


How often do you feel lonely in Maplestory now? Hi everyone, I have started playing MS since 2008. I slowed down in 2010 since I had to prepare for college, and eventually quit. I really missed the game so I started playing again this year, but I find myself so so soooo lonely in the game now. I used to just sit down in Henesys and chat with people and make really good friends with them. I would add them on my BL. We would say hi everytime we login and the guild actually stick together. We would call each other for zakum and party quiz. Now I can solo zakum without even trying, like he is just a green snail from victoria island... Even then, I was told that my attach is below average (like I care for the numbers anyway...). To be honest, I

General Gms

How to bypass Ip ban for Maplestory? Hi. I am in China to visit my grandparents, but it annoys me that I get IP banned from playing my GM account. I have heard that AOL desktop can help me bypass this IP block, and I registered a free account. But it just doesn't work. I still get banned and deactived. I can't access Youtube here, and it seems most turtorials are on Youtube. Can someone help me with instructions of how I should set up AOL desktop to make GM work for me? Thanks!


Weridest Scam ever So, today, i was selling tempest coin service in fm. and a guy called twistiro came to me and said he want a tempest crossbow for 34m, so I went to get it for him. but he declined my trade and told me that 'I just want you to lose coins!' and just logged off. Afterwards, he trade with another person selling coin service called 0oMagnum5 and asked for a tempest bow for 35m. Fortunately, I told that seller before hand that I got scammed by him, so the seller could avoid being scammed like me. The reason why I said it is the weridest scam ever is that normally ppls scam for meso, nx, equipment, or even fame, but what about him? he is not really gaining anything from scamming, well maybe mass defame and lots of angry people,

General Quests

maplestory azwan green message? everytime I finish with the fight for azwan, there is a green message from Jean Pierre: Psst! I got some new item in stock! come take a look! Oh, but if your honor level increased, why not wait until you get a circulator? If I do not get the message, I normally will get 4-5 circulator, but if the message shows up, I get none for finishing the pq. What is going on? how can I get more circulator from the pq? what does this green message mean? did I do something wrong? 0.0

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