

General Hero

Lets start a revolution All you hero's out there, we all know you want a revamp. My idea is to get acknowledged by nexon as a class needing revamp. How will we do this? Well we can make a difference if our NUMBERS count. In other words everyone make fourms on every maplestory website, send tickets, And get online chat. GMs would turn you down but fear not , that is our goal. Get acknowledged and let them notice us And soon step by step we will get closer to our goal. Many of you might say this is pointless and there are probably many other arguments arguing against This but know this where there is a pro there is a con. Let us stand for our name HERO and Fight for our throne back which Hero's had for years of mapling!


jus alil help I was on my way to school when this really hot chick told me she was having trouble with her phone, I helped her only to find maplestory mobile app "U play maplestory I said" "yes " she replied " but ur a girl I said, Astonished by my lack of knowledge for the world she said "fine if u don't believe me give me a p.c on this item Rex earrings 12% str , epic , bonus potential 1% str But sadly I did not know the answer to this. So basil help me out (Help me get laid pls) :p :~( <3

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