

General Chat

Whats the most gruesome situation youve ever seen Irl? Well i visit my childhood friends house after he moved away to another neighbourhood(pretty ghetto),so the kid who died i didnt really know personally but it was a good friend of my friend.So they where bored and they(my friend and his other friends) decided to go ride their bikes to somewhere. At first i felt weird being the only white one in the group there and i was kinda afraid they went to vandalize a building or something but i decided to join them anyway.After about 30 minutes of riding we arrived at like a small bridge(steep) and most of us just walked over it but one of the boys decided they will just ride it on the sidewalk.What happened next i will never get out of my head fo

General Chat

Whats your weirdest/most messed up dream? Most of my messed up dreams are so confusing i always end up forgetting them. But there is this one that ALWAYS comes back when im sick.Basically its very blurry and alternates between two, the first one is something like being a family/aliens in space in a spaceship and me being one of them and it ends up with someone dying or me getting betrayed in the other one i am bitting/chewing on some styrofoam sponge carton texture while being sick in bed will the texture of that thing feels so weird and uncomfortable that i start crying in my dream and i wake up crying. :3 So whats the weirdest dreams you guys have ever had that you remember.. :p


Fond early maple memories? So i havent really played in 9months and i was planning to quit maple.But today while browsing youtube there it was....the first maplestory video i ever saw.It was a hermit named thangdinh going from level 9x to 10x.As soon as i saw it the nostalgia hit me again, it was both saddening and cheering it reminded me of the happiness this game used to bring me and that the memories are the only thing i have left of those days. :( Even if it doesnt bring me joy it used to bring, the memories keep bringing me back to the game.Here are some of my early maple memories. [b][/b]Broa2006-2009 Few of the things i remember is the zakum and horntail world selection screens.Getting lured by money into the golem pit and trying to

General Updates

Need some help with PIC error. So for the first time ever ive been having this problem that i cannot play my mech because whenever i enter the PIC it disconnects me, this has only been happening on my mech all other characters are fine. I tried to play my mech on 3 different comps but none seems to be able too So if anyone has suggestion or solution please let me know Sincerely jjg. thanks in advance. edit:found out on other thread its probably because the nx overall from red envelopes

General Buccaneer

What should i upgrade for my marauder? Hello fellow basilers i need some help , from what i seen with my other marauder friends i have ,i seem pretty below average, i currently have 5m in mesos but i am planning to upgrade later and i am wondering what would be most cost effective and best thing to upgrade when i get the mesos for it. King Cent:98 att 2 str 2dex enhanced twice 2 lined 3% atack 5 dex 0slots left Strawberry earring 3lined 3%str ,5 int , 36 avoid 5 slots left Dep star 3 slots left Witches deep purple belt 1 atack and 1 magic atack 3 slots left Black Duke barking shoes:6str 3lined 3%dex, 5luk ,5luk Scarlion hat:16str and 15 other stats 2lined 8str,4luk 10 slots left Work Gloves:10 atack 0 slots left Red bully duke:7 str 13 dex