

Bm hyperskill boss

asolute poop.
preparation buff has boss% but cd.
surely nexon should have incorporated boss% to the actual hurricane skill like the rest of the classes instead of giving us a useless 30 second buff.

November 2, 2012

50 Comments • Newest first


@bowmushro0m: Darn tooten *slaps knee*. Back in the day trolling was a work of art none of this 1 month old meme crap

Reply November 7, 2012


that's how you troll right. not that crap people do today where theyjust blatantly act stupid.

Reply November 7, 2012

[quote=bowmushro0m]we do, and it's great but i mean the only thing it's missing is stance really wish we had some of that[/quote]

I lol'd

Reply November 6, 2012

@bowmushro0m: .....either your smoking way too many mushrooms or it sadly takes me WAY took long to realize that someone is trolling me.

Reply November 6, 2012

[quote=bluebomber24].....I thought with the Mihile link skill and preperation we pretty much got 100% stance?[/quote]

we do, and it's great but i mean the only thing it's missing is stance really wish we had some of that

Reply November 6, 2012

[quote=bowmushro0m]yeah but if only we had stance then hyperskills would be complete[/quote]

.....I thought with the Mihile link skill and preperation we pretty much got 100% stance?

Reply November 6, 2012

[quote=bluebomber24]We got stance.[/quote]

yeah but if only we had stance then hyperskills would be complete

Reply November 6, 2012

[quote=SeraphicPhantom]BM Hyper Skills look....okay. No stance, but Wind of Frey DOES look pretty boss, IMO. @_@[/quote]

We got stance.

Reply November 6, 2012

BM Hyper Skills look....okay. No stance, but Wind of Frey DOES look pretty boss, IMO. @_@

Reply November 6, 2012


Why, I introduce you to its mobbing counterpart: WIND PIERCING.

Reply November 6, 2012 - edited

@airforce1: Ah, ok, I did not know that about buff duration partywise...that's kinda dumb. I am a little less thrilled about it now, but Thanks for the info.

So basically, CDR is definitely something that should be strived for when looking for more efficency. Buff duration via Azwan line [b]could[/b] be beneficial at a certain point for some players (and maybe in the future if Nexon releases a good link skill or etc), but even then, thats only [b]if[/b] math says that it will increase your overall DPS and not decrease on any monster that you cannot hit the cap on. However, if a person can get Buff Duration from other areas that isn't from the Azwan line or potential for that matter, then their could be some immediate decent benefits.

Reply November 6, 2012 - edited

[quote=tenseiga1]@bowmushro0m: YOU wouldn't go out of your way for hp and avoid, others would. This thread is not about you and your fellow "cappers" in the first place but you want to quote me so here we are.

Also nice that you ignore other stuff I put such as critical rate and status resist char cards, which I don't care if you wouldn't get because again, this thread topic is created by and for the common BM who does not cap so it's the better option than duration and CD for 99.999% of BM. So this has nothing to do with you but here you are persistently posting your preference of cd/buff duration, which is 0 contribution to this thread of non-cappers, who don't care about your dmg, they care about their own.

That's very nice "pro". You should create your own thread if you think cd/duration buffs are so significant. Go show this revelation to other cappers but no, you'll just post more in this thread that does not apply to you. Me, not bright? No, that's you because you will post here again. And feel bad for yourself, buddy, for thinking again I'm a troll yet you keep replying to me over and over again.
Kudos to you for spotting my outdated characters list, I'm a pro non-character updater so you really got me, I only play a level 20 character.[/quote]

again i really can't tell if you're trolling cause this thread isn't about ANY kind of bm, cappers or otherwise. it's about hyperskills. and if i'm not mistaken (i'm not.) the CD was one of the complaints. and why 99.999% of bm's cannot cap, 100% of them are aiming for it whether they know it or not. if you upgrade at all, level up at all, or even continue your bowmaster, odds are you want to increase your damage. and the only place to stop is at cap. unfortunately we all know what it takes to cap. there isn't much more help you can give an unfunded bowmaster other than "merch merch merch merch buy nx cube" the average bm would probably want to know what to be aiming for (cough CD reduction) AFTER they start capping, because that's when they'll typically be lost. most of them assume that max damage is the best and there is no way to continue improving.

