

How much per line of Gugnir to finish ranked Dojo?

Title is pretty descriptive.

April 18, 2014

8 Comments • Newest first


[quote=SpiritBag]Double damage might make the time you actually spend fighting take half the time, but there is a lot of time moving between rooms and waiting for bosses to spawn that is going to be the same regardless of damage.[/quote]

Oh darn forgot about that. brb going back to school

Reply April 20, 2014

[quote=iChosenDream]@iEatNoobz: You'd think double damage would meam double speed >.> But I understand, since the time for the first 10 bosses would be roughly the same since they all get 1-shot.[/quote]

Double damage might make the time you actually spend fighting take half the time, but there is a lot of time moving between rooms and waiting for bosses to spawn that is going to be the same regardless of damage.

Reply April 20, 2014

@iEatNoobz: You'd think double damage would meam double speed >.> But I understand, since the time for the first 10 bosses would be roughly the same since they all get 1-shot.

Reply April 20, 2014

[quote=iChosenDream]^That's impossible. 4mil a line only nets me 15mins [/quote]

also as of right now i do 9m+ per line of gungnirs that was when i was 170ish soooo its pretty accurate

Reply April 19, 2014

[quote=iChosenDream]^That's impossible. 4mil a line only nets me 15mins [/quote]

That's accurate, just because you have double the damage doesn't mean his time is gonna be twice yours.

Reply April 19, 2014

^That's impossible. 4mil a line only nets me 15mins

Reply April 18, 2014

i was doing about 2m per line of gungnirs in order to finish below 20min

Reply April 18, 2014


This post is pretty descriptive.

Reply April 18, 2014