

What happened to motivational job videos?

I remember how back in the day there was plenty of people making maple videos that motivate you to play a certain class like and others who do reviews, tutorials and stuff like that. Anyways, I was wondering if there's any recent shad videos out there? Or any Shad main that got a youtube channel? The only active thief channels I know are ToyDualer and Mazz (Nitoken).

July 31, 2014

31 Comments • Newest first


here's your motivation, lowest range magnus solo, ever. go do that

Reply August 12, 2014

There is no use for videos showcasing classes, when every class in the game essentially got revamped to the point where 80% of classes in the game all get FJ, generic mobbing move, and something 1v1 move.
There is nothing to show except the pretty little animations for each class; other than that it's just stand there and hold button and than move if the boss moves.

Obviously this is an over-generalization of the game, but it's practically what this game has become.

Reply August 2, 2014

@Plenair: I'm guessing you've never tried doing cpierre or cvellum

Reply August 2, 2014

i feel like all classes that have super long ranges kill any from of "skill in the game"

the game should have a close range mob skill as the mobber, a long ranger super skill with long cd (maybe 3 mins) and a dedicated 1v1 for bosses

i know that sounds hypocritical as a lumi but its how i feel + lumi is to much fun

Reply August 1, 2014

Honestly, you could make those videos somewhat come back with certain classes. For example, Zero, Thunder Breaker, Shadower, Hayato, Dual Blade, maybe Buccaneer? The only thing that made those videos motivational was the amount of control and variety players had with them (aka. skill). Now it's all about spamming the strongest attack. So if someone decided to utilize most of their skills with good control, add some effects and BAM! there's your motivational video.

Reply August 1, 2014

This reminds me so much about being in the top 25 Tier of Pirates back in the day when I hosted Scania's first all pirate Zakum run. It was so fun having to actually combo my attacks together for the invincibility frames. I've log since had to quit my Buccaneer due to changes but I do miss it. It was hell grinding to 120 with limited skills, now it's all easy peasy. Being top tier Pirate back in the day was way more fun than being Rank 2 Dawn Warrior now... The memories, the feels... RIP

Reply August 1, 2014

I took a video of my low-funded Zero killing normal gollux last night with epic music, but then Nexon decided to make me crash once i reached the eyes.. x_x

Reply August 1, 2014

Very old video. But the person here became one of the 1st magicians in Windia to reach level 200.
I watch it every time I even think about quitting my Bishop

Reply August 1, 2014 - edited

Hayato is probably the closest thing we will get to a technical class due to the combo linking system and playstyle... unless you like spamming Rai Sanrenzan until your button gets stuck

Reply August 1, 2014 - edited


Easily the best shad. video maker ever~[/quote]

oh my god the feels

Reply July 31, 2014 - edited

@UAPaladin: Or, as it was before those NX items, once you die, you're out. Either way, the pressure was much greater in that regard, especially considering how low everyone's HP naturally was. They're trying to compensate by putting in 100% hp attacks and then lessening the pressure with death counts. It even prevented bringing in mules unless you had those wheels of destiny, an equal trade I think.

Reply July 31, 2014 - edited

[quote=LitheMovement]@UAPaladin: And then they hit you with death counts so now you have leeway. Mmm, difficult for them too, [i]I guess[/i]. Either way, there really is no need for motivational job videos anymore.[/quote]

Death counts are actually better than what they had previously. Previously, people would spend nx to buy wheel of destiny's so they could respawn after they die for every boss that came before empress. This actually gets rid of one of the nx-needed aspects of bossing, which does make the game better

@SlipperySlime: I totally agree with you in that regard then, but my main reason for bringing up bossing was because it does require character play style skill. For example, for a phantom at cpierre, using penombre moves you perfectly between the hats, you need to know when to use shroud walk or penombre to tele away, time when to use your skills so you won't accidentally hit the wrong color Pierre, (mainly applicable once frozen orb gets fixed, but) know how to jump cast blaster and apply it correctly, and know when to switch between skills. Also, I wouldn't know personally about this, but my friends who play FP mages say that they also require a lot of skill to properly boss with.

Reply July 31, 2014 - edited

Ah yes I remember I used to look for those videos in order to pick a class
They were really fun to watch
I guess I'll try making my own ? I try making youtube videos and I follow other you tubers but I don't see many of those edited videos anymore
I'd love to see them or make my own
If you guys want to sub to me "youtube / thacookey "
I'd appreciate it
I like ToyDualer but he doesn't make the kind of videos I think you're taking about (?)
There used to be many more videos back in the day ;;(

Reply July 31, 2014 - edited

@UAPaladin: And then they hit you with death counts so now you have leeway. Mmm, difficult for them too, [i]I guess[/i]. Either way, there really is no need for motivational job videos anymore.

