
Bring Back Ultimate Adventurers Nexon

Please bring them back.

July 20, 2015

14 Comments • Newest first


@grawp77: I was being facetious. But in all seriousness, I spent 4 hours one day during a 2x event, with a 2x coupon, and using showdown and I got 4 lunar dews. 1 per hour, on 5XX% drop rate. Its close enough to zero that it doesn't really matter

Reply July 21, 2015

i think they should adjust the drop rate so that's it doesn't take several hours to complete what's supposed to be a simple quest.

Reply July 20, 2015

eckhart's vampire is pretty nice for saving pots =p

Reply July 20, 2015

There's no real point to UA's anymore.
The one thing that made them viable was that they were an instant level 60 character with their respective CK class's skill. And even then the skills were nerfed (if I recall correctly ) and not really that great.
Today it's easy to get to 100 in a day or less, even casually. And leveling is easier than ever before. So.... why?

@grawp77: A lot of people have wasted their life on that quest. And no, the drop rate is still essentially non-existent; it STILL sits at like 1,000,000:1, if you're lucky.
PS: No, not a lot of people had that skill back in the day, and even fewer have it now. And it's pointless anyhow since it was only useful from 70~120, and those levels are some of the fastest in the game.
Sure you could argue that it'd be "great" for equipping a lv140 with CRA equips (or a lv150 w/ Terminus/SW equips), but it's not difficult to level from 141~150.
Plus if you REALLY want to do that, there are level passes in the CS that do the same thing, are far cheaper overall (time vs. money cost ) than slaving your life away looking for lunar dews, and won't leave you feeling (as ) cheated by the game.

Reply July 20, 2015

@Lecarde: i have like 9 on my i/L mage. best to try and get them on 2x drop event + 1.5x (spider familiar) + 2x drop coupon

Reply July 20, 2015

I'd be cool if they updated the Cygnus skill. It'd be awesome if you got wind walk as an explorer archer.

Reply July 20, 2015

this hipster crap is hilarious

Reply July 20, 2015

[quote=Lecarde] can't get them because lunar dews have a nonexistant drop rate. Got it

@OT: I just want that vampire skill on my NL[/quote]

A lot of people have got the skill by questing
so yes the drop rate actually exists

Reply July 20, 2015

[quote=bloodIsShed]you can still get the skill by completing the dew quest[/quote] can't get them because lunar dews have a nonexistant drop rate. Got it

@OT: I just want that vampire skill on my NL

Reply July 20, 2015

you can still get the skill by completing the dew quest

Reply July 20, 2015

[quote=Aaaayee]There's really no point because their UA skills are garbage compared to their actual skills.
Now, if they revamped it with better UA skills, and you'd need like a level 200 cygnus to get a level 100 UA, then possibly.[/quote]

This ^ I was thinking that they should also let the Cygnus Knights keep their signature UA skill and buff the damage to make it actually viable, (as well as making the 2nd and 3rd job skills for CK's more viable for training, as a TB.. Ascension+Thunder is absolutely one of the best and most fun mobbing skill, but it gets replaced by Typhoon+SharkSweep... all the skills should be reworked or at least implement a hyper that allows all skills below 4th job to be buffed considerably).

(I remember Shark Wave hitting like a boss, killing 15 mobs off screen 'cuz it had such an op range R.I.P.</3 )

I want to have a UA bucc on my main account but I have on my secondary account because at the time I didn't have character slots. QQ.
Nexon also said they would be "Temporarily Unavailable" not permanently gone so they are either in works for a revamp or they're just ignoring us as per usual.

Reply July 20, 2015 - edited

There's really no point because their UA skills are garbage compared to their actual skills.
Now, if they revamped it with better UA skills, and you'd need like a level 200 cygnus to get a level 100 UA, then possibly.

Reply July 20, 2015 - edited

I have two. After 160 there's not that big of an advantage.
Spirit should buff you imo. It should act something like beholder.

Reply July 20, 2015 - edited

Bring back UA hack please

Reply July 20, 2015 - edited