

Thoughts controlling actions

Hey guys. So whenever I have a negative thought, I sometimes feel like the negative thought is going to effect me. Is there anyway to just think of the negative thought as just a thought that is meaningless. It's really bugging me and It sometimes prevents from doing fun things that I want to do. I know that thoughts are just thoughts and they can't control you but my mind thinks otherwise.

June 30, 2015

5 Comments • Newest first


It's a well known effect. Public speakers are taught to picture themselves giving a great talk in order to overcome their nervousness.

And I don't actually know what you can do about it. Take advice from other people in this thread, I guess. It doesn't happen to me very often.

Reply July 1, 2015 - edited

I don't know about anyone else, but when I have negative thought I just either beat it away at the sang bag, or pump some iron. Full on focus really takes away any negative feeling.
Sometimes all it takes is getting outta your head.

Reply June 30, 2015 - edited

@dorks has a good idea. Writing down the negative thoughts is a good way. You can also stuff your face in your pillow and yell the negative thoughts.

Reply June 30, 2015 - edited

my therpist always used to say that your mind is like a fishbowl. sometimes a certain fish can catch your attention and you can either fixate on it or focus on something else
you can write down that negative thought and throw it in a bin somewhere idk i sometimes get panic attacks in public thinking of negative things and i legit need to poo and the writing down thing doesn't work in the public setting

Reply June 30, 2015 - edited

[quote=Simroh1]I think that you are suffering from cognitive bias, which is making you believe in the negative thought too much. Firstly consider the negative thought, find the facts behind it, and consider the risks vs benefits. I wonder what fun things you are doing. Can you give an example of what happened?[/quote]
Whenever I do fun things like going out to eat, going to movies, playing video games, or playing sports, my negative thoughts keep me distracted from having fun and I usually get anxiety. It's like I am walking on egg shells most of the time. I am working on fixing it because I know that I can't control what happens to the world and the people. I just want to be care free.

Reply June 30, 2015 - edited