Reply July 31, 2014 - edited

i wish nexon would bring supreme world to GMS, this way everyone would have almost equal equips and you would have to put the effort to dodge monsters attack.

Reply July 31, 2014 - edited

@LitheMovement: I guess that's nexon's motivation for us to spend more money (totally not saying that it's right though). I do bring a lot of weaker people with me on my boss runs though

Reply July 31, 2014 - edited

[quote=UAPaladin]@SlipperySlime: the bossing that exists now still requires more skill than any of that did. Watch some cvellum videos or cpierre and such[/quote]

So basically, only content that very few people can actually access and enjoy require skill. At that point, what's the point of requiring skill?

Reply July 31, 2014 - edited

@SlipperySlime: the bossing that exists now still requires more skill than any of that did. Watch some cvellum videos or cpierre and such

@Lecarde: I totally agree with the double jump thing, I find I totally stupid too that every class has one. Though, it's really only for training and the minor bosses where you can just stand and spam one skill. I'm guessing that you've never tried one of the end game bosses though. They do require some serious skill to do. I have enough damage (and now that in practiced enough, I can do this) to solo bosses like cpierre and cqueen in less than 10 minutes, though it took me over 5 attempts until I could solo cpierre. If you just stand in one spot and spam one skill, you're utterly screwed at the tougher bosses

Reply July 31, 2014 - edited

@UAPaladin: like @SlipperSlime: said the game used to take skill in handling your character. Now it takes none. Even if you switch to a brand new class every class now has pretty much the same skills just reskinned so its basically the same. Every class gets several mobbing moves now. Every class gets a speed boost and a double jump now. That and the maps required skill to hunt effectively. It wasn't all flat with wide ledges. The ledges were narrow, with a lot of them having slopes somewhere (at least on victoria) so you couldn't stand in one place and spam a skill to hunt. You had to figure out how to move your character around the mobs to get to a good spot to kill a few without being knocked off. That again was a demonstration of skill on handling your character. You don't find that in the new maps. Players just stand still spamming an attack, or jump over the mobs with their double jump.

Reply July 31, 2014 - edited

[quote=SlipperySlime]It never took "skill".. but it took knowledge of how to play the character. They dumbed down all the characters and made them super simple.

Few examples:
Ranged classes needed to have space between them and the monsters, otherwise they'd punch/swing at the monster.
Dark Knights needed to balance their hp at a certain % mark to trigger berserk.
Corsair needed to know when to get on and off boat to dodge monsters attacks (Once boat broke they had to wait a cooldown for it to be available again)
Buccaneers used to be able to use combos and gain invincibility frame if done right.

I am sure there are many other examples that I am not thinking of, but Nexon changed all of the skills/classes referenced above and made them super simple to play. So yes, maple did used to take more "skill".[/quote]

Definitely, DEFINITELY agree with your point on buccs. I couldn't help but rofl when I was able to kill bosses with "SO" much more control than people with more damage than me, yet couldn't even use their character properly.... Yet, they were the first ones to mock my range! CSB + Barrage combo was like, all about timing and skill to "pin" bosses effectively, and hold them down.

Reply July 31, 2014 - edited

[quote=Lecarde]There is nothing to motivate anymore. All that seems to matter to the community now is how much damage you can do, not your skill. And damage comes down to getting tyrants and CRA. Think about how many people post every single day on Basil asking which class can do the most damage for however much funding they have. As a community people seem to not care about a class being fun anymore so there is no need to motivate. Not to mention that theres is little motivation in seeing all capped damage on bosses. Those videos just show how much money/time someone dumped into a game. We won't get the types of videos you remember ever again[/quote]

When did skill apply previously in maplestory where it doesn't now? If anything, maple requires more skill now, like at Magnus or any of the CRA bosses. Old maplestory never had any bosses that required much skill at all to kill. Sure, the bosses used to take a lot longer to kill, but that time was spent pretty much just holding down one key and using pots when necessary

Reply July 31, 2014 - edited

[url=]This Unagiblind chap seems to be half decent if I do say so myself[/url]
His new videos show a mastery of Sony Vegas, using editing techniques never seen before in the 2008-2010 era as well as maintaining fresh social satire.
However, if you want a more 2008-2010ish style of editing work, you should definitely check out
[url=]His hypnotize video (pre-Justice deleted skill)[/url]
[url=]And "Unagiblind is back!"[/url]
Every time he uploads a video I get goosebumps in anticipation.

