

Elementary or Ms Or Hs?

What did you like the most?
To me I liked elementary but we weren't old enough to do the things we are doing now as in high school And middle school was a bunch of immature, jerks 7th and 8th graders who think they are cool.
So what did you like the most?

July 31, 2014

21 Comments • Newest first


I liked high school the best. There was more freedom, more classes, more opportunities to get involved with school events, and I really enjoyed Chemistry and Biology since they had quite a bit of real-life application.

Reply July 31, 2014

Loved Elementary school because it was easy as heck, I actually skipped a grade. Hated Middle school because 7th and 8th grade were riddled with immature guys and bullies. High school was pretty boring, but the girls were amazing, so that kind of evened it out lol.

Reply July 31, 2014

High school. I had some major behavioral problems up until I was about 13, and I was bullied because of it; once I reached high school, those problems faded away fast. Then again, my grades also started to dip by that point...

Reply July 31, 2014

Probably high school. I stopped being overly shy and found a couple group of friends who are awesome. The workload was a bit intense, especially 11th and 12th grade with AP classes/exams and worrying about college, but it was an overall nice experience. A lot of people were so excited to leave high school but I might actually miss it.

Hated middle and don't really remember much of elementary. Intermediate school (5th and 6th grade) was a ton of fun though.

Reply July 31, 2014

Well I enjoyed grade 9 quite a bit, mostly because it was a Primary - 9 school. I went there all 10 years, so by the time grade 9 comes around, you knew all ~50 people in the graduating class really well (especially the other people who were there 10 years). Once you're grade 9, you feel like you run the school.

Out of elementary, middle and high school, I'd say I liked high school the best. I knew some people from another junior high, and we had started hanging out a lot outside of school. Summer before high school we hung out like every day. Essentially I had a new group of friends who I really got along with for all of high school. I'm still friends with most because they are awesome people.

Reply July 31, 2014

Middle school, for sure.
It was a tiny private school where everyone knew each other. The drama that happened there is absolutely pathetic compared to the public HS I'm going to now.
Awesome memories.

Reply July 31, 2014

elementary was boring for me, i didn't do much because, well, i didn't have the intellectual capacity to
middle school was bs, who even thinks about middle school
high school was.. an experience.

i'd choose high school out of the three

Reply July 31, 2014

[quote=Msstopposting]idr any of those


i remember when i was 6. i was injecting 3 whole marijuanas daily. rough times

Reply July 31, 2014

Can I choose college

Reply July 31, 2014

Met one of my best friends in Elementary School. He was a new kid from Korea and didn't know any english. One day I saw him reading a Maplestory strategy guide and I approached him. We became friends and just looked at that book on the blacktop nearly everyday. We would just sit and point at the pictures of things like wolbi/mokbi throwing stars and be like "I have!" Elementary school was a great time for me to be honest.

Middle school I was somehow part of what you would call the "Cool crowd". My friends from elementary school were not a part of this so we became somewhat distanced there, I still talked to them whenever I could but I honestly didn't have any classes with them and I sat at the cool kids lunch table every year. I guess I was punished for that because I went to a pool party once and some kid got pushed into the pool and his head hit my mouth and my two front teeth broke off. Middle school was definitely a learning experience for me and I realized how much I missed my real friends, the ones from elementary school.

High school was a good time. I started hanging out with my friends from elementary school again and we just had a blast all four years. We were on and off for Maplestory, played basketball all the time, went on trips together and made some awesome memories. I still hang out with these guys today and we're actually going to Atlantic City in two weeks.

All in all I'd say High School was my favorite. Can't really decide between the other two, they were both pretty cool.

Reply July 31, 2014

i liked elementary because i was still naive and did whatever i wanted and thought the world was good and everyone was great.

Reply July 31, 2014

Elementary was full of bs like incompetent teachers who taught wrong grammar. Middle was full of annoying prepubescent kids who think they're badasses. High school is basically a combination of elementary and middle school.

Reply July 31, 2014

I can only remember high school clearly.

Reply July 31, 2014

They all pale in comparison with university. If I had to choose I guess elementary.

Reply July 31, 2014

I thought middle school was fun. Everybody hit puberty and became all serious and formed cliques in HS.

Reply July 31, 2014

Elementary school. I was autistic during middle school, snapped out of it during high school and went through it being a loner.

Reply July 31, 2014

I always say that 5th or 7th grade was the best. In fifth grade, I had three other really close friends at first and I have never laughed so much in a school year in my life...except maybe junior year. But junior year was the worst grade wise and stress wise so idk if I can say it was my favorite. Socially it was my favorite, cause I started talking to girls a lot and being able to talk to anyone.

Reply July 31, 2014

elementary because middle school and high school were the worst years of my life

Reply July 31, 2014

Loved elementary
Hated middle school
Indifferent about high school

Reply July 31, 2014

i liked high school best because i lived in the same late state as a kid filled with mostly
people i hated. i moved it when i was going to hs, and my high school experience was
incredible compared to most people i know cuz i didn't go to a public school

Reply July 31, 2014