

Question to Europeans

So lately I've been noticing lots of complains from Europeans regarding immigrants. For those of you unaware, europe is filling up with immigrants to the point that they may overwhelm the population of european natives, hence the major complains to stop those immigrants. For starter, I completely understand why eurpeans complain about immigrants and how they are changing their culture, in fact I would've complained myself if I saw that many immigrants flowing into my home. However, how could eurpeans complain if their countries promote diversity and encourage immigrants to come to europe? I may sound ignorant when I say this, but as someone who grew up hearing about europe "great" system of liberty and how the common men & women of the country contribute to the decision making, why can't they simply make petition to stop immigrants?

I really hope that europe manage to keep its own identity/culture, but I don't think it is happening anytime soon considering that many europeans prefer to limit their complains to anonymous comments on the web.

August 5, 2014

16 Comments • Newest first


@Singuy: rofl. no law here that says you have to speak english. i love it how people act like they own the country when everyone is practically an immigrant, or descendant of immigrants.

Reply August 6, 2014

[quote=iDrinkOJ]just cuz you move to foreign country doesn't mean you have learn the culture or assimilate into their society. people should be able to retain their own language, culture, whatever. it's disturbing that some native people believe that immigrants actually HAVE to do everything like them. what if i don't want to learn your english[/quote]

The law in most first world countries require that you learn the official language before having any chance to live in it, there are many legal and economic reasons for this. If you want to refuse to obey the laws of the host country, then you can leave.

Reply August 6, 2014

just cuz you move to foreign country doesn't mean you have learn the culture or assimilate into their society. people should be able to retain their own language, culture, whatever. it's disturbing that some native people believe that immigrants actually HAVE to do everything like them. what if i don't want to learn your english, or watch the same shows that you watch, or like the same thing you do. it really doesn't matter, as long as you pay your taxes to the government nobody gives a damn. why do you think government offers VISAs to people with degrees, entrepreneurs, or people that can start a million dollar businesses, because they can create jobs that drive the economy and as a result more money for the government not because they are willing to eat cheeseburgers and fries, have promiscuous sex, speak english or watch Parks and Recreation, Game of Thrones, or How I Met Your Mother.

Reply August 5, 2014 - edited

I didn't know this. On social internet sites such as 9gag, Europeans always complain about how Americans are complaining about immigrants. But if the Europeans complain too...well, that's a bit hypocritical, don't ya think?

Reply August 5, 2014 - edited

[quote=djhfreak]@Ecliptic: The reason why OP and I (and some other people) don't support continuous immigration is because the countries that are suffering from it are losing their well-known identity. If continuous immigration keeps occurring, Sweden and several other countries will be flooded with foreigners who apparently can't adapt to the country's culture. You can find this in riots throughout northern Europe, such as the Stockholm riots.[/quote]

This. Not only it is dangerous to lose your country idenity, but it might cause civil war if the problem reaches certain point. Natives will demand immigrants to leave, and immigrants will refuse to because they got nowhere else to go and would rather die trying than going back.

Reply August 5, 2014 - edited

@Ecliptic: The reason why OP and I (and some other people) don't support continuous immigration is because the countries that are suffering from it are losing their well-known identity. If continuous immigration keeps occurring, Sweden and several other countries will be flooded with foreigners who apparently can't adapt to the country's culture. You can find this in riots throughout northern Europe, such as the Stockholm riots.

Reply August 5, 2014 - edited

[quote=djhfreak]I'm sorry, but that's just a false and jackass statement.[/quote]
Care to explain?

Reply August 5, 2014 - edited

[quote=Ecliptic]The guy on the first page said it, if you don't support immigration you are automatically a nazi.[/quote]

I'm sorry, but that's just a false and jackass statement.

Reply August 5, 2014 - edited

The guy on the first page said it, if you don't support immigration you are automatically a nazi.

Reply August 5, 2014 - edited

@Gyumaru: USA is different from europe. USA culture is being multi-culture. It seems like europe are trying to do the melting pot theory, but in the same time don't want their culture to be melted or to be less than a main component.

Reply August 5, 2014 - edited

as far as i know, nobody really wants diversity. it's forced on us and as i said in the previous line, you can't really speak up without killing your social status.

i've met many younger immigrants who fled from places like afghanistan and syria, and most of them refuse to even learn to speak swedish and they just mooch money. basically, burdens

i'm fine with immigrants, but in 2013 there were 116k new immigrants in sweden, which is just too much too fast.

this isn't the peoples fault, it's the governments fault. if this keeps going on i'll probably leave this country because it's probably not going to get any better that way.[/quote]

I totally agree. The government should do something to deal with these immigrants in order for Sweden's true identity to stay alive.

Reply August 5, 2014 - edited

Immigration is suppose to fill in job vacancies to keep the economy going, yet the only thing it brings is a heavy burden unto the population economically. Really what benefit is mass immigration giving, most immigrants refuse to integrate and they either mooch off the working class or take jobs from the native population, it's a lose lose situation and is detrimental to the survival of the native population in the long term (see: jamaica).

Reply August 5, 2014 - edited

yeah, i live in France, and like 70% of the population right there isn't french, but i don't really mind it, we are all humans after all so it's all good, but what makes me angry is as you state, there are some dudes who refuse to learn French, or they impose their proper beliefs into society, like burkah for example, you can't make a fuzz about it in France because it isn't in our traditions, so i think if all immigrants who come to europe decide to melt in the society by living by it own rules it would be great.
It ain't only in europe tho brah, look at USA, it's crazy full of Asians/Indians etc..

Reply August 5, 2014 - edited

Well Canada accepts 200k immigrants each year, but I think that's because in the future there will be labour shortages.

Reply August 5, 2014 - edited

I'm also swedish and I agree with his statement ^

Reply August 5, 2014 - edited

hate to say this but majority of basil is not really filled with european white people
so idk if you'll get the answer you want towards this

Reply August 5, 2014 - edited