Reply July 31, 2014 - edited

@ho2show: I know I remember years back. I was taking a break from maple (preBB) but I knew I wanted to continue my rogue when I came back and make a NL. I found a video of a hermit killing master death teddies and flash jumping around the map to avoid their attacks. He had figured out exactly how far away to stand (it was on the edge of the range of avenger) to not get hit and even figured out that the projectile they throw at you isn't what causes damage, but its the trail that follows it that hurts you. It was the coolest thing I had ever seen. But we will never get another player like that in Maplestory because you just don't need that kind of skill anymore. He wasn't bossing or doing anything super hard but it was crazy awesome how he was training.

One thing Nexon could do to start to bring skill back to the game (and hence motivational videos) would be to get rid of bonus pots. Compensate people somehow if you must IDK and IDC but get rid of them. They are way too powerful, and they are a huge factor in the gap between funded and unfunded so its killing 2 birds with one stone. This would only be a start though. Ultimately they would need to reduce the set effect and stats of tyrants, CRA, and superior gollux (that or increase the level requirement by 30 at least to better reflect how powerful the gear is), and nerf bosses appropriately. People shouldn't be hitting cap damage with gear that is 100 levels lower than max level. People should only be hitting cap damage with gear that is level 210 or over. That's just basic game theory, only the very best players should ever hit cap damage, not anyone who can spend enough money. Get rid of decent skill nebullites so people would need to form parties again (again with some sort of compensation I'm sure, not that most players who have these nebullites need it), reduce the number of 100% hp attacks from bosses but potentially buff their ATT, nerf the max HP (excluding demon avenger) and MP. And the last thing they would need to do is make scalable bosses that scale to the amount and rank of potential you have on your equipment. Skill comes only when it is needed, and removing these aspects from the game will greatly increase the amount of skill needed, for bossing and just grinding.

Reply July 31, 2014 - edited

Easily the best shad. video maker ever~

Reply July 31, 2014 - edited

Any maplestory video that includes insane damage makes u feel like u wanna quit .. P2W

Reply July 31, 2014 - edited

It has come to my attention that you're looking for motivational videos, there are good old motivational videos. The "up to date" videos are pretty much jobs bossing with funds that only you can achieve them by buying them through illegal methods or endless hours of merching for months.

Although it is nice that you're looking for these kind of videos, since not many people now days, tend to record their character walking around showing off its skills. I hope you find the right channel(s) to motivate you to continue with your journey.

Reply July 31, 2014 - edited

[quote=Lecarde]There is nothing to motivate anymore. All that seems to matter to the community now is how much damage you can do, not your skill. And damage comes down to getting tyrants and CRA. Think about how many people post every single day on Basil asking which class can do the most damage for however much funding they have. As a community people seem to not care about a class being fun anymore so there is no need to motivate. Not to mention that theres is little motivation in seeing all capped damage on bosses. Those videos just show how much money/time someone dumped into a game. We won't get the types of videos you remember ever again[/quote]
That was an alarmingly accurate description of the status quo
Also considering classes get revamped every other week, it'd be frustrating to make a montage for a class just to have them revamped a few weeks later.

Reply July 31, 2014 - edited

There is nothing to motivate anymore. All that seems to matter to the community now is how much damage you can do, not your skill. And damage comes down to getting tyrants and CRA. Think about how many people post every single day on Basil asking which class can do the most damage for however much funding they have. As a community people seem to not care about a class being fun anymore so there is no need to motivate. Not to mention that theres is little motivation in seeing all capped damage on bosses. Those videos just show how much money/time someone dumped into a game. We won't get the types of videos you remember ever again

Reply July 31, 2014 - edited

[quote=wingless666]I remember some motivational videos, that may be in my favorite

[url=]yea found some[/url][/quote]

Ahh yes the days of when that +5 w.att could really make or break a weapon...

Reply July 31, 2014 - edited
OhMahGun , not really active though. , his recent videos include a godly shadower from kms.

Reply July 31, 2014 - edited

I remember some motivational videos, that may be in my favorite

[url=]yea found some[/url]

Reply July 31, 2014 - edited