

Best feelings in the world?

Just took the greatest dump in the world, 3 logs of nutritious bioharzardous waste has been deposited into my porcelain throne. Then I took a nice warm shower to rejuvenate. Feels good man. Thought I had a need to share this with you all because this is the age of sharing and social networking. We're in this together. United we stand. Divided we fall.
Shoutout to @streetfights for supporting me in this glorious moment.

What's your favorite feeling? Please share share share! (inb4 m8ting, we all know thats #1)

November 3, 2015

16 Comments • Newest first


@msthief: I like tea & coffee not for the caffeine
.. TEA THAWS MY FROZEN HEART YAAaaAaassss n_______n

Reply November 7, 2015

wallowing in lush music with eyes wide shut, visualizing scenes that accompany each song
listening to the roar and lull of the ocean while sitting alone at an empty beach, gazing upon rolling waves
feeling small and infinitely far away when looking up at the night sky on a clear, quiet night
making deep, visceral connections with someone
coming home to an ecstatic old dog
driving on the freeway late at night when there are no other cars around
getting to know myself better through conscious introspection

Reply November 4, 2015 - edited

That feeling of just being lost in one's thoughts and personal world; letting my thoughts flow with hundreds, sometimes thousands of different conceivable approaches to whatever the project is for the day, as well as observing the finished product at the end of the session in front of me, whether it be on the monitor or on my white board.

Then the worst feeling would come when someone interrupts me when I'm in that zone. I f!@#ing hate that.

Reply November 4, 2015 - edited

When you have nothing on the next day and you can relax at home the whole day.

When you can sleep in.

When you finally beat a better player than you in badminton.

When you go out with your crush.

When you pass an exam in which you put in a lot of effort studying for. (Unrealistic)

Reply November 4, 2015 - edited

[comment deleted]

Reply November 4, 2015 - edited

@xfaceiess: I'm not trying to diminish what you're saying about tea because I used to love tea as well. However, as someone who has developed a caffeine addiction tea just doesn't do it anymore, it can't be compared to the euphoric sensation that a person experiences when they drink coffee in the morning.

Reply November 4, 2015 - edited

1. When you're drinking coffee or some type of milkshake.
2. When you have no homework or exams and can peacefully read novels, watch TV/anime, play League with friends, and play sports.
3. When you beat your friend at basketball (this is specific to me because my friend plays for a college basketball team and is very good).
4. When you successfully block a penalty kick for your soccer team.
5. When you wake up to find out it's snowing and you have no class so you can relax all day.
6. When you're on a roller coaster and your stomach is tingling.
7. When you're eating the best burger you've ever tasted.
8. When you get your paycheck.
9. When you break your high-score in any game.
10. When you buy something expensive for half the price.
Bonus 11. When you get kicked out of Karate Class because you're 'too good'.


Reply November 3, 2015 - edited


Reply November 3, 2015 - edited

when someone pee's in your butt on a cold winter night

Reply November 3, 2015 - edited

When you just ordered something you really want and you're waiting for it to arrive.

Reply November 3, 2015 - edited

spelling the word iridocycltis

Reply November 3, 2015 - edited

money in my pocket

Reply November 3, 2015 - edited

when u superman that ho

Reply November 3, 2015 - edited

when no exams

Reply November 3, 2015 - edited

i love itchy balls

Reply November 3, 2015 - edited

1) drinking tea. TEA IS LIFE, TEA IS BLOOD. TEAAaaAaaAaaAAaaaaAaaaAAaaaa.
Oh. I especially love drinking tea in the early early morning. Like 5/6am. *_____*. And before bedtime. &quiet

2) Being on a boat deck ship thingie super early in the morning or late at night. I love how windy it gets and stuff y'know? And all them pretty city lights.. c:

3) A hot shower/bath during the winter and like. when you can feel your muscles relaxing and stuff c:
.. also preferably early in the morning or late at night.

4) Sometimes I really end up liking it when my face is frozen and i'm superduper cold and like walking somewhere. It's kinda refreshing, y'know? ^___^

yaaaaaaaaassssss... *_____* ouuiiiiii~

@piana -smacks-.

Reply November 3, 2015 - edited