btw, when it comes to capping with hurricane- there's a very big different between "i can cap" and "i hit nothing but cap" typically something like oh..20% extra boss damage could very well be the separation between those two things.

just to clarify, this thread is not about character cards, damage, the common bm, or my bm. so to say that by talking about my personal damage i am off topic, but you are not, is kind of..dumb.

but you're right, i'm done feeding the troll, have fun thinking that more people care about adding %avoid then maximize their time spent hitting higher numbers~

Reply November 5, 2012 - edited

@bluebomber24: Unless I'm mistaken, buff duration is determined by the character being casted on, not the caster. Assuming the potential works like mages buff mastery, only cd reduction would convert into party dps.

I'm not sure how "easy" it is to get max S rank buff duration, but it's certainly possible.
Agreed about reducing cd with character cards. It's easy and the most efficient damage increase.
Agreed about other benefits, if only because Epic Adventurer raises the damage cap. I'd probably be looking towards %hp, but that's just me.

I'll throw in that AB's link skill *might* make it significantly more advantageous to chose buff duration than I was previously estimating. I haven't actually tested if cdr or buff duration works with link skills.

EDIT: Tested and confirmed Azwan buff duration, mechanic card, merc card all work with link skills (Knight's Watch).
AB's link skill is 50% damage for 10sec with 90sec cd. cdr would have a much bigger impact here than buff duration with 10% cdr ~= 50% buff duration

Reply November 5, 2012 - edited

[quote=tenseiga1]@bowmushro0m: YOU wouldn't go out of your way for hp and avoid, others would. This thread is not about you and your fellow "cappers" in the first place but you want to quote me so here we are.

Also nice that you ignore other stuff I put such as critical rate and status resist char cards, which I don't care if you wouldn't get because again, this thread topic is created by and for the common BM who does not cap so it's the better option than duration and CD for 99.999% of BM. So this has nothing to do with you but here you are persistently posting your preference of cd/buff duration, which is 0 contribution to this thread of non-cappers, who don't care about your dmg, they care about their own.

That's very nice "pro". You should create your own thread if you think cd/duration buffs are so significant. Go show this revelation to other cappers but no, you'll just post more in this thread that does not apply to you. Me, not bright? No, that's you because you will post here again. And feel bad for yourself, buddy, for thinking again I'm a troll yet you keep replying to me over and over again.
Kudos to you for spotting my outdated characters list, I'm a pro non-character updater so you really got me, I only play a level 20 character.[/quote]

I am about as common or below average in damage as BMs my level get, but %HP, % status resist, and %Avd? In fact, status resist and high damaging monsters are LESS relevant to me than to a funded BM. I will not be going to empress or soloing czak any time soon. Instead of a 4% HP DrK, 3% Status Resist DS, and a 4% avoid, DB (% avoid by the way, is not great at all, it's not an actual % to avoid an attack if I recall correctly) I'd much rather have something more along the CD reduction route. Plus, I benefit largely from having a Merc, MM, and my BM, since the 3% FA damage bonus is really nice for BM's. Since I already have a 120 Jett, making a mech and bucc can get extra buff duration and some small boosts to damage along with 6% PDR. Much better than the ones you listed.

How'd you get 37 seconds as easy? o.O

Reply November 5, 2012 - edited

@bowmushro0m: YOU wouldn't go out of your way for hp and avoid, others would. This thread is not about you and your fellow "cappers" in the first place but you want to quote me so here we are.

Also nice that you ignore other stuff I put such as critical rate and status resist char cards, which I don't care if you wouldn't get because again, this thread topic is created by and for the common BM who does not cap so it's the better option than duration and CD for 99.999% of BM. So this has nothing to do with you but here you are persistently posting your preference of cd/buff duration, which is 0 contribution to this thread of non-cappers, who don't care about your dmg, they care about their own.

That's very nice "pro". You should create your own thread if you think cd/duration buffs are so significant. Go show this revelation to other cappers but no, you'll just post more in this thread that does not apply to you. Me, not bright? No, that's you because you will post here again. And feel bad for yourself, buddy, for thinking again I'm a troll yet you keep replying to me over and over again.
Kudos to you for spotting my outdated characters list, I'm a pro non-character updater so you really got me, I only play a level 20 character.

