
Which Resistance class to choose for Black Heaven?

Hello Basilers,

Still recently back from a several year hiatus and (re)learning my way around the game.
With this new Black Heaven update that I hear is going to change around alot of the resistance classes, which ones do you think fare the best and the worst?
I used to play a BaM, but after coming back and playing around with it a bit, it doesn't quite have the same appeal it used to, and I hear they are getting nerfed. Eh, I'm already not thrilled with the changes to them since I last played, so that seems a bit ....disheartening.

So which class do you think will fare the best in various areas like partying, bossing, mobbing and mobility? I am looking to make a new character that's a resistance class for this update, because I've always loved the various storylines in MS, and it just seems appropriate to have a resistance class for Black heaven? I am more interested in classes that will be useful in partying situations, and are mobile. But I'd love to hear your thoughts on all of them.

March 4, 2015

15 Comments • Newest first


The two big "problems" with the Battle Mage's revamp is that their auras no longer stack and they no longer have the Sweeping Staff hyper skill that adds another hit to their attacks. However, I've been looking further into it and it's not really all that bad. The auras are no longer stack-able, but they all give passive bonuses even when the auras are off, so it's not quite as bad. The reapers no longer can be summoned as an army, but a single reaper will always follow you around, gaining power and then unleashing attacks (that apparently bypass damage reflect). Overall, the standard playstyle of Battle Mages hasn't really changed... so I suggest anyone who has a Battle Mage to at least try the updates before outright quitting.

The Mechanic update... I just love it. It changed the two major things I disliked about the class - low survivability and the requirement of a somewhat complicated keyboard layout. Also, from what people are saying, Mechanics pack a punch with their homing missiles and other attacks, which is nice. They lose the Siege Mode which was cool and all, but it definitely gimped their mobility and made for more unnecessary extra keys to use.

I don't know much about Wild Hunters... mainly because I was never all that interested in them. Why they decided to have it so they can now capture and swap between multiple jaguars doesn't make much sense to me... but maybe it will to people who use the class.

Reply March 5, 2015

@joblessjim: I never played the old Shad, but god damn the feeling sucks, perhaps there will be some edits from KMS's patch.

Reply March 5, 2015

[quote=Fryber]I don't understand why people (especially those who don't play the aforemetioned class) get the notion that revamp is immediately good.[/quote]

That's what i said when they took out assaulter and bot for shadowers. R.I.P old shads.

Reply March 5, 2015

[quote=Lecarde]BaM will be stronger with the new patch. People are just whining because they are too lazy to adjust to the new playstyle[/quote]

I don't understand why people (especially those who don't play the aforemetioned class) get the notion that revamp is immediately good.

Reply March 5, 2015

I've been playing mechanic since it first was released, i enjoyed its OPness when it first came out, then kept playing when it was nerfed. So much hate for years on mechanics with their low damage and limited mobility. Hearing everyone saying its going to be OP and being mobile.. *tearing up a little* <3

Reply March 5, 2015

BaM will be stronger with the new patch. People are just whining because they are too lazy to adjust to the new playstyle

Reply March 4, 2015

I've said this on A LOT of threads that mention Battle Mage or Resistance in general, but to somewhat elaborate (and redundantly! ) of what I said before, I'm still sticking with my Battle Mage despite most of the changes still giving me a uneasy feel really. Wild Hunter I wasn't too interested in to begin with at all. Even though I did give them a shot when I was trying out the original Resistance, they were my least favorite to play sadly. Mechanic I need to give another shot considering the last one I played was... 2-3 years ago? (I think.) Plus I stopped at 35...

Something to note for all just go with any of the three that intrigue you. It's better to have at least an honest experience than not to even bother trying.

Reply March 4, 2015

Mechanics are going to be very op, with their mobility and survivability going way up, and their damage before crits going up another 10%, and a full 60% higher if your crit rate is high. The new skill Homing Missiles alone is bandwagon-worthy

Reply March 4, 2015

I'll go for them all but as its describes in KMS Mechanics are gonna be super op

Reply March 4, 2015 - edited

[quote=yukinariyuki]It makes me a little upset that now everyone knows about the update,people flock to the resistance classes
but after a while,you'll all drop them,just like you did before.[/quote]

That's why you manipulate them for profit like I'm going to do.

Reply March 4, 2015 - edited

It makes me a little upset that now everyone knows about the update,people flock to the resistance classes
but after a while,you'll all drop them,just like you did before.

Reply March 4, 2015 - edited

I am a Demon Avenger user. I do not recommend it whatsoever. That's why I quit it.

Reply March 4, 2015 - edited

Make a Battle Mage.

Reply March 4, 2015 - edited

Even though I'm a pessimistic about the Battle Mage revamp, I will note I believe the damage should remain about the same, but the playstyle will change (which I dislike, since 60% dodge+20%evasion was such a blessing).

Reply March 4, 2015 - edited

from a lot of korean threads ive read, apparently mechanic is op.

Reply March 4, 2015 - edited