuff.
14. Pink Bean event is coming back.
15. Boss reset tickets can be used every week after Thursday at midnight instead of after 168 hrs.

April 15, 2016

26 Comments • Newest first


@nitsua2789: That's fine, though that DOES make me wish they actually add emblems for those classes too!... that's probably not gonna happen anytime soon...

Reply April 15, 2016

Can't wait for the Elite boss changes... even though people can still bring their low leveled mules to camp for them anyway. I'm just tired of people claiming they are "helping the eboss spawn faster" when they are actually ksing my map. They should just make it so if you didn't spawn it, you get nothing unless you're in the same party with the person who spawn it or something... because yea... had enough with those campers as you can tell...

Reply April 15, 2016

@carbyken: Every single class in the game (besides Sengoku, Beast Tamer, and Jett since those aren't in KMS) received Lv100 class emblems, like the ones adventurers currently have, during the Heroes of Maple updates. That basically made the Lv60 Boss Arena emblems meaningless.

Reply April 15, 2016

@dliu456: I don't think you get what I said entirely. Granted what I'll say here is pretty subjective but basically when I work on a character of any sorts, I want to make them important. I hate the idea of mules, it degrades classes to nothing more than tools and just a waste of space. Minus my Beast Tamer (Because of technical reasons) every character I have has been given as much effort as I can give them just as much as my Xenon (Main main) has.

If Pink Bean was something that actually stayed around (Granted it be stupid in my opinion, but regardless) I give it the same attention like the rest. BUT because it's time restricted why bother? The rewards don't interest me plus again I could be using my time leveling my other characters or make one that'll stay around longer than a month or so.

Like I said though this is PURELY subjective so disagreeing here is all well and good~!

Reply April 15, 2016

I've done the pb event and it was completely useless. I don't even wear the title because it's so ugly

Reply April 15, 2016

@carbyken: Boss Arena was mainly used for "other" purposes. Have you wondered why sometimes you go into Boss Arena and your opponent never showed up?

As for the Pink Bean event, yes - the character itself will be deleted but it's not that difficult to get to 200 (takes only a couple 2x events if casually training) and get the Pink Bean items that could really help your main character that would supposedly last "years to come." It's always nice to improve your damage when you can even if you do hit cap since there's dojo and when 5th job comes out, the damage cap is being removed so might as well keep improving.

Reply April 15, 2016

there goes elite boss camping? boo whats the fun in maple now haha

Reply April 15, 2016

@sadvirgin: They also made it less laggy when you have 2 or more active mob count kill quests.

Reply April 15, 2016

"The Quest window will lag much less when you open it."
The only one that matters.

Reply April 15, 2016

Paying more to get a higher chance for Star Force?... hmmm makes me me wonder if you can offer a higher amount giving it a more higher probability the more you put in.

I'm surprised they're updating that soul book despite the lack of attention for how long already? Also what about Root Abyss and Pianus? They're still not worth the effort to be categorized in the book?

I'm guessing with the removal of Boss Arena also poofs the people who obtained the emblems as well? Still I did kinda like the idea of it... although it's execution is just all wrong.

Not surprised Pink Bean is coming back, considering its character creation button was still in KMS throughout most screenshots I saw. And no, I never had interest in the event, thought it was pointless to waste time on something that was limited and would've been deleted anyway. I may as well just make a new character that WILL stay around for years to come as appose to something maybe lasting roughly a month or something.

Reply April 15, 2016

Glad they're adding all this stuff, seems super convenient, especially if the skill transparency stuff actually starts working for stuff like WH's Turrets or Kanna's Blossoms.

Reply April 15, 2016

@risingrain Ohhh... that was about the rewards only being given by level? "and receives a penalty drop probability according to the level difference between the monster." Hmm... I mean, this does make a problem for players who were keeping given items accessible people who couldn't afford NX, but it definitely didn't feel very legitimate.

Reply April 15, 2016 - edited

@megascience: They're changing the way boxes will be distributed. If they factor in relative level to the Elite boss, you won't get a box if you're beyond a certain level range from it (similar to how Bonus round rewards are distributed now). This means no more level 200+ people camping Elites and 1-shotting them unless they're just asshats.

And yes, there's plenty of other changes in the notes. Most I didn't feel like were interesting enough to be mentioned.
You can just wait for Max to make a post for the other updates.

Reply April 15, 2016 - edited

There's a lot more to the notes than summarized here. Can't wait for the full translation. x_x I ran this through Google Translate, and what came out sorta readable is interesting. I'm also not sure what you mean by no one camping Drakes... There's Elite changes, but is it changing their spawning patterns?

Reply April 15, 2016 - edited

@elufu: Hayato can do it

Reply April 15, 2016 - edited

@vietua: It's not a PvP game, I think it's a good thing they're scrapping it.

ot: Nice changes :o Bring it

Reply April 15, 2016 - edited

Lol boss arena getting removed

Feels like it was dead from day 1

Reply April 15, 2016 - edited

Such nice changes, finally won't have to skip a week just because you forgot to reset a boss earlier than on wednesday.

Reply April 15, 2016 - edited

I'm loving those changes, especially the reset tickets one

Reply April 15, 2016 - edited

"Mu Lung Dojo now doesn't have 2 floors on each stage (so you won't get stuck on the top floor if you use certain vertical movement skills on classes like Mercedes)."

Mercedes could actually use more vertical skills(combo) to go over the invisible ledge above the screen to escape it. Hayato can't though.

Reply April 15, 2016 - edited

nice changes

Reply April 15, 2016 - edited

@maeselder: You can turn off the soul effect already lol, there's an on/off button where the soul charging bar is

Reply April 15, 2016 - edited

Cool, I missed the last pink bean event. Was super interested though. Also
THANK GOD, transparency options for skills. Now just allow me to turn off my boss soul effect.

Reply April 15, 2016 - edited

Number 10 is the best change at least for me

Reply April 15, 2016 - edited

wow thanks for translation!

Reply April 15, 2016 - edited

Actually kinda enjoy Boss Arena
Guess PvP isn't something Maple's ever going to take seriously

Reply April 15, 2016 - edited