Reply November 5, 2012 - edited


[*] It is EASY to get Preparation down to 37 seconds wait whether you should is another matter.

. . I'm not so sure about that.

Reply November 5, 2012 - edited

[quote=tenseiga1]@bluebomber24: Not dead enough, let me get my shotgun
If you don't care about being wrong, why are you defending your suggestions so badly? They are impractical to pretty much all BM. Non-cappers are looking for a way to get better dmg, and you give advice of cappers, you're very very helpful to the point of the thread. Go make your own thread for the 1%. Wrong info in wrong thread, all the time, buddy.

I also remember you constantly posting, "Mercedes are not that much stronger than BM, it's only the arrow."
Mercedes Nerf, 2 BM buff updates, 3rd buffs will be along with hyper, and now BM will finally be equal to Mercedes.

@bowmushro0m: In yesterday's post, you said only with your buffs can you hit dmg cap, and now here you are saying you hit cap ALL the time on czak regardless of buffs. You achieved all that in less than 24 hours? oh my gosh, you really are pro, at lying.

And if you have such a problem with HP, remove your SL with the next sp reset, don't worry, you'll still hit cap, right?

And seriously? You care so much about DPS yet you are willing to use Drain Arrow, the slowest skill BM has, probably as slow as MW casting. Yup, DPS, so important to you. So much saying one thing then doing a 180. True pro liar. True pro. #pro[/quote]

my buffs include concentration, illusion step, maple warrior, and spirit link. without those, i don't hit 100% cap. however with those i do cap 100% without crits. with a 0% critical rate i would still hit max. THAT HASN'T CHANGED SINCE YESTERDAY. but in my video that is over 2 months old, i don't cap 100% of the time. THAT PART HAS CHANGED. if you want to call me a "pro at lying" you should ask any of the respected players in windia n.n most of them know me. you however are a lvl 20 random acnt, in fact you've distorted what i've said enough times for me to assume you're just another troll account. i never said spirit link didn't matter. but i wouldn't go out of my way for %hp/%avoid, such as using character cards -.- you really aren't very bright i almost feel bad

Reply November 5, 2012 - edited

@bluebomber24: Not dead enough, let me get my shotgun
If you don't care about being wrong, why are you defending your suggestions so badly? They are impractical to pretty much all BM. Non-cappers are looking for a way to get better dmg, and you give advice of cappers, you're very very helpful to the point of the thread. Go make your own thread for the 1%. Wrong info in wrong thread, all the time, buddy.

I also remember you constantly posting, "Mercedes are not that much stronger than BM, it's only the arrow."
Mercedes Nerf, 2 BM buff updates, 3rd buffs will be along with hyper, and now BM will finally be equal to Mercedes.

@bowmushro0m: In yesterday's post, you said only with your buffs can you hit dmg cap, and now here you are saying you hit cap ALL the time on czak regardless of buffs. You achieved all that in less than 24 hours? oh my gosh, you really are pro, at lying.

And if you have such a problem with HP, remove your SL with the next sp reset, don't worry, you'll still hit cap, right?

And seriously? You care so much about DPS yet you are willing to use Drain Arrow, the slowest skill BM has, probably as slow as MW casting. Yup, DPS, so important to you. So much saying one thing then doing a 180. True pro liar. True pro. #pro

Reply November 5, 2012 - edited


Btw @airforce1: I wanted to hear your thoughts on something regarding Epic Adventurer because you brought up a good point that I didn't consider. But I didn't have time to talk about in the first quote cause I was busy at the time.

For the most part I am assuming you agree that one can reach cap damage on 2x Hurricane on the likes of Zakum, Horntail, etc. Your issue is that monsters such as CPB, Empress, Hard Magnus, etc ( "Hard Boss" ) the chances of hitting the cap is unrealistic and thus sacrificing an Aswan line would be unreasonable.
To that extent I agree, (until Nexon makes it even more easier to obtain power), that a downside to the lack of a 1 Aswan line would cause your damage to suffer when you face Hard Bosses, but not necessarily when you face other bosses. In terms of SOLOing, this will always be the case. However, in a party if you are the only level 200, your entire party's DoT would greatly benefit from the Buff Duration as the party would not have to wait 60 seconds for the Epic Adventurer, thus making the Buff Duration phenomenally more beneficial (assuming there are at least 2-3 explorer classes in the party).

