

General Chat

Name of song? I'm trying to figure out the name of a song that someone on basil once introduced me to. IM pretty sure it's a Korean guy who's rapping (I think?) about how his mother accidentally got pregnant at a young age, and how she was really scared. He speaks about how he forgives his mother for not being there for him. It starts out really slowly, with him walking into a room, and plays a record, with somber music that starts the song. I think it's piano. I apologize if that's inadequate.

General Chat

What would you do in this situation? So I'm going back home from college for my spring break to my family. I really need to study while I'm home, but the issue is with my older brother. I'm basically his only friend, and while I'm gone (which is basically almost all the time), he's very lonely. All he is able to do is play video games alone, and my parents are simply too busy to notice him. So when I go home, I'm certain the only thing he will want to do is play with me. But I simply can't afford that. What should I do? :3 :~( o.o >.<

General Chat

Went to Melee tournament today So I went to a melee tournament today at UChicago. I was blissfully unaware of what I was actually attending. The event was called "UChicon," and it was actually an anime convention. The melee tournament was just a small side thing. So...much...cosplay! And the worst part is, all the girls were ugly. Except for this one hot girl. Her cosplay was pretty skimpy. Idk if you guys can deduce what she was wearing, but she had like a red blouse that showed cleavage, and her pants were one leg black, the other red. She also had a snake I think? Idk. Summary: Accidentally attended an anime convention today.

General Chat

Running for Exec Position Hey guys, So I really want to run for an exec position at my university for an organization. The organization is sizable, meaning it's got like 50-ish people that actually show up. The thing that's been bothering me though is there's this girl that wants to run for the same position as me. I'm a guy, so idk how I'll do with the girl's votes. So my question is how do I get the girls' votes? Just hang out with them more? Talk to them more? I really suck at this stuff.

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