warner1112 avatar



General Battlemage

This Battle Mage Got Hacked Again Well i got hacked again and i basically lost everything. I also lost my Perfected Elemental Staff 7 so im stuck with a sucky Necro Staff. If anyone is in the Chaos World Alliance, i would like to ask if anyone has a Elemental Staff 5-8 for sale that is clean. Make sure you change your password often even though i changed mine like 3 weeks ago, i still got hacked. Scan your computer frequently. I might quit if Nexon cant get my staff back at least.

General Chat

Why do people think that Presidents have All the Power I dont understand why people are hating on Obama so much. He does not have all the power, the Legislative branch (Congress) has most of the power. Its called checks and balances. Do u know hard it is to be president? Anyone that thinks Obama is a bad president has no idea what is going on with the government. Why dont u try and be president instead of critisizing and complaining...All of this hate is unhealthy and shows how incompedent we are as people of our great nation. Please stop all this foolishness to all those that create it. Post your thoughts and explain in thorough details why u think Obama is president and please provide facts as in why he is supposively the worst president

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