Nevertheless, your counterargument to this would be that its relatively easy to have 2 or more level 200s on a Hard Boss run and only two level 200s would have to be casting Epic Adventurer in order to have a almost constant effect of the buff. However, this would mean that at a minimum every 60 seconds, DPS will significantly drop for at least 1 person for the time it takes the buff to be cast.

Comparatively, if 1 person with the 2 cards and the Azwan Buff line, then only 1 person's DPS will significantly drop [b]every other[/b] 104 seconds and 1 persons DPS will drop [b]every other[/b] 60 seconds. If 2 level 200s had the Buff Duration, then it would every 104 seconds 1 persons DPS would drop for a brief period. The question then becomes does that difference, party-wise, overcome the potential of the singular damage loss on Hard Bosses, especially when considering the boosts in duration to other buff skills? I honestly don't know as I have been out the game for awhile (still am, actually) and I don't feel like doing Maple Math.


To be sure, I have tried to emphasize these things:

[*] It is EASY to get Preparation down to 37 seconds wait whether you should is another matter.
[*] Reducing wait time by 9 seconds for Preparation is a GOOD idea to pursue at a minimum.
[*] The more likely someone will hit a cap on a monster, the more they should look towards indirect means to increase their DPS, primarily buff durations and cool-downs

Reply November 4, 2012 - edited

[quote=tenseiga1]You say BM get 1 hit then you go ahead and say %hp is junk, so you like dying? Now you say 10k hp is more than enough after you JUST said BM get 1 hit, contradicting much? What's the real story? They have enough hp or not? Because if not, then clearly %hp and % avoid is not junk. If they do have enough hp, why you lie and say they get 1 hit?

In your czak video of 09/2012, I see you have no IA and 75% critical rate.
25% of your arrows are not getting the average of 1.5x extra dmg from critical. And here you are saying DPS is something you care about.
Have fun with buff duration when monsters can dispel you, cast physical attack block, dmg reflect, I'll be recasting when that happens.
And once you put a point into split hurricane, you won't be doing dmg cap anymore since you said "can usually only do it because of buffs." So if you want buff durations instead of getting back your dmg cap, have fun with that.

His info is useful to 0.0000001% of BM. If you say you welcome his info and prefer backseat durations then why did you talk and care about DPS? .

But it's whatever, you can praise your bff all you want, you two can go enjoy your buff durations.[/quote]

oh my god, i'm so sorry. see i assumed you could read anyway, let me break this down for your first grade reading comprehension level.
a long time ago back when this game was a challenge bowmasters would get 1hit by everything. on the high end we had 3k hp. NOW we have up to 20k (18k give or take for me right now) %hp and %avoid would be total garbage -.- i don't need more hp. especially with drain arrow

that video is outdated grats on not realizing that pro's upgrade regularly. i now hit max damage 100% of the time on czak, whether it's critical or not. so i would be content with a 0% critical rate.

again, i upgrade constantly. right now if i split my hurricane it would be around 600-700k x2..OH wait..we also get a second weapon pot soon maybe JUST MAYBE i plan to have one for 90% boss O: idk. maybe that's crazy.
' and finally, i do care about dps. the thing is, my dps is maxed out. apart from increasing the cap (the cubes no longer exist in the cs) there is no possible way for me to increase my dps any further. even my phoenix hits max. so for those of us who NO LONG HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT DPS, his info is very useful.

Reply November 4, 2012 - edited

[quote=tenseiga1]@bluebomber24: No BM is going to repeatedly spend NX to lock IA buff duration and reduce their chances of getting an IA 10x better.
No BM is going to make a merc/mec when they can make a MM for critical, DS for status resist, DK for %hp, DB for %avoid

Stand by your post all you want, fact is, 99% of BM can't hit dmg cap and will pick dmg boost over CD redu/buff dur junk. Your suggestion is the last thing any BM will do, which is less than 1% of all BMs.

Saying I'm forgettable means nothing to me. I REMEMBER YOU
You're the guy who constantly says things that apply to NO BM. You're also the guy who edits your own posts to hide your mistakes.

