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Advice on dating a girl unsure about her sexuality So I have been hanging out and spending a lot of time with a girl and we have gotton very close. We have very good chemistry and everything and also share a lot of common interests. I feel we are very compatible. She hasn't really experienced things like holding hands and kissing until she has met me however, I have recently found out that she has been very confused about her sexuality for quite awhile. She is generally more physically attracted to women than men; however, she is still attracted to men just does not happen as frequently. On a scale of 1-10 she is a 6 on how much she is attracted to me. She wishes to still continue dating or hanging out or whatever, but is still unsure about

General Chat

Keeping Busy and dealing with break ups Me and my girlfriend who I thought was the one recently broke up. Lately, I have been going to the gym hard once again but outside of the gym, it's just very difficult to think about the situation. I have a very strong mindset but the fact this came very unexpected really hit me very hard. Outside of the gym, I play league of legends but it is very difficult to just do that the whole day. Hanging out with friends is difficult but I manage to use 2 out of 7 days a week to hangout with them. I try talking to people to old and new friends also but it just doesnt make me feel better. What do you guys do to deal with this?

General Chat

should I keep going with this relationship? So me and my gf have been dating for about 1.3 years now. We have been arguing literally every other day about stupid stuff for the last 3month; but we are now at a point where we went like 4 days without arguing. Most the time, I just can't see myself with her because of what she wants to do in life, her values, and her maturity (I just turned 20 she turned 18 2month ago). I tell myself that she is still young; however I have doubts sometimes because I feel I should be meeting other people who are more mature. It just feels like a gamble going on with this crap cause it might just not work in the end. We like each other a lot no doubt about that but I'm just to a point where I am pessimistic. I'm

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