@ketchup11: No one cares about duration buff when there are like 10 other inner abilities to boost your dmg/hp/survivability.[/quote]

Right...obsessive much?

My point has already been proven per above posts so the dead horse would like you to stop beating on it. As far as editing, I am a compulsive editer and edit almost every post I make period. If I make a mistake and want to acknowledge it, my edit would be in a way that conveys that. Its kinda hard to hide an edit seeing that theres a giant asterisk every-time one is made. If I am in some way wrong, I really don't give a crap and probably agree with the poster, if they convince me. But what do I know, it sounds like you keep a catalouge of everything I posts...I guess that's a healthy hobby.

Btw, 1% > NO BM

Edit: Lol, Whoo, I have edit issues. 4/5 edits in this thread not including this post.

Reply November 4, 2012 - edited

[quote=tenseiga1]You say BM get 1 hit then you go ahead and say %hp is junk, so you like dying? Now you say 10k hp is more than enough after you JUST said BM get 1 hit, contradicting much? What's the real story? They have enough hp or not? Because if not, then clearly %hp and % avoid is not junk. If they do have enough hp, why you lie and say they get 1 hit?

In your czak video of 09/2012, I see you have no IA and 75% critical rate.
25% of your arrows are not getting the average of 1.5x extra dmg from critical. And here you are saying DPS is something you care about.
Have fun with buff duration when monsters can dispel you, cast physical attack block, dmg reflect, I'll be recasting when that happens.
And once you put a point into split hurricane, you won't be doing dmg cap anymore since you said "can usually only do it because of buffs." So if you want buff durations instead of getting back your dmg cap, have fun with that.

His info is useful to 0.0000001% of BM. If you say you welcome his info and prefer backseat durations then why did you talk and care about DPS? .

But it's whatever, you can praise your bff all you want, you two can go enjoy your buff durations.[/quote]
I think he's referring to back when BMs really did die in one hit. SL and all the hp% you can get now gives plenty.

also, not all bosses will have dispell/defense up/etc, much less use them at times that sync with your buffs, but that's besides the point.
I suppose he's talking about theoretical DPS when capping with double cane/right now where we don't have it, since that's where it's useful. buff duration will increase damage now a little by reducing buffing time, and more later once we have epic adventure and preparation. just less than the obvious direct damage increase S rank 20% boss/crit/etc, which are irrelevant if you cap everything anyways.

Reply November 4, 2012 - edited

[quote=bowmushro0m]yes, very few bm's can hit cap. but some of us can. and it's very frustrating when people say "that only applies to the few of you who can hit cap" i'm very interested in other ways of upgrading now that i do in fact hit cap. thanks to people like @bluebomber24 , who go outside the box, i can. %avoid and %hp? seriously? those are crap. bm's are used to being 1hit by everything after lvl 120. (at least a lot of us are) the sheer fact that i have more than 10k hp is WAY more than enough for me.[/quote]
You say BM get 1 hit then you go ahead and say %hp is junk, so you like dying? Now you say 10k hp is more than enough after you JUST said BM get 1 hit, contradicting much? What's the real story? They have enough hp or not? Because if not, then clearly %hp and % avoid is not junk. If they do have enough hp, why you lie and say they get 1 hit?

[quote=bowmushro0m]i'd rather have something that's applicable like longer buff times. because the few of us who cap with hurricane, can usually only do it because of buffs. and stopping to recast every skill cuts our dps considerably. (which is something we care about =.=)[/quote]
In your czak video of 09/2012, I see you have no IA and 75% critical rate.
25% of your arrows are not getting the average of 1.5x extra dmg from critical. And here you are saying DPS is something you care about.
Have fun with buff duration when monsters can dispel you, cast physical attack block, dmg reflect, I'll be recasting when that happens.
And once you put a point into split hurricane, you won't be doing dmg cap anymore since you said "can usually only do it because of buffs." So if you want buff durations instead of getting back your dmg cap, have fun with that.

[quote=bowmushro0m]his info isn't useless. even though it takes a backseat to damage, i'd welcome it rather than have the obvious restated over and over about how to improve damage ranges.[/quote]
His info is useful to 0.0000001% of BM. If you say you welcome his info and prefer backseat durations then why did you talk and care about DPS? .

But it's whatever, you can praise your bff all you want, you two can go enjoy your buff durations.

Reply November 4, 2012 - edited

@airforce1: that's actually amazing.

Reply November 4, 2012 - edited

[quote=tenseiga1]@bluebomber24: No BM is going to repeatedly spend NX to lock IA buff duration and reduce their chances of getting an IA 10x better.
No BM is going to make a merc/mec when they can make a MM for critical, DS for status resist, DK for %hp, DB for %avoid

Stand by your post all you want, fact is, 99% of BM can't hit dmg cap and will pick dmg boost over CD redu/buff dur junk. Your suggestion is the last thing any BM will do, which is less than 1% of all BMs.

Saying I'm forgettable means nothing to me. I REMEMBER YOU
You're the guy who constantly says things that apply to NO BM. You're also the guy who edits your own posts to hide your mistakes.

@ketchup11: No one cares about duration buff when there are like 10 other inner abilities to boost your dmg/hp/survivability.[/quote]

upgrading damage is easy. everyone knows how to do it. get more dex. get more attack. which is done by merching/bossing/using nx.

yes, very few bm's can hit cap. but some of us can. and it's very frustrating when people say "that only applies to the few of you who can hit cap" i'm very interested in other ways of upgrading now that i do in fact hit cap. thanks to people like @bluebomber24 , who go outside the box, i can. %avoid and %hp? seriously? those are crap. bm's are used to being 1hit by everything after lvl 120. (at least a lot of us are) the sheer fact that i have more than 10k hp is WAY more than enough for me. i'd rather have something that's applicable like longer buff times. because the few of us who cap with hurricane, can usually only do it because of buffs. and stopping to recast every skill cuts our dps considerably. (which is something we care about =.=) his info isn't useless. even though it takes a backseat to damage, i'd welcome it rather than have the obvious restated over and over about how to improve damage ranges.

Reply November 4, 2012 - edited

@goegg2: lol, thanks for proving my point even further. Even more less than that. But can't be 0% because you know that blueguy suggested it so he'd probably do it.

Reply November 4, 2012 - edited

@iVege: The current consensus is that is yet another crappy Nexon description. What it means is that the cd cannot be reduced to less than 5 seconds. So a Merc card wouldn't affect a max snipe cd, but it would greatly reduce (by x%) the cd on something like Echo.

Reply November 4, 2012 - edited

@bluebomber24: No BM is going to repeatedly spend NX to lock IA buff duration and reduce their chances of getting an IA 10x better.
No BM is going to make a merc/mec when they can make a MM for critical, DS for status resist, DK for %hp, DB for %avoid

Stand by your post all you want, fact is, 99% of BM can't hit dmg cap and will pick dmg boost over CD redu/buff dur junk. Your suggestion is the last thing any BM will do, which is less than 1% of all BMs.

Saying I'm forgettable means nothing to me. I REMEMBER YOU
You're the guy who constantly says things that apply to NO BM. You're also the guy who edits your own posts to hide your mistakes.

@ketchup11: No one cares about duration buff when there are like 10 other inner abilities to boost your dmg/hp/survivability.

Reply November 3, 2012 - edited

@airforce1: You pretty much just stated what I said and showed how it was relevant. Like I said in my posts before, if the player wants to achieve something thats constant, they can go it, othwerwise its pointless to complain since the option is there.

Reply November 3, 2012 - edited

[quote=airforce1](achievable with just mech+merc cards)[/quote]

I don't know if CD decrease is capped per CD decrease effect or for the entire skill, but there is a cap of 5 seconds somewhere.

Reply November 3, 2012 - edited

@bluebomber24: I did read it. It just doesn't make sense.

OK. When you find me a BM hitting max (after breaking damage cap) x2 at CPB, Empress, Hard Magnus, etc then sure it makes sense if only so you don't have to push buttons as often. That doesn't make it efficient for increasing your damage. After reaching 100% stance by alternating with Knight's Watch (achievable with just mech+merc cards), it would hurt your damage to swap say 20% boss for 50% buff duration.

Have fun pretending that imaginary scenario is relevant to the OP's complaint.

Reply November 3, 2012 - edited

[quote=Arcana27961]As far as I can tell, Aran, Evan, Mercedes, Phantom, Luminous, Kaiser, Angelic Burster, Paladins, Dark Knights, the Arch Mages, Bishops, Mihile, Shadowers, and Dual Blades didn't receive the incorporated boss% in their hyper skills either.

Preparation also gives 50 attack, 100% stance, and is unlocked at level 150. The incorporated boss% hyper skills, for the other classes, are unlocked at levels 168, 177, and 195. Being passive skills, they are better, but it requires a lot more grinding to unlock them.[/quote]

yes, but they got reinforce (20% increase in damage).

Reply November 3, 2012 - edited

[quote=bluebomber24]Hm...I didn't forget it per se, just probably didn't emphasize the word "possibly" enough. I should have said "possibly one of the" strongest and fastest summons.[/quote]

It doesn't matter if you said 'possibly' or 'definitely'. I can still say the fact that Phoenix isn't the strongest is not true.

[quote=bluebomber24]IMHO, I believe Frostprey/Phoenix are the strongest hitting summons in the game, while Beholder is the strongest supporter in the game. I don't consider Shadow Partner a "Summon" but rather a buff as the skill is dependent upon the player's actions, whereas most other summons act independently.[/quote]

I don't like to consider Shadow Partner a summon either Beholden is unfortunately... cool, but as a supporter, Revenge is extremely unreliable, Aura is useless and Hex and mastery are just buffs found in most summons, except hex is split into another skill. In terms on non-damaging effects, Bahamut is pretty amazing with its passive 40% status resistance.

Reply November 3, 2012 - edited

[quote=TheHazza]asolute poop.
preparation buff has boss% but cd.
surely nexon should have incorporated boss% to the actual hurricane skill [b]like the rest of the classes[/b] instead of giving us a useless 30 second buff.[/quote]

As far as I can tell, Aran, Evan, Mercedes, Phantom, Luminous, Kaiser, Angelic Burster, Paladins, Dark Knights, the Arch Mages, Bishops, Mihile, Shadowers, and Dual Blades didn't receive the incorporated boss% in their hyper skills either.

Preparation also gives 50 attack, 100% stance, and is unlocked at level 150. The incorporated boss% hyper skills, for the other classes, are unlocked at levels 168, 177, and 195. Being passive skills, they are better, but it requires a lot more grinding to unlock them.

Reply November 3, 2012 - edited

Ahhhhh, Little things - :]

Reply November 3, 2012 - edited

[quote=airforce1]Seriously? I can't wait until we get our hyper skills. <3 BMs had a fair amount to complain about before, but this is just petty.

@bluebomber It is someones choice and Mech/Merc have two of the best character cards there are, but even assuming you have 2 lvl200 mechs and mercs that's only +12sec duration and -9sec cd. I have no idea where you're getting a 37sec cd from.

If you're suggesting Azwan abilities... just lol. No one should pass up the several other good abilities for buff duration.[/quote]

Read my previous post. I am pretty positive someone can reach the cap on double Hurricane while still sacrificing 1 Azwan line. If you are telling me that its "lol" to at least [b]consider[/b] sacrificing 1 line for the potential of waiting only 37 seconds for Preparation compared to 60 seconds and 16 seconds for Epic Adventurer instead of 60...then I am SMH.

Reply November 3, 2012 - edited

Seriously? I can't wait until we get our hyper skills. <3 BMs had a fair amount to complain about before, but this is just petty.

@bluebomber It is someones choice and Mech/Merc have two of the best character cards there are, but even assuming you have 2 lvl200 mechs and mercs that's only +12sec duration and -9sec cd. I have no idea where you're getting a 37sec cd from.

If you're suggesting Azwan abilities... just lol. No one should pass up the several other good abilities for buff duration.

Reply November 3, 2012 - edited

Keep in mind, 50% buff duration will also reduce normal buffing time and give you more of epic adventure(10% damage), knight's watch, etc as well. It's not an obvious damage boost like S 20% boss, but it's still a nice utility. I know I would keep it(mostly out of poorness)

some other threads/posts on basil:
F/Ps and heroes complain about ugly animations
Evans complain about a sub-par active skill
Marksmen complain about bullseye being mediocre and lrtshot's cooltime
Buccaneers complain about energy drain from unity
Corsairs complain about NOT getting split damage and capping too easily with rf ( )
You're playing an adventurer. Get used to it.

Reply November 2, 2012 - edited

[quote=TheHazza]asolute poop.
preparation buff has boss% but cd.
surely nexon should have incorporated boss% to the actual hurricane skill like the rest of the classes instead of giving us a useless 30 second buff.[/quote]

They have to balance mercedes and bowmasters some how man.

Reply November 2, 2012 - edited

[quote=Immutability]Oh little betch, QQ more[/quote]

jesse, get off my d

Reply November 2, 2012 - edited

[quote=tenseiga1]That is hilarious, ONLY YOU would say something like suggesting to put effort to getting a 90 second cd down to 37 seconds, no one else.
Not to mention it wouldn't be easy, no one is going to make two level 200 mercedes for character cards to shave off 9-10 seconds of cd.
Also to mention, there is no skill link or w/e links that gives cd reduction.
Also to mention, even if someone got inner ability +50% buff duration, no one would keep it, and even if they did, it would be the only 1 bm out of all bm.[/quote]

"Only you?" I don't know what that is supposed to mean but, as far as I know, I don't know you nor care to know, if we spoken before...your forgettable. So however you know me, you probably should move on with your life.

There are already BMs that are getting cooldown reduction and buff durations and to me its a luxury especially if you are already hitting the cap. Its not something someone should regularly strive for nor is it a necissity. But it is EASY to get if one chose to go that route. Heck just getting a Mech Card and a Merc to level 120 is almost a 10 second cooldown shave. Whether a person chooses to get a cooldown our not, my post stands. We got Boss% and a whole lot more and if you WANT a more constant effect go get it or don't complain.

Reply November 2, 2012 - edited

[quote=bluebomber24]We got possibly the strongest and fastest hitting summon in the game and practically doubled in mobbing power and capabilities. Nevertheless, your complaining about boss% that we did get but has a cool-down that can easily be reduced to 37 seconds at minimum with appropriate cards/links/etc...[/quote]

That is hilarious, ONLY YOU would say something like suggesting to put effort to getting a 90 second cd down to 37 seconds, no one else.
Not to mention it wouldn't be easy, no one is going to make two level 200 mercedes for character cards to shave off 9-10 seconds of cd.
Also to mention, there is no skill link or w/e links that gives cd reduction.
Also to mention, even if someone got inner ability +50% buff duration, no one would keep it, and even if they did, it would be the only 1 bm out of all bm.

Reply November 2, 2012 - edited

[quote=iVege]Oh, that's not true at all. Perhaps we forgot about... Frostprey :[b][/b])[/quote]

Hm...I didn't forget it per se, just probably didn't emphasize the word "possibly" enough. I should have said "possibly one of the" strongest and fastest summons.

IMHO, I believe Frostprey/Phoenix are the strongest hitting summons in the game, while Beholder is the strongest supporter in the game. I don't consider Shadow Partner a "Summon" but rather a buff as the skill is dependent upon the player's actions, whereas most other summons act independently.

Reply November 2, 2012 - edited

[quote=bluebomber24]We got possibly the strongest and fastest hitting summon in the game[/quote]

Oh, that's not true at all. Perhaps we forgot about... Frostprey :[b][/b])

Reply November 2, 2012 - edited

We got possibly the strongest and fastest hitting summon in the game and practically doubled in mobbing power and capabilities. Nevertheless, your complaining about boss% that we did get but has a cool-down that can easily be reduced to 37 seconds at minimum with appropriate cards/links/etc...

Reply November 2, 2012 - edited

I'm okay with the hyperskills.

Reply November 2, 2012 - edited

im a happy bm

Reply November 2, 2012 - edited

Well, actually, just normal Reinforce would have been fine, in place of extra range.

Prep is a bonus on top of that (on top of that, which is non-existent). A lot of classes got the 30 second buffs and you would be lucky to get the toggle or 3 minute buffs.

Preparation is still infinitely better than some others, just a shame that Hurricane didn't get Reinforce.

Reply November 2, 2012 - edited